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The Reliance of the Public of Baghdad on News Broadcasts on Satellite Channels as a Source of Information
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The importance of news broadcasts in society has increased after the domination of television over the mass media, especially after emerging the satellite channels, and spreading the satellite dishes among the public at large.

As well as the great role played by the modern technology in the transmission of news and events happening at once. Such role has contributed, significantly, in changing the concept and values ​​of the news. The live broadcast of the events filmed is the news itself.

In the midst of the great transformations and circumstances that Iraq went through after 2003, which witnessed political and security instability, and the large increase in the number of media, especially satellite channels, in Iraq and in the world. These factors have contributed to increasing the area of ​​influence of television in the lives of Iraqis through newsletters that made influence of television as a phenomenon that occupies the attention of the public for what produces of news and information on events and phenomena.

The problem of the research is that there is some sort of ambiguity, weakness or lack of clarity in the reliance of the public in Baghdad on the news as sources of information.

In light of the huge increase in the number of satellite channels at all levels (Iraq, Arab, and international), and in light of the fierce competition among those channels in presenting news services and news programs, especially news broadcasts, satellite channels endeavored to achieve a scoop as events, issues and crises following up; and to assure that those events, issues and crises will be seen, daily, by the viewers; and to increase the hours of broadcasting those services and programs, around the clock. All those factors contributed greatly to increasing the interest of the public in those news broadcasts in order to understand the meaning of events. Exposure to news has become one of the communication habits of the public, which they, often, practice daily. The public, moreover, may depend on the events, circumstances and crises experienced by the world around them in order to understand the environment that surrounds them.

The research problem is summarized by the following question:

To what extent can the public in Baghdad rely on the news broadcasts of satellite channels as a source of information?

The importance of this study lies in the study's attempt to monitor the reality of the Iraqi public's reliance, especially the audience of the city of Baghdad, as it represents all spectrums of the Iraqi people, on news broadcasts provided by satellite channels in general. Exposing to the news broadcasts became of the of the public communication habits, and daily rituals practiced by individuals in order to achieve an understanding to what is happening around them about many events and issues covered. The significance of the study can be seen in creating an important and effective database, especially for the Iraqi researcher.

As for the academic and research importance, the results of the research will be a starting point for the researchers in this regard, especially the research of the same concern; and the researches that follow in the field of media as a source of information. As the media library in Iraq lacks to such researches with some exceptions.

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Publication Date
Sun Dec 02 2018
Journal Name
Journal Of The College Of Education For Women
The Role of Local Satellite Channels in the formation of knowledge and trends of the Iraqi Public Towards Terrorism: A Field Study
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Terrorism is a global phenomenon that engulfs most regions of the world to varying degrees. Media outlets are aware of the many incidents of violence and terrorism that have increased in recent times. The differences between the size of the phenomenon in different societies are the causes and severity of the phenomenon. On the role of local satellite channels in shaping the knowledge and trends of the Iraqi public towards the events of terrorism, in light of the assumptions of reliance on the media. The importance of this study is that it assesses the role of local satellite channels in the formation of knowledge and trends The study seeks to know the extent of exposure of the Iraqi public to local satellite channels, and to reveal the e

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Publication Date
Sat Mar 29 2025
Journal Name
Al–bahith Al–a'alami
the Mission of the Iraqi E-press in crystalizing Public Orientation of Baghdad Towards Local Political Issues.
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This dissertation explores the role of Iraqi E-press in crystallizing the orientations or directions of the public towards the local political issues like (demonstrations, parliamentarian elections, provincial elections, the public budget and its consequences, Iraq’s relations with neighboring countries, Iraqi HOR and its sessions, and the relation of the federal government with KRG). The dissertation’s main problem revolves around a central inquiry: what is the role of the Iraqi E-press in crystalizing the direction of the Iraqi public towards the local political issues?
The dissertation included a number of assumptions; the first assumes the relation of demographic variants (gender, age, social status, education, working status

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Publication Date
Thu Oct 07 2021
Journal Name
Rimak International Journal And Humanities And Social Sciences
children were exposed to animation on specialized satellite channels and verified gratifications
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Publication Date
Thu Dec 28 2023
Journal Name
Al–bahith Al–a'alami
News Processing of Corruption Issues in Iraq Satellite Channels
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The core idea of this study revolves around the news coverage by Iraqi satellite channels regarding corruption issues and their implications on the public's perception of the political process. The researcher designed a content analysis form encompassing both primary and sub-categories of news bulletins from the channels, Dijlah and Al-Itijah, spanning from 01/06/2021 to 31/08/2021, using a comprehensive enumeration method. The chosen timeframe preceded the parliamentary elections held in October 2021. Employing a descriptive-analytical approach coupled with observation, the researcher derived results that met the study's objectives. Among these findings, news items enhanced with video content topped the categorie

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Publication Date
Wed Jan 10 2018
Journal Name
Al–bahith Al–a'alami
Using of digital media and its effect on constructing the value system of Iraqi society (Field study on a sample of the audience for the city of Baghdad model)
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With the great development in the field of the Internet, the talk about the new media and its implications began, And its interactive services have made the future of media material sometimes participating in it and manufacturing it at other times,
the public is seeking information and choosing the appropriate ones, as well as exchanging messages with the sender after what the role of the receiver is just receiving information only.
This study aims to demonstrate the effects of using digital media in various forms and types to construct the value system of Iraqi society through the identification of the following aims:
Identify the most popular digital media for the Iraqi public in their daily lives on the Internet.

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Publication Date
Sat Mar 29 2025
Journal Name
Al–bahith Al–a'alami
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While providing important news information, News tickers ( also called sliders or crawlers ) have become one of the methods used daily by satellite channels, because it’s almost a continuous news coverage and as it seems, it has become today an addition to the news world. Hence, satellite channels need to look for a mechanism to build news tickers in order to develop them even though they are still today not recognisable and in need of being classified in a radio or television art, and that is not easy. This research sheds light on the construction of the slider of a news satellite channel, which is important according to our modest convictions, as it can be the beginning of a long scientific research in a new field of study. The probl

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Publication Date
Sun Jun 16 2019
Journal Name
Al–bahith Al–a'alami
The effectiveness of satellite channels in spreading the culture of volunteering among youth / applied study
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The study deals with the effectiveness of satellite channels in spreading the culture of volunteer work among young people. It is an applied study aimed at understanding the extent to which the sample understands the culture of volunteering, determining the type of relationship between the satellite channels programs and the perception of the sample of the culture of voluntary work and the relationship between the characteristics of the sample and the effect of satellite channels in their directions, And to identify the relationship between the demographic variables of the sample and to participate in voluntary work.
A sample study was conducted for students of faculties of the University of Baghdad, consisting of (150) single male an

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Publication Date
Sat Mar 29 2025
Journal Name
Al–bahith Al–a'alami
Framing an argument of Normalization with Israel on the websites of directed satellite channels Analytical study of the sites (Al-Alam, Al-Hurra) channels
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The aim of this paper is to study the frames of Argument of normalization with Israel on the websites of the satellite channels directed in the Arabic language (Al-Alam and Al-Hurra Iraq) channels by analyzing the mechanisms of framing an Argument, The way in which we frame an issue largely determines how that issue will be understood and acted upon، The research adopted the survey method applied to the sites of(Al-
Alam and Al-Hurra) channels, at the period 13 Aug. - 12 Nov. 2020, which included (855) news items, (633) for Al-Alam channel website, and (222) for Alhurra Iraq channel website.
The most important results are: The two channels dependence on the Argument Directed, Al-Alam channel focuses on Islamic and Arab attitudes,

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Publication Date
Sun Oct 21 2018
Journal Name
Al–bahith Al–a'alami
“Usages of the Youth in the Emirati Society for the Dubbed Turkish Series on the Arab Satellite Channels and the Satisfactions Achieved”
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The research topic is summarized in the importance of studying the measuring the extent of the university youth’s exposure in the Emirati Society to those series and the resulting achieved satisfaction. The most important results and recommendations of the study are as follows: a high rate of the respondents’, sample individuals, exposure to the dubbed Turkish series since it is evident that almost three-fourths of the study individuals watch the dubbed Turkish series,.”. The most significant positive aspects of the dubbed Turkish series are: “they focus on the most important tourist attractions in Turkey” and “ improving the audience›s knowledge and information on the traditions of the Turkish society”. The most apparent

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Publication Date
Mon Jan 01 2018
Journal Name
Al–bahith Al–a'alami
The Role of Iraqi TV Satellite Channels in Forming the Attitudes of University Students towards Terror-ism
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            The phenomenon of terrorism is one of the most serious challenges facing the world at present. So this concept has occupied a great deal of interest of researchers and scholars in the relevant disciplines. There is no doubt that the study of the concept of terrorism requires a study of its various aspects. However, this study will be limited to knowing the role of television channels in providing the public with information about terrorist events, the extent to which young people rely on these channels to shape their attitudes towards terrorism issues. This study also seeks the relationship between satellite television channels and terrorism based on the relevant media li

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