The research problem lies in the ambiguity of the usage of propaganda contents by two main media outlets (the Russian RT and American Alhurra) in their news coverage of the Syrian crisis through their websites and the methods used by them to convince users taking into account the mutual propaganda conflict between the United States and Russia in the war against Syria. The objectives of the research can be represented by the following: investigating the contents of American and Russian electronic propaganda towards Syrian crisis.
• Identifying the contents that received most of the coverage in the Syrian crisis by the two news outlets.
• Identifying the terms and phrases that have been most used by the websites of RT and Alhurra.
• Investigating the diversity in the use of explanatory and persuasive techniques such as info graphic by both websites.
The research can be classified under descriptive researches. The survey methodology has been adopted and the content analysis has been used. The research population consists of all the news reports that were published on RT and Alhurra websites on Syrian crisis from 11/ 01/ 2006 to 12/ 31/ 2006 according to the comprehensive sampling method. The number of the news reports that were analyzed was (466), (327) from RT website and (89) from Alhurrah. The research tools included (scientific observation), interview and (coding scheme). The most important results of the research are:
1. The Syrian president Bashar al-Asad: the Russian propaganda focused on supporting him, and to ensure that he remained in office, while US propaganda focused on removing him from power.
2. The characters of the presidents: the Russian propaganda focused on the character of the Russian president Vladimir Putin, while the American propaganda did not amplify the character of US president Barack Obama.
3. The style of repetition ranked first among the other Russian propaganda styles in support of its ally al-Asad in the battle of Aleppo, while the distortion style ranked first among the American propaganda styles to show a negative image of al-Asad and his allies.
4. The Russian propaganda described the Russian-Syrian operations as (liberation operations), while the American propaganda described it as (brutal murdering), (random bombing), (crimes against humanity), (war crimes), and (massacre).
5. Al-hurrah website has not used an infographic, while the RT website has published 3 info graphs that denote the Russian propaganda dependence on diversity in electronic journalism by following intimidation policy with the enemies to manifest the Russian military power during Aleppo battle.
המילה היא יחידה בסיסית ב שפה המתאפיינת בכך שיש לה משמעות ייחודית וביטוי פונטי )בשפה מדוברת (, גרפי
)בכתיבה( או מרחבי )בשפת סימנים. ובעיקר המונח מילה מתייחס ל שפות טבעיות או לשפות מתוכננות , אבל הוא קיים
גם בשפות מלאכותיות כגון שפות תכנות או שפות לוגיקה . בית היא מהמילות שראינו צריך לחקור אותה מתוך
משמצאנו בה מתפקידים גדולים בפעולה חשובה בתולדות הלשון עהברית שהיא התחדיש, פעולה זו שנכנסה לעברית אחרי
تحليل الأخطاء الصوتية في بعض كتب اللغة الروسية الدراسية
Arab and Muslim scholars have made influential contributions to the development of mathematics by providing it with many achievements and inventions. This research presents the most important of these achievements and assistance in mathematics during the period of the Islamic Renaissance for different Arab and Muslim Scholars. One of the clearest and most prominent examples of these achievements is the establishment of the science of algebra and the discovery of zero and added to the numbers by the Muslim Scholar of Al-Khwarizmi, which facilitated the solution of many arithmetic problems and issues to this day.
إدارة المخاطر في الوحدات الإقتصادية الصناعية بإستعمال مخطط باريتو
دور المعالجة الادراكية في اختزال البنية التصميمية للعلامة التجارية
This study tested the impact of region and gender on adolescents 'stress perceptions and coping styles. A total sample of 650 adolescents (5 9.4% female) from 2 countries (Iraq - Algeria). Samples of n = 325 were drawn from each country completed questionnaires on stress and coping behaviors in four domains (school, parents, peer, and future). Results revealed that levels of perceived stressfulness of issues in different domains were universally similar among adolescents from the two countries. School-related stress received the highest rankings, Parent- , future-, peer-related stress, ranked (second, third, and fourth) respectively. Differences emerged with respect to coping style depending on region and gender. Coping sty
... Show MoreTürklerin İslam dini ve kültürünü benimsedikten sonra,Anadolu'da Arap ve özellikle Fars Edebiyatlarını örnek alarak oluşturdukları yazılı edebiyattır. Bu dönemin şairleri(ozanları) şiirlerini divan adı verilen kitaplarda topladıkları için söz konusu edebiyata da Divan Edebiyatı denilmiştir.Özellikle,medreseden yetişen aydın sanatçı ve yazarların saray ve çevresinde oluşturdukları bir edebiyat geleneği olduğu için, Havas(Yüksek Zümre) edebiyatı,Saray edebiyatı, Klasik Türk edebiyatı gibi adlarla da anılmaktadır.Divan edebiyatı sözünün 1900'den sonra ortaya çıktığı sanılmakta ve ilk defa kimin kullandığı bilinmemektedir.
After this tour with Alkhund Al-Khurasani and his book “Adequacy of Fundamentals,” we can highlight the results we have got through what we have reviewed in the research:
- Al-Akhund Al-Khurasani was born and raised in a scientific environment that gave him from his childhood the opportunity to gain knowledge of achievement. Therefore, he left to seek knowledge from the beginning of his youth and toured the cities, then he went to Tehran and then He went to the holy city of Najaf, then left for Samarra, then returned to Najaf in order to work on the scholars and the student.
- Al Akhund al-Khorasani studied on several scholars , whether in Iraq or in Geran, and he
مثل الوعي الطبقي اعلى مراحله لدى الفكر الماركسي المعاصر عند كل من روزا لوكسمبورغ وانطونيو غرامشي، ليس مجرد انعكاس للواقع وانما يكون بصورة جدلية من طريق انعكاس الوعي على الواقع وإعادة انتاجه فبعد ان كان الوعي هو نتاج تطور الواقع اصبح أداة في تطوير الواقع، أي تأثير البنى الفوقية في البنى التحتية (المادية التاريخية) وعدت ان الوعي الطبقي الثوري يتحقق بشكل عفوي، وبذور انطلاقة هي الاضرابات الجماهيرية، وأنكرت دور
... Show Moreمثل الوعي الطبقي اعلى مراحله لدى الفكر الماركسي الحديث عند كل من ماركس وانجلز ولينين ليس مجرد انعكاس للواقع وانما يكون بصورة جدلية من خلال انعكاس الوعي على الواقع واعادة انتاجه فبعد ان كان الوعي هو نتاج تطور الواقع اصبح اداة في تطوير الواقع، أي تأثير البنى الفوقية على البنى التحتية( المادية التاريخية) بعكس ما دعى اليه ماركس، اذ أعطى لينين للوعي دوراً كبيرا في التطور التاريخي، وعد الوعي الطبقي هو الاداة التي
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