The research problem lies in the ambiguity of the usage of propaganda contents by two main media outlets (the Russian RT and American Alhurra) in their news coverage of the Syrian crisis through their websites and the methods used by them to convince users taking into account the mutual propaganda conflict between the United States and Russia in the war against Syria. The objectives of the research can be represented by the following: investigating the contents of American and Russian electronic propaganda towards Syrian crisis.
• Identifying the contents that received most of the coverage in the Syrian crisis by the two news outlets.
• Identifying the terms and phrases that have been most used by the websites of RT and Alhurra.
• Investigating the diversity in the use of explanatory and persuasive techniques such as info graphic by both websites.
The research can be classified under descriptive researches. The survey methodology has been adopted and the content analysis has been used. The research population consists of all the news reports that were published on RT and Alhurra websites on Syrian crisis from 11/ 01/ 2006 to 12/ 31/ 2006 according to the comprehensive sampling method. The number of the news reports that were analyzed was (466), (327) from RT website and (89) from Alhurrah. The research tools included (scientific observation), interview and (coding scheme). The most important results of the research are:
1. The Syrian president Bashar al-Asad: the Russian propaganda focused on supporting him, and to ensure that he remained in office, while US propaganda focused on removing him from power.
2. The characters of the presidents: the Russian propaganda focused on the character of the Russian president Vladimir Putin, while the American propaganda did not amplify the character of US president Barack Obama.
3. The style of repetition ranked first among the other Russian propaganda styles in support of its ally al-Asad in the battle of Aleppo, while the distortion style ranked first among the American propaganda styles to show a negative image of al-Asad and his allies.
4. The Russian propaganda described the Russian-Syrian operations as (liberation operations), while the American propaganda described it as (brutal murdering), (random bombing), (crimes against humanity), (war crimes), and (massacre).
5. Al-hurrah website has not used an infographic, while the RT website has published 3 info graphs that denote the Russian propaganda dependence on diversity in electronic journalism by following intimidation policy with the enemies to manifest the Russian military power during Aleppo battle.
The Arabic language is one of the important magazines that issued in our contemporary history not only on the Iraqi level but according Arabic one as well because it considered
مشكلة البحث:
بين الحين والآخر تتصاعد الصيحات مطالبة بإصلاح النظام التعليمي لكي يتوافق هذا النظام مع ما يحدث في العالم من تطورات علمية وتكنولوجية تترك بصماتها على مختلف قطاعات الحياة .
ويعد المعلم وبلا شك ركنا أساسيا في هذا النظام ،وذلك لما للمعلم من تأثير أساسي في عملية التعليم والتعلم . ماذا يجدي إذا ما طورنا مناهجنا، واحسنا مباني مدارسنا، وأكثرنا من الوسائل والتقنيات ،ولم نوفر المع
... Show MoreAbstract
All the economic units whether productive or service units , strive to achieve specific objectives , their presence and continuity depend on them and the quality of the performance and service present to the society . This units to be able to achieve their objectives , must own basic assets to perform the activities , and apply laws , systems , and instructions , in addition to legal , managerial , and financial authorities . So this units to endeavor maintain this assets , in addition to sound application of laws ,systems . and procedures to enhance their performance . For this purpose arise the role of internal control and internal check in maintenance of assets and sound application of&n
... Show Moreتكمن مشكلة البحث بان المؤسسات عامةـ والتعليمية منها خاصةفي الوقت الحاضرتواجه ظروف بيئيةتفرض عليها حتمية التغيير ، وذلك بسبب التحولاتالتي تحدثفي عالمناالحالي سواءًكان على المستوىالمحلي أو العالمي أو على المستوىالمؤسسة نفسها مما يجعلمؤسساتنا التربويةبحاجةملحةلمواجهة هذا التغيير القادم وذلك من خلال معالجةالمشكلاتالتي قد تظهر بطرق مبتكرة وابداعية مغايرةللطرقالتقليدية ،وذلك من خلال تهيئة المناخ الت
... Show MoreResumen:
En este artículo se indaga sobre fenómenos como la metáfora, la metonimia, la polisemia, y la homonimia en las lenguas árabe y española, según la teoría cognitiva, basada en el pensamiento y la práctica lingüística. Esta teoría intenta investigar la relación entre el lenguaje humano, la mente y la experiencia. En realidad, los fenómenos que estudiaremos crean ambigüedad léxica y sintáctica tanto en árabe como en español. Además, dichos conceptos tienen sus propias características, especificaciones y formas en cada lengua.
This article studies phenomena such as metaphor, metonymy, polysemy, homonymy in Arabic and Spanish, according to cognitive theory, based on linguistic thought a
... Show MoreThe words in the Holy Qur’an are distinguished by the
accuracy of expression, their elegance, the lightness of their
performance, the harmony of their timbre, as well as the ease of
their pronunciation. We find the coarse words in which the
movement of sounds and the hesitation of the soul are mixed, as
it was distinguished by the abundance of its words indicating the
same meaning without a phenomenon that the reader or the
listener notices
خليفة بن خياط بن خليفة الشيباني ألليثي العصفري البصري، أبو عمرو، ويعرف بشَبَابه، الفقيه، المُحدَث، الأديب، المؤرخ، النسَابة، وهو سليل أسرةِ اشتهر أبناؤها بالعلم، وأنجبت عدداً من العلماء الأفاضل، الذين عرفوا في ميادين مختلفة، فالجد والأب والحفيد، علماء محدَثون، وبرزوا في علوم عدة ، كان متقناً وعالماً بأيام الناس.
ان تحقيق التطوير المطلوب في التعليم الجامعي يستلزم القيام ببحوث علمية تساعد في الوصول الى معادلات سليمة لأحداثه، وتجنب سلبيات التغيير غير المدروس وغير المخطط علميا ، والبحث الحالي هو محاولة في هذا الأتجاه، ويهتم بوضع خطوط عريضة تتضمن مجموعة الآراء والأفكار والتوجهات ذات الاهمية لتطوير دور التعليم العالي في تنمية العلم والتكنولوجيا، والتنمية البشرية ، أيضا في توجيه
... Show MoreThe emergence of e-marketing to make the world a small village does not comply with barriers, the place nor the time, which led to the transformation of marketing in various service sectors, regional and international general and the insurance sector, especially from traditional marketing to electronic marketing, bringing e-marketing of insurance services is the effective tool to achieve for growth, was able to jump to the overall marketing efforts to the contemporary trends in line with the current and its variables, and this significant acceleration in technological development has made insurance companies are racing to offer their insurance services on the latest applications of modern technology through multiple sites on the Internet
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