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News frames for the phenomenon of terrorism in international satellite channels directed in Arabic An analytical study of the main news bulletins in the Russian channel today 1/2/31/5/2018
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International satellite channels in Arabic are targeted to the region with their news bulletins and their innovative programs, attracting the interest of the Arab viewers in their news articles and programs with new ideas and methods as well as high technology in the production and synthesis of videos. Therefore, they work on framing the above, And the media policy that governs, so focused the problem of the study to try to answer the question of the President is how to frame the international satellite channels in Arabic to the phenomenon of terrorism? What are the aspects that are working to highlight and aspects that try to hide? The study adopted the survey methodology for the main news bulletins in the Russian channel today for the period from 1 / 2-31 / 5/2018. The sample was extracted in a random random way. The number of bulletins (33) ), Which has been analyzed and highlights the findings of the study is that the international satellite channels focus on criminalizing the perpetrators of terrorist acts and work to highlight these acts and expose methods as trying to identify terrorism and its support to the supporters

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Publication Date
Tue Jan 29 2019
Journal Name
Journal Of The College Of Education For Women
Islamic Clothing and the Modern Woman (Intellectual Study)
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In the name of Allah, the Beneficent, the Merciful.
Praise be to Allah, Lord of the Worlds and peace and blessings on the honest and trustworthy (Muhammad) and his family and his divine good companions.
The Islamic clothing is one of the requirements of the common and original innateness to humans; the innateness that is created by God to all people, Allah says, (So set thou thy face steadily and truly to the Faith: [establish] Allah's handiwork according to the pattern on which He has made mankind: no change [let there be] in the work [wrought] by Allah: that is the standard Religion: but most among mankind understand not) (1). Islam as a natural religion has ordered the Muslims to wear decently, Allah says, ( O Children of Adam!

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Publication Date
Sun Dec 01 2019
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
Diversity, Abundance, and Distribution of Cladocera at the end of the Tigris River North of Basrah – IRAQ
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Seasonal variations of the species composition and abundance of Cladocera were studied in two stations at the end of the Tigris River and one station at the confluence of the Tigris with Euphrates area, at the beginning of the Shatt Al-Arab River in Al-Qurnah North of Basrah Province, from October 2015 to August 2016. Samples of zooplankton were collected by plankton net 100-µm. mesh size. The population density of Cladocera ranged between 1 Ind /m³ during summer and 211 Ind./m³ during winter at station 1 (Al-Jewaber Bridge). A total of 16 species of Cladocera belonging to 12 genera were recorded in the study. The average density of Cladocera ranged from 23.2 ind./m3 at Station 2 (Hamayon Bridge) to 53.7 Ind./m3

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Publication Date
Wed May 18 2016
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Employ Computer Technology (Power Point( For Development of Technical Skills for Students of Education Technical Material in Colors: اخلاص هاشم عودة
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Resulted in scientific and technological developments to the emergence of changes in the educational process and methods of teaching modern formats commensurate with the level of mental retardation. Which called for educational institutions, including the University of Baghdad / College of Fine Arts to urge and guide researchers to study and follow-up of recent developments in the educational process in order to develop in the fine arts in general and technical education in particular being play an important role in achieving educational goals. The educational methods of modern educational require effort-intensive and advanced for the development of technical skills among students, and thus worked researcher to employ computer technology

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Publication Date
Mon Dec 31 2012
Journal Name
Al-khwarizmi Engineering Journal
Experimental Study on the Impact of External Geometrical Shape on Free and Forced Convection Time Dependent Average Heat Transfer Coefficient during Cooling Process
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In this research, an experimental study was conducted to high light the impact of the exterior shape of a cylindrical body on the forced and free convection heat transfer coefficients when the body is hold in the entrance of an air duct. The impact of changing the body location within the air duct and the air speed are also demonstrated. The cylinders were manufactured with circular, triangular and square sections of copper for its high thermal conductivity with appropriate dimensions, while maintaining the surface area of all shapes to be the same. Each cylinder was heated to a certain temperature and put inside the duct at certain locations. The temperature of the cylinder was then monitored. The heat transfer coefficient were then cal

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Publication Date
Mon Jun 01 2015
Journal Name
Journal Of The College Of Languages (jcl)
El porqué de la confusión entre el pretérito indefinido y el imperfecto en la lengua española para alumnos de Irak The reason of confusion between past perfect and imperfect in Spanish for Iraqi students
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Las diferencias entre el pretérito perfecto simple y el imperfecto son uno de los temas más complejos de la lengua española, no sólo para el estudiante, sino para el profesor, puesto que sistematizar los casos y hacerlos fácilmente comprensibles al alumno es tarea difícil. Los profesores de lengua, cuyas investigaciones han dado lugar a una serie de teorías y de corrientes metodológicas y didácticas que permiten enfocar la enseñanza de una lengua extranjera de manera muy distinta a como se hacía tradicionalmente. Vamos a repasar muy brevemente cuáles son estas teorías.

En primer lugar es necesario señalar en qué consiste el aprendizaje de una segunda lengua:

"El aprendizaje de una segunda lengua (L2) es el

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Publication Date
Tue Mar 11 2025
Journal Name
Journal Of Baghdad College Of Dentistry
Cone Beam Computed Tomography in an Evaluation and Diagnosis of Anatomical Variations and Pathological Lesions in Maxillary Sinus Prior to Maxillary Sinus Lift Surgery
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Abstract: Thorough assessment of the Maxillary,Sinus is very important. Recently 3-dimensional imagewith Cone Beam Computed Tomography (CBCT) is very dependable in Maxillary Sinus diagnosis. The aim of this study is to: shade light on the role of (CBCT) diagnosis of the maxillary sinus anatomical variation and pathological finding among smokers and nonsmokers prior to maxillary sinus lift techniques. Materials and Method: In this study 60 males with age ranged between 20-50 years old, referred for (CBCT) assessment of maxillary sinus in the Specialist Health Center of AL-Sadder city. The scanning were performed using Kodak 9500 (CBCT), the KV was 90, mA10 and scanning time 10 s. Voxel size 0.3mm with( DICOM ) software on a multiplaner re

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Publication Date
Tue Mar 11 2025
Journal Name
Journal Of Baghdad College Of Dentistry
Evaluation of salivary levels of Proteinaceous biomarkers Matrix Metalloproteinase (MMP-8) and C-Reactive Protein (CRP) in type 2 diabetic patients with periodontitis
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Background: Diabetes mellitus is a chronic metabolic disorder of the carbohydrate, protein and fat metabolism, resulting in increased blood glucose levels. Various complications of diabetes have been described with periodontitis being added as the sixth complication of diabetes mellitus. Matrix metalloproteinase-8 (MMP-8) has been identified as major tissue-destructive enzyme in periodontal disease. MMP-8 is released from neutrophils in a latent, inactive pro form and becomes activated during periodontal inflammation by independent and/or combined actions of host-derived inflammatory mediators .C-reactive protein is a systemic marker released during the acute phase of an inflammatory response. Subjects, materials and methods: Total samples

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Publication Date
Thu Oct 01 2015
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
the challenges of accounting measurement of intangible assets of create additional value for the company and ways to address them
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   This research seeks to shed light on what you add intangible assets of benefit to the company and this antagonize pause for consideration because it makes the company in a good competitive position stimulates the rest of the companies to acquire those assets.

   That many companies have achieved competitive advantages in the market do not even achieved monopolies increased the value and reaped extraordinary profits as a result of those assets which requires the need to be measured to determine the extent to which contribution in the emergence of the value added to the value of the company on the one hand and to make the presentatio

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Publication Date
Tue Dec 31 2013
Journal Name
Al-khwarizmi Engineering Journal
Numerical Analysis of Double Diffusive Laminar Natural Convection in a Right Angle Triangular Solar Collector
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A numerical study of the double-diffusive laminar natural convection in a right triangular solar collector has been investigated in present work. The base (absorber) and glass cover of the collector are isothermal and isoconcentration surfaces, while the vertical wall is considered adiabatic and impermeable. Both aiding and opposing buoyancy forces have been studied. Governing equations in vorticity-stream function form are discretized via finite-difference method and are solved numerically by iterative successive under relaxation (SUR) technique. Computer code for MATLAB software has been developed and written to solve mathematical model. Results in the form of streamlines, isotherms, isoconcentration, average Nusselt, and average Sherw

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Publication Date
Fri Dec 25 2009
Journal Name
Wireless Personal Communications
A N-Radon Based OFDM Trasceivers Design and Performance Simulation Over Different Channel Models
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In this paper a new method is proposed to perform the N-Radon orthogonal frequency division multiplexing (OFDM), which are equivalent to 4-quadrature amplitude modulation (QAM), 16-QAM, 64-QAM, 256-QAM, ... etc. in spectral efficiency. This non conventional method is proposed in order to reduce the constellation energy and increase spectral efficiency. The proposed method gives a significant improvement in Bit Error Rate performance, and keeps bandwidth efficiency and spectrum shape as good as conventional Fast Fourier Transform based OFDM. The new structure was tested and compared with conventional OFDM for Additive White Gaussian Noise, flat, and multi-path selective fading channels. Simulation tests were generated for different channels

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