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Academic Trends of Paper Press in Comparison with Internet Press A Field Study on Professors o College of Media at University of Baghdad
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This search seeks to know the trends of academics in the field of Press and audio, video and read press about paper press compared with continued development and widespread deployment of web journalism. This research belongs to descriptive studies which depends on sample survey approach adopted by five-meter design measuring trends. It contains 28 items having applied honesty and reliability transaction and the scale form is distributed to the sample studied of about 110 professors and then the researcher collects them and then applying the appropriate statistical program to get the results. This search seeks to know the trends of academics in the field of Press and audio, video and read press about paper press compared with continued development and widespread deployment of web journalism. This research belongs to descriptive studies which depends on sample survey approach adopted by five-meter design measuring trends. It contains 28 items having applied honesty and reliability transaction and the scale form is distributed to the sample studied of about 110 professors and then the researcher collects them and then applying the appropriate statistical program to get the results.    We reach to the following results: 1-The sample of professors have a positive trend towards online journalism. 2-Gender does not affect the trends of respondents and there are no clear differences depending on the university, specialization and certificate variables 3-There are statistical differences in trends of academics specializing in media towards online journalism for radio and T.V 4-Paper press no longer responsive and saturate to the needs of respondents. 5-All of the respondents do not prefer paper press due to lack of immediate, interactive and multimedia prosperity 

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Publication Date
Mon Jan 20 2020
Journal Name
Ibn Al-haitham Journal For Pure And Applied Sciences
The Continuous Classical Optimal Control Problems for Triple Elliptic Partial Differential Equations
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In this paper the Galerkin method is used to prove the existence and uniqueness theorem for the solution of the state vector of the triple linear elliptic partial differential equations for fixed continuous classical optimal control vector. Also, the existence theorem of a continuous classical optimal control vector related with the triple linear equations of elliptic types is proved. The existence of a unique solution for the triple adjoint equations related with the considered triple of the state equations is studied. The Fréchet derivative of the cost function is derived. Finally the theorem of necessary conditions for optimality of the considered problem is proved.

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Publication Date
Thu Dec 28 2017
Journal Name
Al-khwarizmi Engineering Journal
An Autocorrelative Approach for EMG Time-Frequency Analysis
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As they are the smallest functional parts of the muscle, motor units (MUs) are considered as the basic building blocks of the neuromuscular system. Monitoring MU recruitment, de-recruitment, and firing rate (by either invasive or surface techniques) leads to the understanding of motor control strategies and of their pathological alterations. EMG signal decomposition is the process of identification and classification of individual motor unit action potentials (MUAPs) in the interference pattern detected with either intramuscular or surface electrodes. Signal processing techniques were used in EMG signal decomposition to understand fundamental and physiological issues. Many techniques have been developed to decompose intramuscularly detec

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Publication Date
Wed Jan 01 2014
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Science
Calculate the Longitude and Orbital Motion for Amaletha, Europa, Ganymede and Callisto Satellites
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The orbital motion and longitude for some Jupiter's satellites (Amaletha, Europa, Ganymede and Callisto) were calculated from two different locations Iraq and Syria. A program was designed, the input parameters were the desired year, month, day and the longitude of the location, the output parameters results were applied in form of a file, and this file includes the longitude, orbital motion, and local time of these satellites. A specific date 1-10-2013 was taken, the results of longitude was (20-336) º and orbital motion was (92-331) º for both Iraq and Syria location with observing time (05:24:14-15:18:10) for Iraq and (04:56:33-14:50:30) for Syria. The difference in time between the two locations was constant (00:45:00), these results

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Publication Date
Tue Oct 20 2020
Journal Name
Ibn Al-haitham Journal For Pure And Applied Sciences
Approximaitly Quasi-primary Submodules
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      In this paper, we introduce and study the notation of approximaitly quasi-primary submodules of a unitary left -module  over a commutative ring  with identity. This concept is a generalization of prime and primary submodules, where a proper submodule  of an -module  is called an approximaitly quasi-primary (for short App-qp) submodule of , if , for , , implies that either  or , for some . Many basic properties, examples and characterizations of this concept are introduced.

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Publication Date
Tue Mar 17 2015
Journal Name
Iraq Agriculture Journal.
Abelmoschus esculentus استخلاص وتنقية بروتييز قرنات البامية المحلية
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This study aimed to extract, purify, and characterize the protease of local Okra Abelmoschus esculentus pods. The extraction process was conducted using ten extraction solutions with different pH and ionic strength values. Phosphate buffer solution with (pH 7, 0.05M, containing 2% sodium chloride) gave the highest activity which was (7.2 Unit/ml) as compared to other solutions, which ranged from 0.8-5.9 Unit/ml. The extracted enzyme purified by several stages. Being, precipitation by gradual addition of Ammonium sulphate from 20 to 85% saturation, then the precipitated enzyme was dialyzed and fractionated through DEAE-Cellulose (22X1.1cm), the enzymic fractions were pooled. The specific activity, purification fold and the enzyme yield value

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Publication Date
Sun Oct 01 2017
Journal Name
Journal Of Engineering
Bit Record Analysis for Bits Evaluating and Selection
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The bit record is a part from the daily drilling report which is contain information about the type and the number of the bit that is used to drill the well, also contain data about  the used weight on bit  WOB ,revolution per minute RPM , rate of penetration ROP, pump pressure ,footage drilled and bit dull grade. Generally we can say that the bit record is a rich brief about the bit life in the hole. The main purpose of this research is to select the suitable bit to drill the next oil wells because the right bit selection avoid us more than one problems, on the other hand, the wrong bit selection cause more than one problem. Many methods are related to bit selection, this research is familiar with four of thos

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Publication Date
Thu Jan 01 2015
Journal Name
Journal Of Engineering
Shell and Double Concentric Tube Heat Exchanger Calculations and Analysis
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This study concerns a new type of heat exchangers, which is that of shell-and-double concentric tube heat exchangers. The case studies include both design calculations and performance calculations.

       The new heat exchanger design was conducted according to Kern method. The volumetric flow rates were 3.6 m3/h and 7.63 m3/h for the hot oil and water respectively. The experimental parameters studied were: temperature, flow rate of hot oil, flow rate of cold water and pressure drop.

A comparison was made for the theoretical and experimental results and it was found that the percentage error for the hot oil outlet temperature was (- 1.6%). The percentage

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Publication Date
Thu Apr 20 2023
Journal Name
Ibn Al-haitham Journal For Pure And Applied Sciences
Extend Nearly Pseudo Quasi-2-Absorbing submodules(I)
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The concept of a 2-Absorbing submodule is considered as an essential feature in the field of module theory and has many generalizations. This articale discusses the concept of the Extend Nearly Pseudo Quasi-2-Absorbing submodules and their relationship to the 2-Absorbing submodule, Quasi-2-Absorbing submodule, Nearly-2-Absorbing submodule, Pseudo-2-Absorbing submodule, and the rest of the other concepts previously studied. The relationship between them has been studied, explaining that the opposite is not true and that under certain conditions the opposite becomes true. This article aims to study this concept and gives the most important propositions, characterizations, remarks, examples, lemmas, and observations related to it. In the en

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Publication Date
Tue Oct 23 2018
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
استعمال انحدار الاسقاطات المتلاحقة و الشبكات العصبية في تجاوز مشكلة البعدية
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المستخلص يهدف هذا البحث الى تجاوز مشكلة البعدية من خلال طرائق الانحدار اللامعلمي والتي تعمل على تقليل جذر متوسط الخطأ التربيعي (RMSE) , أذ تم  استعمال طريقة انحدار الاسقاطات المتلاحقة  (PPR)    ,والتي تعتبر احدى طرائق اختزال الابعاد التي تعمل على تجاوز مشكلة البعدية (curse of dimensionality) , وان طريقة (PPR) من التقنيات الاحصائية التي تهتم بأيجاد الاسقاطات الاكثر أهمية في البيانات المتعددة الابعاد , ومع ايجاد كل اسقاط

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Publication Date
Mon Feb 25 2019
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Physics
Relationship between CML and Io's phase according to Jupiter's actual radio storms observations
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The actual observations for Jupiter radio storm were taken for Hawaii station within multi years from 2001 to 2012. The Central Meridian Longitude (CMLІІІ) and Io's phase (γIo) were calculated for each year from Radio Jove program, the results of CMLІІІ for year 2006 was A=(180-300)º,B=(15-239)º, C=(60-280)º, phase was A=(182-260)º,B=(40-109)º, C=(200-260)º, which were close to the theoretical values, longitude was A=(180-300)º, B=(15-240)º, C=(60-280)º and phase was A=(180-260)º,B=(40-110)º and C=(200-260)º.

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