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President Trump›s media discourse in the US election Study in electronic news sites - CNN ARABIC Model
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The letter is defined as a message directed by the sender to another party, the future. The aim is to convey, clarify or explain a particular point or subject, and in the form of direct oral communication through speech that contains a set of words and words, The future can discuss the sender directly to exchange ideas with each other, or it may be written and in this case does not require direct interaction between the matchmaker and the recipient. As a result of the different sources and topics of the discourse, and the different types of categories addressed to the speech, and the number, it has been divided into several types.
And schools of discourse analysis emerged in the early eighties of the last century and has spread and has become a presence and impact in the Arab studies and foreign studies, but there is a lack of agreement between these schools on the concept of media discourse and its components, regardless of these differences, it must be recognized that media discourse practice Social change and is always subject to change and development.
The study sought to identify the media discourse of US President Donald Trump through the electronic news sites represented by CNN Arabic model and focus on Trump›s speech during his campaign and after winning the presidency and beat the rival Hillary Clinton.
Many Arab news websites have appeared on the Internet, such as Al Jazeera Net, CNN Arabic, Bab net and Arab Technical Portal.
CNN Arabic is an Arabic news site for CNN that was established on 19 January 2002. The site is intended to provide international news from an Arab perspective and is updated around the clock by developments in international events. The Agency›s headquarters are located in Dubai, United Arab Emirates.
The site includes various sections covering international news, Middle East news, economy, science and technology, sports and miscellaneous, as well as video reports and special files. The site also conducts interviews with sports figures in the Arab world and publishes daily reports on the financial markets in the Arab countries. There are also occasional public opinion surveys on hot political topics.
The research problem focused on the ambiguity in Trump›s media discourse on Muslim and Arab countries in general, his speech on Iraq in particular, and his improbable decisions to control US policies and to crack down on Islam and Muslims.

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Publication Date
Sun Apr 16 2017
Journal Name
Ibn Al-haitham Journal For Pure And Applied Sciences
The Structural and Surface Morphology Properties of Aluminum Doped CdO Thin Films Prepared by Vacuum Thermal Evaporation Technique.
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   Undoped and Al-doped CdO thin films have been prepared by vacuum thermal evaporation  on  glass  substrate  at  room  temperature  for  various  Al  doping ratios (0.5, 1 and 2)wt.% . The films are characterized by XRD and AFM surface morphology properties. XRD analysis showed that CdO:Al films are highly polycrystalline and exhibit cubic crystal structure of lattice constant averaged to 0.4696 nm with (111) preferred orientation. However, intensity of all peaks rapidly decreases which indicates that the crystallinity decreases with the increase of Al dopant. The grain size decreases with Al content (from 60.81 to 48.03 nm). SEM and AFM were applied to study the morphology an

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Publication Date
Wed Sep 15 2021
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Designing Clothes that Meet the Functional and Aesthetic Needs of Children with Hip Dislocation: تهاني عبد الله القديري
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Children who have a health problem need special requirements for their clothes. The purpose of the study is to design functional and aesthetic clothes to meet their needs. The research used the applied descriptive approach. The research sample comprised 120 women whose children suffered from hip dislocation. Designs for injured children presented and submitted to the arbitrators for evaluation regarding the functional and aesthetic aspects. The finding was achieving the design solutions. The most important recommendations are to increase attention to designing clothes to suit all the needs of society.

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Publication Date
Wed Mar 29 2017
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Pharmaceutical Sciences ( P-issn 1683 - 3597 E-issn 2521 - 3512)
The Effects of Aloe vera Gel, Sesame Oil and Camphor Oil on Pseudomonas aeruginosa Isolated from Burnt Patients
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Three isolates of  P. aeruginosa were isolated from burnt patients. The ability of these isolates for adhesion and formation of slime layer were tested, the result showed that all isolates were able to adherence on the smooth surface. The sensitivity of  P. aeruginosa isolates for antibiotics were tested , all isolates were sensitive  to Gentamycin, Piperacillin and Amikacin Ciprofloxacin, and  resist to Tetracyclin, Amoxicillin, Cephalexine , Ceftriaxone. Ciprofloxacin and Amikacin were found effective against P. aeruginosa isolates with MIC values of 3.8 μg/ ml for  Ciprofloxacin  and 0.244 μg/ ml for Amikacin The antibacterial effect of Different concentrations of Aloe

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Publication Date
Wed Dec 28 2016
Journal Name
Environmental Technology
Remediation of groundwater contaminated with the lead–phenol binary system by granular dead anaerobic sludge-permeable reactive barrier
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Publication Date
Wed Sep 20 2023
Journal Name
Chalcogenide Letters
Calculation of the localized and extended energy states density for Ge60Se40-xTex alloy prepared by melting point method
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The DC electrical conductivity properties of Ge60Se40-xTex alloy with x = 0, 5, 10, 15 and 20). The samples were formed in the form of discs with the thickness of 0.25–0.30 cm and the diameter of 1.5 cm. Samples were pressed under a pressure of 6 tons per cm2 , using a ton hydraulic press. They were prepared after being pressed using a ton hydraulic press using a hydraulic press. Melting point technology use to preper the samples. Continuous electrical conductivity properties were recorded from room temperature to 475 K. Experimental data indicates that glass containing 15% Te has the highest electrical conductivity allowing maximum current through the sample compared to Lu with other samples. Therefore, it is found that the DC co

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Publication Date
Thu Mar 18 2021
Journal Name
Energy & Fuels
Synergistic Effect of Nanoparticles and Polymers on the Rheological Properties of Injection Fluids: Implications for Enhanced Oil Recovery
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New nanotechnology-based approaches are increasingly being investigated for enhanced oil recovery (EOR), with a particular focus on heavy oil reservoirs. Typically, the addition of a polymer to an injection fluid advances the sweep efficiency and mobility ratio of the fluid and leads to a higher crude oil recovery rate. However, harsh reservoir conditions, including high formation salinity and temperature, can limit the performance of such polymer fluids. Recently, nanofluids, that is, dispersions of nanoparticles (NPs) in a base fluid, have been recommended as EOR fluids; however, such nanofluids are unstable, even under ambient conditions. In this work, a combination of ZrO2 NPs and the polyacrylamide (PAM) polymer (ZrO2 NPs–PAM) was us

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Publication Date
Sat Jun 27 2020
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Science
The Bouguer Anomaly Map of Iraq According to a New Local Theoretical Gravity Equation and Its Geological Importance
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Four hundred and seventy eight gravity base stations in Iraq were used to obtain a new local theoretical gravity equation. The obtained equation was used to construct a Bouguer anomaly map of Iraq depending on the available gravity base stations. This map was compared with the Bouguer map constructed for the same stations using the international formula (1930). Good similarity in shapes and locations of the anomaly were observed, while the   gravity anomaly values in the new map were increased by about 30 mGal. The eastern zero gravity contour line of the new obtained gravity map coincides with the western  boundary of the tectonic Mesopotamian zone, while the main negative  gravity values coincide with the Mesopotami

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Publication Date
Sat May 07 2022
Journal Name
American Journal Of Economics And Business Management
The Integrating Effect Resource Consumption Accounting (RCA) and Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) On Cost Reduction and Quality Improvement
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The research aims to examine the integration effect among resource consumption accounting (RCA) system and the enterprise resource planning (ERP) on both costs reduction and quality improvement. The study questioner form distributed to two different respondents as the unit of analysis. The research reached various conclusions most important of which is the integration relationship can help solve the special difficulties in managing the economic unit data. Moreover, the integration provides a clear picture of the causal relationships between resources, resource quantities, and associated costs

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Publication Date
Sun Jan 05 2020
Journal Name
Annals Of Tropical Medicine And Public Health
[CITATION] Direct and deferred retrieval of basketball for student of the college of physical education and sport sciences
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Publication Date
Fri Jan 01 2016
Journal Name
Asian J Pharm Clin Re
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