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President Trump›s media discourse in the US election Study in electronic news sites - CNN ARABIC Model
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The letter is defined as a message directed by the sender to another party, the future. The aim is to convey, clarify or explain a particular point or subject, and in the form of direct oral communication through speech that contains a set of words and words, The future can discuss the sender directly to exchange ideas with each other, or it may be written and in this case does not require direct interaction between the matchmaker and the recipient. As a result of the different sources and topics of the discourse, and the different types of categories addressed to the speech, and the number, it has been divided into several types.
And schools of discourse analysis emerged in the early eighties of the last century and has spread and has become a presence and impact in the Arab studies and foreign studies, but there is a lack of agreement between these schools on the concept of media discourse and its components, regardless of these differences, it must be recognized that media discourse practice Social change and is always subject to change and development.
The study sought to identify the media discourse of US President Donald Trump through the electronic news sites represented by CNN Arabic model and focus on Trump›s speech during his campaign and after winning the presidency and beat the rival Hillary Clinton.
Many Arab news websites have appeared on the Internet, such as Al Jazeera Net, CNN Arabic, Bab net and Arab Technical Portal.
CNN Arabic is an Arabic news site for CNN that was established on 19 January 2002. The site is intended to provide international news from an Arab perspective and is updated around the clock by developments in international events. The Agency›s headquarters are located in Dubai, United Arab Emirates.
The site includes various sections covering international news, Middle East news, economy, science and technology, sports and miscellaneous, as well as video reports and special files. The site also conducts interviews with sports figures in the Arab world and publishes daily reports on the financial markets in the Arab countries. There are also occasional public opinion surveys on hot political topics.
The research problem focused on the ambiguity in Trump›s media discourse on Muslim and Arab countries in general, his speech on Iraq in particular, and his improbable decisions to control US policies and to crack down on Islam and Muslims.

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Publication Date
Fri Jul 01 2022
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Science
Core Polarization Effects on the Inelastic Longitudinal Electron Scattering Form Factors of Ti 48,50 and Cr 52,54 nuclei
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In this paper, inelastic longitudinal electron scattering form factors C2 and C4
transitions have been studied in Ti 48,50
and Cr 52,54
nuclei with the aid of shell
model calculations. The core polarization transition density was evaluated by
adopting the shape of Tassie model togther with the derived form of the ground state
two-body charge density distributions (2BCDD's). The following transitions have
been investigated; 0 2 2 2 1 1
   and 0 2 4 2 1 1
   of Ti 48 , 0 3 2 3 1 1
   and
0 3 4 3 1 1
   of Ti 50 , 0 2 2 2 1 1
   and 0 2 4 2 1 1
   of Cr 52 and
0 3 2 3 1 1
   and 0 3 4 3 1 1
   of Cr 54 nuclei. It is fou

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Publication Date
Fri May 01 2020
Journal Name
Journal Of Engineering
Effect of Maximum Size of Aggregate on the Behavior of Reinforced Concrete Beams Analyzed using Meso Scale Modeling
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In this study, simply supported reinforced concrete (RC) beams were analyzed using the Extended Finite Element Method (XFEM). This is a powerful method that is used for the treatment of discontinuities resulting from the fracture process and crack propagation in concrete. The mesoscale is used in modeling concrete as a two-phasic material of coarse aggregate and cement mortar. Air voids in the cement paste will also be modeled. The coarse aggregate used in the casting of these beams is a rounded aggregate consisting of different maximum sizes. The maximum size is 25 mm in the first model, and in the second model, the maximum size is 20 mm. The compressive strength used in these beams is equal to 26 MPa.

The subje

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Publication Date
Sun Dec 01 2013
Journal Name
The Effects Of Pbl On Understanding Of Thermodynamics, Group Work And Self-Directed Learning Skills Among Physics Undergraduates
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The aim of this study is to compare the effects of three methods: problem-based learning (PBL), PBL with lecture method, and conventional teaching on the understanding of thermodynamics, group work and self-directed learning skills among physics undergraduates. The actual sample size comprises of 122 students, who were selected randomly from the Physics Department, College of Education in Iraq, for academic year 2011-2012. In this study, the pre and posttest were done and the instruments were administered to the students for data collection. Inferential statistics were employed to analyze data. The independent variables were the PBL, the PBL with lecture method, and the conventional teaching. Dependent variables of statistical analysis were

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Publication Date
Fri Sep 15 2023
Journal Name
Four Women: The E. Cassirer’s Theory and Its Analytical Potential for Understanding Iraqi Symbolic Painting by J. Saleem
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Based on the theoretical ideas of E. Cassirer, a methodology is developed and an analysis of the painting work by J. Saleem, a representative of modern Iraqi painting, is carried out. While comparing the artistic programme of J. Saleem and the views of E. Cassirer, the methodological potential of the theory of the symbol for the art criticism analysis of the regional painting is clarified. Comparative analysis with the inclusion of the works of B. Buffet, B. Turetsky, J. Miro helps to see the multiple meanings of the same cultural symbol in thematically similar works of different years, created in different socio-cultural circumstances. The article shows that for regions with a shorter history (France, Russia, Spain, etc.), which have lo

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Publication Date
Sat Apr 30 2022
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Science
Geochemistry of the Middle Eocene Gercus Sandstone, Shaqlawa Area, Northern Iraq: Implications for Provenance, Tectonic Setting and Paleoweathering
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    The study of the geochemical characterization of sandstone rocks contributes to understand the nature of the source rocks, their tectonic setting and the effects of paleoclimate and paleo-weathering. Accordingly, twenty sandstone samples from the red sandstone units of the Gercus Formation were collected from the northeastern limb of Safin Anticline at Shaqlawa Area – Northern Iraq. The studied sandstone samples show depletion in major, trace elements contents, except for CaO, MgO and Ni, Co and Cr respectively, and general depletion in the rare earth elements (REE) contents. Major element geochemistry indicates that the red bed sandstones of the Gercus Formation are of an oceanic island arc (OIA) tectonic setting. On the other

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Publication Date
Wed Dec 18 2019
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
The Continuous Classical Boundary Optimal Control of Couple Nonlinear Hyperbolic Boundary Value Problem with Equality and Inequality Constraints
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The paper is concerned with the state and proof of the existence theorem of a unique solution (state vector) of couple nonlinear hyperbolic equations (CNLHEQS) via the Galerkin method (GM) with the Aubin theorem. When the continuous classical boundary control vector (CCBCV) is known, the theorem of existence a CCBOCV with equality and inequality state vector constraints (EIESVC) is stated and proved, the existence theorem of a unique solution of the adjoint couple equations (ADCEQS) associated with the state equations is studied. The Frcéhet derivative derivation of the "Hamiltonian" is obtained. Finally the necessary theorem (necessary conditions "NCs") and the sufficient theorem (sufficient conditions" SCs") for optimality of the stat

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Publication Date
Tue Mar 28 2017
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Pharmaceutical Sciences ( P-issn 1683 - 3597 E-issn 2521 - 3512)
Comparative Analysis of the Fatty Acid Pattern of Silybum marianum with Nigella sativa by Gas Chromatography-Mass Spectrometry
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Many studied were conducted to evaluate the antihepatotoxic and antioxidant activities of Silybum marianum and proved these actions. The Naturally grown seed in Iraqi-Kurdistan Region also were studied for its chemical contents and biological activities. Vegetable oils occur in various plant parts mainly concentrated in the seeds.

In this study comparison was made between the fatty acid patterns of two plant seeds, Silybum marianum and Nigella sativa. Seed sample of Silybum marianum and Nigella sativa were exposed for extraction and isolation of the fatty acid contents using two different solvents (petroleum ether and n-hexane) at 60-80oC using soxhlet apparatus and the oily extract

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Publication Date
Fri Jan 01 2016
Journal Name
Journal Of Engineering
The Effective of Pressure and Sintering Temperature for Hardness Characteristics of Shape Memory Alloy by Using Taguchi Technique
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This paper presents the Taguchi approach for optimization of hardness for  shape memory alloy (Cu-Al-Ni) . The influence of  powder metallurgy parameters on hardness has been investigated. Taguchi technique and ANOVA were used for analysis. Nine experimental runs based on Taguchi’s L9 orthogonal array were performed (OA),for two parameters was study (Pressure and sintering temperature) for three different levels (300 ,500 and 700) MPa ,(700 ,800 and  900)oC respectively . Main effect, signal-to-noise (S/N) ratio was study, and analysis of variance (ANOVA) using  to investigate the micro-hardness characteristics of the shape memory alloy .after application the result of study shown the hei

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Publication Date
Sat Jun 27 2020
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Science
Bayesian Estimation for the Parameters and Reliability Function of Basic Gompertz Distribution under Squared Log Error Loss Function
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In this paper, some estimators for the unknown shape parameters and reliability function of Basic Gompertz distribution were obtained, such as Maximum likelihood estimator and some Bayesian estimators under Squared log error loss function by using Gamma and Jefferys priors. Monte-Carlo simulation was conducted to compare the performance of all estimates of the shape parameter and Reliability function, based on mean squared errors (MSE) and integrated mean squared errors (IMSE's), respectively. Finally, the discussion is provided to illustrate the results that are summarized in tables.

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Scopus (1)
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Publication Date
Wed Feb 22 2023
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Science
Test the Cytotoxicity of Pleurotin Extracted from an Edible Mushroom Pleurotus osteratus Against Three Human Carcinoma Cell Line
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The study included selection six species of the fungi related to Pleurotus genus were evaluated for their ability to production of Pleurotin, one of them, Pleurotus ostreatus (P.11) was isolated and identified in the present study. Pleurotin was extracted with screening by Thin Layer Chromatography (TLC) and quantification High Performance Liquid Chromatography (HPLC). Cytotoxicity of Pleurotin extracted from P. ostreatus (P.11) grown in different sugar sources (galactose, mannitol, sucrose, dextrose and lactose) liquid media was test against three selected cancer cell lines, CaSki, MCF-7 and A549 addition to Human Non Cancer Fibroblast Cell Line (MRC-5). Pleurotin of P. ostreatus (P.11) grown in galactose induced the significant highest

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