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Health Awareness Throush Communication Media
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Means of communication has a great impact on all fields of awareness including health awareness by increasing the knowledge of community about health and developing their abilities to improve human health and cultural awareness. According to the importance of health awareness for a community to develop their intellectual and physical integrity, the researcher has found that it is essential to know the role of means of communication as a source of information for many students being active and main segments to build their society intellectually, socially and economically.

The research has focused on the study of health awareness among students and their health knowledge derived from the means of communication. It is a study about AIDS to sample of students from Baghdad University to know their health programs, subjects and information about this disease via the various means of communication. It also studies the use of students to all means of communication and various programs to follow the health awareness about AIDS, its features and ways to prevent it. The researcher has chosen students in two branches: scientific and humanitarian studies.

The researcher has concluded that the students have chosen a specific means of communication that satisfy their desires to get more information. Television and the internet have occupied the first and the second rank being the sources of health information or knowledge.  The researcher has found a defect in local channels and local programs by the students to enhance their knowledge of health. It appears that there is no difference between male and female in following up the means of communication and health knowledge including the name, the characteristics and the nature of the disease which is a medium rate for male and female students according to the researcher's digital measure.

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Publication Date
Wed Jan 30 2019
Journal Name
Journal Of The College Of Education For Women
Peripheral Perception And its Relation With The Need for Cognition for The University Students
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The most important topic for psychologist generally is factor of education and it's active tools because learning needs active perception for stimulus that recived by the educator and give it avalue and meaning , Need for cognition is
very important in the various daily fields of life , especially in learning and teaching and the academy work , it help with shifting the learning level for people , and icreas the intense and challenge between them
The research endeavored to achieve the following aim :
1- Measuring the level of peripheral perception for the university student .
2- Measuring the level of need for cognition for the university student .
3- Measuring the level of peripheral perception for the university student

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Publication Date
Tue Jan 01 2002
Journal Name
Al-adab Journal
القدرة القرائية الفيزيائية لدى طلبة كلية التربية / ابن الهيثم
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Publication Date
Sat Oct 01 2016
Journal Name
Journal Of Educational And Psychological Researches
الخواء الفكري لدى بعض طلبة الجامعة الاسباب والحلول المقترحة
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    تعد مرحلة الشباب من المرحلة المهمة التي يبدأ خلالها الاستقرار الانفعالي للفرد. ويعكس ماهو ايجابي في اساليب التربية التي تلقاها في مرحلتي الطفولة والمراهقة على سلوكه ومما نلاحظه ان هذه المرحلة فيها الكثير من المشكلات السلوكية لدى الشباب بصورة عامة وطلبة الجامعة بصورة خاصة، فهناك عوامل واسباب عامة اذا اجتمعت كلها او بعضها فقد تؤدي الى مشكلات وظواهر سلبية، ومن هذه العوامل اضطراب الشخصية ، والف

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Publication Date
Mon Oct 01 2018
Journal Name
Journal Of Educational And Psychological Researches
Psychological Flow and Its Relation to Futuristic Thinking among Postgraduates
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The research seeks to find the relationship between psychological flow and futuristic thinking among postgraduate students. To this end, the researchers have made up two scales: one scale to measure the psychological flow which consisted of (32) items and the other to measure the futuristic thinking included (39) items which were distributed into three domains. As to collect the required data, the two scales had applied on a sample comprised (200) postgraduate students. The findings revealed that there is a correlation between psychological flow and futuristic thinking. The researcher recommended the coming studies take the relationship between psychological flow and psychological happiness.

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Publication Date
Wed Jul 01 2015
Journal Name
Journal Of Educational And Psychological Researches
الاجهاد الذهني وعلاقته بالذاكرة قصيرة المدى لدى طلبة الجامعة
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Mental stress occurs due to the effect of time that passes at an accelerated pace and doing business imposed by the speed of the match with his speed in light of the vast amount of audio and visual information through scientific progress and media workers, as well as the impact of physical factors associated with doing business, such as noise and congestion .... . etc.. The relationship of the individual to take a negative surroundings have devastating effects on the cognitive process as a whole dimension. This creates a sense of helplessness with the depletion voltage to a state of mental stress, so The problems from the standpoint of Aljhtalt scientists are basically cognitive problems appear to exist when it happens to the ind

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Publication Date
Wed Apr 01 2009
Journal Name
Journal Of Educational And Psychological Researches
الذكاء الاجتماعي وعلاقته باسلوب حل المشكلات لدى طلبة الجامعة
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      يعد موضوع  الشباب- في الوقت الحاضر -  من الموضوعات المهمة  التي  يهتم  بها  علم النفس  والتربية  والأجتماع  والصحة . بل أن الدول  المتقدمة  تهتم بشبابها  أيمانآ بأن تقدم  الأمة لايقوم الاعلى الأمكانيات البشرية من الشباب .

      ومما لاشك  فيه  أن  دخول الشباب  الى عالم  المجتمع  الجامعي  يطرح عليه وبشدة مشكلة التصرف م

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Publication Date
Thu Jul 02 2009
Journal Name
Journal Of Educational And Psychological Researches
خرائط أساليب التعلم لدى طلبة الجامعة وعلاقتها بالتحصيل الدراسي
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أولاً: مشكلة البحث:

للتربية دوراً أساسياً في تكوين الإنسان ليصبح قادراً على الإسهام الحضاري، ودفع عجلة التنمية إلى الأمام. وينظر للتربية حالياً بأنها عملية توثيق الصلة بين الناشئ والبيئة في ظروف معينة تعينه على النمو في الاتجاه المرغوب فيه. ويأتي الجانب المعرفي في مقدمة جوانب النمو، فهو المسؤول عن بناء شخصية الفرد وأسلوب تفكيره (سعيد، 1989، ص28). فضلاً عن كونه الخاصية الراقية عند الإنسان التي

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Publication Date
Sun Jan 27 2019
Journal Name
Journal Of The College Of Education For Women
Parental supervision and its relation with personality type A.B among high Schools students
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Parents who give their sons arole in making parental decisions and admiring their views are the ones who build confidence and the feeling of competence within themselves and then their edgiest- rent with themselves becones better .
The (A.B) person-ality type is the core base of most psychological and educational studies because it is one of the most important subjects Concerning with the study of growth aspects whether they are physical, mental or Social. The present Study ains to measure the level of parental treatment among high School students, measure the level of (A) Personality type concept among them, recognize Statistically Significant differences in the level of parentaltreatment according gender variable and recognize the C

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Publication Date
Mon Jan 28 2019
Journal Name
Journal Of The College Of Education For Women
Mindfulness and Its Relation to Self Regulated Learning Among University Students
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Mindfulness is considered a process to draw an image of the active event and to creat new social varieties which leaves the individuals open to modernity and to be sensitive towards the context. in contrast, when individuals act with less attention, they need to be more determined concerning the varieties and events of the past . and as a result , they become unaware of the characteristics that creat the individual condition .The problem of the current study is represented in asking about the nature of the possible relationship between mindfulness and self-regulated learning within specific demographic frame of an importantsocial category represented in university students where no previous researches nor theories have agreed on the natu

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Publication Date
Mon Mar 07 2022
Journal Name
Journal Of Educational And Psychological Researches
The Causal Relationship between Forgiveness and Psychological Hardiness For University Students
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The research aimed to identify the causal relationship between forgiveness and psychological hardness for university students, by answering the following questions: Does forgiveness cause psychological hardiness? Does psychological hardiness cause forgiveness? Is the relationship between the two variables a reciprocal relationship? The research sample consisted of (300) male and female students from the universities of Baghdad and Al-Mustansiriya University. To extract the psychometric properties of the two scales: forgiveness and psychological hardiness, a sample of (50) male and female students employed to repeat the test, making the six connections between the two research variables. To determine the causal relationship, The Pearson c

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