Most studies combine that it is important to determine the extent of the public's trust TV for two reasons. First of knowing the impact of satellite TV audience ranges and the second determining public outlets for Information Find regard to the extent of the public's confidence in knowing the contents of the satellite during the occupation of Mosul crisis by organizing the Islamic state in Iraq and the Levant And the researcher developed a questionnaire to find out the public's confidence statement satellite contents provided by the questions related to exposandscale.
The researcher audience chose the city of Baghdad to the suitability of the search, found through research that bigger ratio of News occupation of Mosul through satellite and that more than half of their pendants, follow endless than an hour, While the evening is a favorite among the majority of them also show that the news was the best format for the delivery of information to the public regarding the conferences show that military commanders were lesson fident when the public
Research also showed that there is a relationship between the sex of the subjects and levels of influence as well as the social situation and the shapes and style soused by the Satellite TV for news coverage of the occupation The research that the songs and chants provided by the satellite hit approximately 24% of the public frustrated and did not care about her, and the research that covers the special programs was the biggest adjustment for the previous conviction of respondents of Mosul.