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Political Consultation and Public Opinion Polls
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Increasingly important public opinion polls steadily .... especially in electoral campaigns, sheds searchlight on the side of the US elections, in different time periods, and cited the words of experts and people involved in it, and reviews Find great development that took place in the polls and what could happen to this work It is important in the future. Display search for certain types of polls, dividing them on as stated by the experts in the United States... This division shows that the surveys of the most political processes and accuracy of information, and that their Money being made and companies specialized in the administration of this type of measuring public opinion ..... what is returned decision-making, for example, in conjunction elections or prepare a plan to lead the country not easy or hasty, we have to resort to the companies, which are major companies usually measure the truth of what he wants Opinion year, but such a measure is not always guaranteed ..... Valnachb example, his decision may alter the length of the other, or may idly for real in his opinion, for various reasons. And that this volatility in the views, is a problem for those who want to reach a scientific accuracy in measuring public opinion ...... Scientific surveys in 1960 have emerged Kachtsas seriously consultant, the benefit of candidates at all levels.
That contemporary surveys are based on the principle of the random sample, the random sample can give a good opportunity for everyone, from the group, to be represented equally in (.....) In order to achieve a margin of error, we should increase the size of the sample, but when we increase The sample size will increase the cost. If we increased our sample size and made it is made up of two thousand people, we will have increased our campaign costs dramatically reduced the margin of error by 1%.

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Publication Date
Mon Oct 01 2007
Journal Name
Journal Of Educational And Psychological Researches
حق حرية الرأي والتعبير – رؤية نفسية
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   أن الأسلوب الوصفي للبحث في طبيعة حق حرية الرأي والتعبير للفرد قد لايقودنا الى فهم طبيعة هذا الحق والمسؤولية المترتبة عليه كما هو الحال في الأسلوب التجريبي التحليلي ، لأننا لسنا بصدد دراسة حالات شاذة للأراء والتعابير والسلوكيات ، ولكننا بصدد دراسة طبيعة المؤثرات البايلوجية والنفسية والذاتية والنفسية الأجتماعية التي توصل الأختلاف في الرأي والتعبير الى مستوى حقاً من حقوق الحرية الطبيعية للفرد ،

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Publication Date
Tue Oct 19 2021
Journal Name
Big Data Summit 2: Hpc & Ai Empowering Data Analytics 2018 | Conference Paper
Deep Bayesian for Opinion-target identification
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The use of deep learning.

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Publication Date
Sun Feb 10 2019
Journal Name
Journal Of The College Of Education For Women
The effects of recently political transformations in changing democratic doing values in Iraq (( Theoretical – analytical vision between the reality and challenges ))
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Iraq has confronted a huge political transformations after 2003 which resembled and presented rapid changes from totalitarian regime into democracy's system , this phenomenon has become a feature embodied in a new political system, specifically is being a price for previous deprivation and despotism .So that, the nature of political work has been changed as a result of practicing new democratic values ,but the real challenges appeared by depending on the conformity and political compromise in dealing with all of crises and problems in the political life .
The future of political work in this nascent democracy could be prepared according to fulfillment an active doings values stretched on national unity and forgiveness from one side ,t

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Publication Date
Thu Aug 06 2020
Journal Name
Cuestiones Políticas
Political structure and the administration of political system in Iraq (post-ISIS)
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The objective of the investigation was to analyze the structure and administration of the political system in Iraq (post-ISIS). After 2003, the Iraqi political system suffered the fundamental problem of its failure to achieve the political and social inclusion that characterizes democratic systems, to guarantee the establishment of a "state for all", while respecting differences. Political representation has moved from the system of sectarian ethnic components, under the title of consensual democracy, to the representation of leaders and the realization of their interests and the interests of their parties at the expense of the groups that claim to represent them, which complicates the problem. In this sense, the new political syste

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Publication Date
Fri Mar 14 2025
Journal Name
Al–bahith Al–a'alami
Tweets of Iraqi Political Leaders Regarding The Movement to Form The Governmet Through Twitter (From 3rd Septemper 2018 To 3rd Septemper 2019)
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This research analyses the tweets of Iraqi politicians (leaders) that took place simultaneously with the formation of the Iraqi government after the elections in 2018. The formation of the Iraqi government was considered one of the most critical issues that emerged in the political process to which the Iraqi media as well as social networking sites paid considerable attention. In this regard, Iraqi political leaders have published many tweets concerning the formation of the government, some of them have caused great controversy in the political climate. As Twitter is one of the most digital platforms that have been widely used on the global scale in recent years, politicians have employed it to publish their opinions, ideas, and to excha

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Crossref (1)
Publication Date
Wed Jun 30 2021
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Market Research And Consumer Protection
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The aim of this research was to indicate the opinion of the Iraqi consumer about the quality and safety of local food products, the questionnaire was included 19 questions for product quality, price, distribution and promotion as a tool to survey the opinions of 128 consumers in Baghdad, the data was analyzed by using percentage, weighted mean, and weight percent, the results obtained showed that the Iraqi consumer prefer local food products for their high quality and appropriate price, however they need attention to packaging, promotion and distribution.

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Publication Date
Thu Apr 30 2020
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
Effectiveness of public expenditure in correcting the Imbalance of Trade Structure in Iraq after year 2003
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This research aims to focus on the reality of the imbalance of the balance of trade structure in order to improve it and determine the size of the imbalance as a result of dependence on one commodity, namely crude oil in the structure of exports versus the diversity of the structure of imports of various goods and goods.

    In order to achieve that goal, a deductive approach was adopted, which included a shift from general theory data to special applications.

   We have reached through the research to a number of conclusions, most notably the effectiveness of public spending in correcting the imbalance of the balance of trade structure during the study pe

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Crossref (1)
Publication Date
Thu Aug 01 2019
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
Analysis of the sustainability of the public debt in light of the volatile oil revenues in Iraq for the period (2005-2015)
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This study deals with the fluctuations of oil revenues and its effect on the public debt. This can be studied through the indicators of debt sustainability, the financial, and economic indicators which express the risk of debt. The study focuses on clarification of the public debt path and its management both domestic and foreign. The sustainability of debt takes an important role according the macroeconomic variables. This study stresses the relationship between the rental economy in Iraq and the risk of the public debt, it is very important to work high oil prices, and on investigating during high work to establish a fund to support the budget deficit. This will reduce future risks arising from the use of publi

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Publication Date
Fri Apr 01 2016
Journal Name
Al–bahith Al–a'alami
Indicators of Mental image among Students of the University of Baghdad about Iraqi Political Parties-(a research based on a master thesis)
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Media studies have focused mostly on the issue of the mental image because the image that is formed in the mind has become not only a photo of a human being and having kept for himself. This image has an outside influence which may sometimes up to the formation of the fate of others and it sometimes includes individuals and groups together.
This study comes in the context of identifying the image of Iraqi political parties among Iraqi university students and the nature of the view that students have in their minds about these parties.
Chapter one includes the problem of the research, the importance of the study, the goals and method used. Chapter two is divided into two sections: section one deals with the concept of the mental i

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Publication Date
Sun Jan 27 2019
Journal Name
Journal Of The College Of Education For Women
Interpretation, interpretation of opinion.. Its history and limits of use
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This research, the author deals with a number of topics, including: What is interpretation?, the difference between exegesis and I interpretation of the Quran, the meaning of interpretation in the term, and the meaning of interpretation in the terminology of the people of interpretation, It deals with then, he demonstrates the interpretation and reasoning meanings of language, and the need of Muslims to interpret the Quran, and limitations of the use of interpretation and exegesis, On the interpretation of opinion and when it began, and the need of Muslims to explain, Finally he discusses the ways of interpretation, and the conditions to be provided in the interpreter.

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