The follower of the history of cinema in the world notes that cinema started recording one and these films are varied in their subjects, while the life of man was the material of these films to be in a creative artistic style.
If the Palestinian films produced by Palestinian directors do not have an impact on the local, Arab and international levels, this is due to the weakness in several technical fields or with the intention to make them bad or negligence of those who produce these films.
This research deals with the role played by Palestinian films in dealing with the internal situation from the point of view of the Palestinian media elite in terms of their exposure to films and the motives of this exposure and the expectations achieved.
The results of the research indicates that all the issues dealt with in the Palestinian films are not adequately addressed and that they do not express the international situation as required from the point of view of the respondents.
It is summarized that Abu-Baker Al-Soly is one of Arabic Muslim scientists who had special style in literary writing specifically in sciences and knowledge that had depended on the encyclopedia culture gained from various fields of science , this means that he was an individual who had participated to characterize features of Islamic –Arabic history enhanced the rules of it , this matter would encourage us to know the method and style of writing in the field of intellectual life in which the writer depended on the procedures direction of scientists that he lived in the Abbasid era .
Due to the importance of the word and because it is the basic building block from which speech is formed, it has become the subject of the attention of many scholars, ancient and modern
The research addresses a pattern of imagery which is regarded a Prominent feature of Abi Tamaam's Poetry (the image of implicit simile) which is based on the hidden signified and the signifier which can be deduced out of context . The investigation requires a study whose proof is based on imagery which is of three types: natural proof , human proof and Quran proof . After handling the realistic structures of this image, the researcher has shifted attention to its types and has dealt with the psychological domain , dividing it in two types: the sensory image and the mental image. The research is directed towards studying the implicit sentence regarding its styles of expression : declarative expression and composition expression . The
... Show Moreيعد التأمين أحد المؤسسات المالية ذات التأثير على برامج التنمية ، وما زال قطاع التأمين يعاني من العديد من المشاكل منها الوعي أو التشريع أو كيفية توظيفه كمورد اقتصادي واجتماعي خدمة للمجتمع والمؤسسات والافراد. وحيث أن التأمين يقدم خدمة تستوجب التزامها بمواصفات محددة ، لذا أصبح من الضروري دراسة آليات تحسين جودة الخدمة التأمينية وكذلك دراسة واقع العملية التسويقية للخدمة التأمينية وما ينالها من تحديات داخلية أ
... Show Moreتعد التغيرات المناخية قضية بيئية عالمية وشاغلاً مشتركاً للبشرية وهي نتيجة حتمية للتطور الحضاري، لاسيما بعد قيام الثورة الصناعية، فقد كان الاستهلاك غير العقلاني لموارد الطبيعة والتوسع العمراني على حساب المساحات الخضراء آثار خطيرة على المناخ الذي يعد من اهم عناصر البيئة الطبيعية لما له من اثر واضح على كافة مجالات الحياة. على صعيد الحالة العراقية يواجه العراق تحديات عدة يفرضها تغير المناخ كارتفاع درجات الحرا
... Show Moreتعد التغيرات المناخية قضية بيئية عالمية وشاغلاً مشتركاً للبشرية وهي نتيجة حتمية للتطور الحضاري، لاسيما بعد قيام الثورة الصناعية، فقد كان الاستهلاك غير العقلاني لموارد الطبيعة والتوسع العمراني على حساب المساحات الخضراء آثار خطيرة على المناخ الذي يعد من اهم عناصر البيئة الطبيعية لما له من اثر واضح على كافة مجالات الحياة. على صعيد الحالة العراقية يواجه العراق تحديات عدة يفرضها تغير المناخ كارتفاع درجات الحرا
... Show Moreالتعددية الثقافية هي مفهوم يتعلق بالمجتمعات التي تضم ثقافات عده، أو العالم الذي يتضمن ثقافات متنوعة؛ فالتعددية هي التنوع الثقافي والفكري؛ وبالتالي هي عنصر إثراء للإنسانية وأساس لوجودها؛ فالتعددية الثقافية تتضمن القبول بالثقافات والافكار الانسانية كلها، وإفساح المجال أمامها للمشاركة في بنا ء الثقافة والفكر العالمي؛ وهكذا فإنها تتمثل في التسامح مع الثقافات والافكار المختلفة الاعتراف بالهويات والخصوصيات
... Show MoreTheresearch took the spatial autoregressive model: SAR and spatial error model: SEM in an attempt to provide a practical evident that proves the importance of spatial analysis, with a particular focus on the importance of using regression models spatial andthat includes all of them spatial dependence, which we can test its presence or not by using Moran test. While ignoring this dependency may lead to the loss of important information about the phenomenon under research is reflected in the end on the strength of the statistical estimation power, as these models are the link between the usual regression models with time-series models. Spatial analysis had
... Show MoreObjectives: To choose the best mode of delivery
for term, frank or complete, breech presentation
through studying the perinatal outcome of each mode of
delivery decided when managing a group of pregnant
ladies presented with breech delivery in our centre.
Methods: One hundred and fifty pregnant ladies
presented at term with singleton, frank or complete,
breech presentation for delivery in our centre during the
period from May 2004 toAugust 2005.
Mode of delivery, parity, gestational age, maternal age,
maternal medical illness, and birth weight where the
variables that have been tested in each delivery
included in the study to verify their relationship to
perinatal outcome.
Results: No significant
Three hundred and fifty five patients with hepatitis were investigated in this study all cases gave negative result with HBs Ag , IgM-anti HCV , IgM-anti HEV, IgM-anti HDV and anti-HIV tests . The frequency of IgM-anti HAV was 113 and the percentage was 32 % in all ages but when these patients divided into five groups dependent on ages. The highest percentage of IgM-anti HAV was (45%) in age <10 and the percentage declined with age increase till to 9% in age >41 year.