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Empowering Public Relations’ Practitioners to Achieve Sustainable Development Goals
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The research aims to outline a governmental and societal communicative vision grounded in the principles of sustainable development within Iraqi governmental institutions. This is achieved by public relations practitioners incorporating these concepts and enhancing public awareness of them. Iraqi governmental institutions cannot deviate from the international pattern and societal mood that encompass the goals of sustainable development. The growing international and local interest in environmental issues has influenced governmental stances and actions towards the public.
The research's main problem revolves around addressing a pivotal question: What are the levels of empowerment of public relations practitioners in achieving sustainable development goals within governmental institutions?
The primary objective of the research is to unveil the extent to which public relations practitioners perceive the required levels of sustainable development both domestically and externally and in their professional lives. Public relations and media practitioners are keen on educating about the significance and legitimacy of sustainable development. Their performance and success in fulfilling this role depend on their conviction and their ability to understand and adopt behaviors that align with sustainable development objectives.
The study made several conclusions, most notably that public relations practitioners are aware of what is expected of an individual at home, externally, and at work. Additionally, the youth demographic is the most informed about sustainable development concepts and principles, making them more positive in their interactions with the requirements and behaviors of these principles, whether at home, in the community, or at work.

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Publication Date
Tue Mar 01 2022
Journal Name
International Journal Of Nonlinear Analysis And Applications
The suggested threshold to reduce data noise for a factorial experiment
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In this research, a factorial experiment (4*4) was studied, applied in a completely random block design, with a size of observations, where the design of experiments is used to study the effect of transactions on experimental units and thus obtain data representing experiment observations that The difference in the application of these transactions under different environmental and experimental conditions It causes noise that affects the observation value and thus an increase in the mean square error of the experiment, and to reduce this noise, multiple wavelet reduction was used as a filter for the observations by suggesting an improved threshold that takes into account the different transformation levels based on the logarithm of the b

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Publication Date
Sun Apr 06 2014
Journal Name
Journal Of Educational And Psychological Researches
The reality of child labor in Baghdad ... And access to treatment
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  The phenomenon of child labor, any activity performed by a child and represents a contribution to the production, this phenomenon had been rife in Iraqi society, after that the proportion of child labor for the age group (6-14 years) amounting to 3% in 2006, became for  the same age group of 8% in 2008*.                                                      

It is recognized that each phenomenon reasons, the phenomenon which our atten

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Publication Date
Sat Jul 08 2017
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Pharmaceutical Sciences ( P-issn 1683 - 3597 E-issn 2521 - 3512)
Formulation Characterization and Evaluation of Meloxicam Nanoemulgel to be Used Topically
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Meloxicam is a non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drug. It is practically insoluble in water. It is associated with gastrointestinal side effects at high doses on long  term treatment. The aim of this investigation to formulate and evaluate gellified nanoemulsion of meloxicam as a topical dosage form to enhance meloxicam therapeutic activity and reduce systemic side effect.

The pseudo ternary phase diagrams were made, including  the oil mixture which is composed of almond oil and peppermint oil at a ratio (1:2), variable surfactant mixture (S mix) which are tween 80 and ethanol at ratios of (1:1, 2:1, 3:1, and 4:1) and double distilled water. Slow dripping of double distilled water to the combination  of the oil mixtu

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Publication Date
Mon Dec 23 2019
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Pharmaceutical Sciences ( P-issn 1683 - 3597 E-issn 2521 - 3512)
Use of Human Umbilical Cord Serum to Treat Animal Skin Burns
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Objective: The objective of the study was to test the hypothesis, that umbilical cord blood crude serum applied topically with its high concentration of growth factors may promote an early healing for animal models with burn injury.

Methods:  Fresh human umbilical cord blood UCBS was collected and screened for transmitted diseases such as hepatitis B, hepatitis C and HIV. Mice and rabbits were scalded by boiling water and chemical burning by NaOH, then treated with UCBS. In comparison with a Cetrimide treated group and a control group (without treatment). The UCBS was subjected to microbial testing to demonstrate the presence or absence of extraneous viable contaminating microorganisms.

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Publication Date
Sun Mar 30 2014
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Chemical And Petroleum Engineering
Oxidation of Toluene to Benzoic Acid Catalyzed by Modified Vanadium Oxide
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A variety of oxides were examined as additives to a V2O5/Al2O3 catalyst in order to enhance the catalytic performance for the vapor phase oxidation of toluene to benzoic acid. It was found that the modification with MoO3 greatly promoted the little reaction leading to improve catalyst performance in terms of toluene conversion and benzoic acid selectivity. The effect of catalyst surface area, catalyst promoters, reaction temperature, O2/toluene, steam/toluene, space velocity, and catalyst composition to catalyst performance were examined in order to increase the benzoic acid selectivity and yield.

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Publication Date
Sat Oct 01 2016
Journal Name
Journal Of Engineering
Numerical and Experimental Analysis of Aircraft Wing Subjected to Fatigue Loading
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This study deals with the aircraft wing analysis (numerical and experimental) which subjected to fatigue loading in order to analyze the aircraft wing numerically by using ANSYS 15.0 software and experimentally by using loading programs which effect on fatigue test specimens at laboratory to estimate life of used metal (aluminum alloy 7075-T651) the wing metal and compare between numerical and experimental work, as well as to formulate an experimental mathematical model which may find safe estimate for metals and most common alloys that are used to build aircraft wing at certain conditions. In experimental work, a (34) specimen of (aluminum alloy 7075-T651) were tested using alternating bending fatigue machine rig. The t

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Publication Date
Mon Jan 01 2018
Journal Name
The effectiveness of using material flow cost accounting to eliminate losses
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This investigation aimed to explain the mechanism of MFCA by applying this method on air-cooled engine factory which was suffering from high production cost. The results of this study revealed that MFCA is a useful tool to identify losses and inefficiencies of the production process. It is found that the factory is suffering from high losses due to material energy and system losses. In conclusion, it is calculated that system losses are the highest among all the losses due to inefficient use of available production capacity.

Publication Date
Fri Jan 02 2015
Journal Name
International Journal Of Engineering Research And General Science
IT Auditing to Assure a Secure Cloud Computing for Enterprise Applications
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Recently, all over the world mechanism of cloud computing is widely acceptable and used by most of the enterprise businesses in order increase their productivity. However there are still some concerns about the security provided by the cloud environment are raises. Thus in this our research project, we are discussing over the cloud computing paradigm evolvement for the large business applications like CRM as well as introducing the new framework for the secure cloud computing using the method of IT auditing. In this case our approach is basically directed towards the establishment of the cloud computing framework for the CRM applications with the use of checklists by following the data flow of the CRM application and its lifecycle. Those ch

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Publication Date
Mon Aug 30 2021
Journal Name
Al-kindy College Medical Journal
Serum Biomarkers are Promising Tools to Predict Traumatic Brain Injury Outcome
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Traumatic Brain Injury (TBI) is still considered a worldwide leading cause of mortality and morbidity. Within the last decades, different modalities were used to assess severity and outcome including Glasgow Coma Scale (GCS), imaging modalities, and even genetic polymorphism, however, determining the prognosis of TBI victims is still challenging requiring the emerging of more accurate and more applicable tools to surrogate other old modalities

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Publication Date
Mon Jan 01 2024
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
Bi-Distance Approach to Determine the Topological Invariants of Silicon Carbide
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          The use of silicon carbide is increasing significantly in the fields of research and technology. Topological indices enable data gathering on algebraic graphs and provide a mathematical framework for analyzing the chemical structural characteristics. In this paper, well-known degree-based topological indices are used to analyze the chemical structures of silicon carbides. To evaluate the features of various chemical or non-chemical networks, a variety of topological indices are defined. In this paper, a new concept related to the degree of the graph called "bi-distance" is introduced, which is used to calculate all the additive as well as multiplicative degree-based indices for the isomer of silicon carbide, Si2

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