The research aims to outline a governmental and societal communicative vision grounded in the principles of sustainable development within Iraqi governmental institutions. This is achieved by public relations practitioners incorporating these concepts and enhancing public awareness of them. Iraqi governmental institutions cannot deviate from the international pattern and societal mood that encompass the goals of sustainable development. The growing international and local interest in environmental issues has influenced governmental stances and actions towards the public.
The research's main problem revolves around addressing a pivotal question: What are the levels of empowerment of public relations practitioners in achieving sustainable development goals within governmental institutions?
The primary objective of the research is to unveil the extent to which public relations practitioners perceive the required levels of sustainable development both domestically and externally and in their professional lives. Public relations and media practitioners are keen on educating about the significance and legitimacy of sustainable development. Their performance and success in fulfilling this role depend on their conviction and their ability to understand and adopt behaviors that align with sustainable development objectives.
The study made several conclusions, most notably that public relations practitioners are aware of what is expected of an individual at home, externally, and at work. Additionally, the youth demographic is the most informed about sustainable development concepts and principles, making them more positive in their interactions with the requirements and behaviors of these principles, whether at home, in the community, or at work.
عند إطلالتنا على هذا البلد العربي لابد من التقصي ولو بعجاله عن اقتصاده وهو الاهم باعتبار ان الاقتصاد هو شريان الحياة لأي أمة فلا غنى ولا تهاون في نفس الوقت عن هذا الجانب المهم الذي يرتبط مدى تطوره بتطور البلد وهذا الاخير مرتبط بما متوفر لديه من موارد بشريه ومادية وان تفاوتت النسبة بينها فلا ضير في ذلك فالاهم هو وجود الموجه والمخطط بالاتجاه الصحيح نحو الاستغلال الامثل لهذه الموارد
(وان قلّتْ) وبالتالي
Provisions related to nails in Islamic Fiqh
Fraud Includes acts involving the exercise of deception by multiple parties inside and outside companies in order to obtain economic benefits against the harm to those companies, as they are to commit fraud upon the availability of three factors which represented by the existence of opportunities, motivation, and rationalization. Fraud detecting require necessity of indications the possibility of its existence. Here, Benford’s law can play an important role in direct the light towards the possibility of the existence of financial fraud in the accounting records of the company, which provides the required effort and time for detect fraud and prevent it.
Given a binary matrix, finding the maximum set of columns such that the resulting submatrix has the Consecutive Ones Property (C1P) is called the Consecutive Ones Submatrix (C1S) problem. There are solution approaches for it, but there is also a room for improvement. Moreover, most of the studies of the problem use exact solution methods. We propose an evolutionary approach to solve the problem. We also suggest a related problem to C1S, which is the Consecutive Blocks Minimization (CBM). The algorithm is then performed on real-world and randomly generated matrices of the set covering type.
God urged to read the Holy Qur’an and to ponder it is commanded, and the Most High said: That they ponder over His verses and that those with insights remember ().
And this book that God Almighty sent down to the heart of His Prophet, peace and blessings be upon him, is as clear as the sun and the moon.
It is a book of guidance and the constitution of a nation that is the best nation brought forth for mankind, and God has taken care of its preservation as He said: We have sent down the Remembrance, and we are its guardians.
This has been chosen for this topic (Luqman's commandments to his son) for what we see today in our time and society from the loss of morals and values and the neglect of parents to their chi
The file upload is one of the controls of the tool bar of the VisualStodio.NET, but it can’t be used with Ajax technology (It's almost impossible today to be involved in web application design or development and not be aware of Ajax) because the file upload control don’t support Ajax technology that the execution of the instruction is not completed or the (object is not set) message will appear, although the essential need to use this control with Ajax to gain the asynchronous data transfer that supplied by Ajax, because the file upload don’t work without the Postback operation from the client to the server, and the main idea of Ajax technology is working without Postback operation to the server. After the deep resea
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There is a theoretical controversy in the books of Usul al-Fiqh, in the past and the present, about whether the ruling should be attached to its reason (al-Hikmah), or its apparent and stable cause (al-Illah). Looking at the practical cases of the jurists, we found them sometimes attaching rulings to its reason, and sometimes to its cause, so there is a need to know the factors that affect their choices. By extrapolation, the researcher reached at nine factors that affect referring the ruling to its cause or to its reason in jurisprudential cases.
Background: One of the major problems in endodontics is micro-leakage of root canal fillings which might contribute to the failure of endodontic treatment. To avoid this problem, a variety of sealers have been tested. The objective of this, in vitro, study was to evaluate the shear bond strength of four resin based sealers (AH plus, silver free AH26, RealSeal SE and Perma Evolution permanent root canal filling material) to dentin. Materials and Methods: Forty non-carious extracted lower premolars were used. The 2mm of the occlusal surfaces of teeth were sectioned, to expose the dentin surface. The exposed dentin surfaces of teeth were washed with 5ml of 2.5% NaOCl solution followed by 5ml of 17 % EDTA then rinsed by deionized water to remov
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We can notice cluster data in social, health and behavioral sciences, so this type of data have a link between its observations and we can express these clusters through the relationship between measurements on units within the same group.
In this research, I estimate the reliability function of cluster function by using the seemingly unrelate
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