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The Use of Digital Public – Relations in the Work of Iraqi Universities: A Survey Study of the Workers in the Departments of Public Relations
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the digital public relations aim at make the workers getting the necessary information about the governmental institutions where they work and the enveronment surrounding them. it also tries to let the workers get the special knowlege of tthe publich relations and their jobs like the works of planning , arranging the active communication and executive skills needed in their writing , editing , special art skills for designing , production and technological skills to deal with the computer.
the problem of the research includes some questions as :
1- what are the uses achieved by degetal public relations workers at Iraqi universities (Baghdad, Mustansiriya, and Iraqi)
2- what are the tools used to apply digital public relations in active communication at Iraqi universitites?
The goals of the research are as follows:
Identifying the extent to which employees use digital public relations according to the theory of uses and saturation .
identifying the extent to which employees’ dependence on the tool of applying digital public relations
the researcher ends with the following conclusions:
1- the number of male respondents are larger than the females. their age is abut 20 years up to 30 years old . the educational level of the respondents who have bahelor degree are larger than those who have higher degrees. The university of Baghdad is higher in the number of workers in the departments of digital public relaions.
2- the number of those who know how to use the internet and computer system increases in number year after another.

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Publication Date
Mon Jul 01 2013
Journal Name
Political Sciences Journal
Modern structuralism in International Relations
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The neo – realism school confirms the using of soft instruments in foreign policy which replaced martial means . this is the age of economies that based on in formatting and interdependence which overpass the national boundaries . The power becomes less trans fer able and trans fordable. It becomes tangible and less coercive . The former American minister Henry Kissinger , despite his deep belief in the policy of the traditional power balance, argued in 1975 by saying “we are now witnessing a new Ara. The new global patterns are falling apart … we are living in a new world of inter deepen dense in the economy communications and human tartan aspirations” The priority of economy in concern of war was the mean reason behind the winn

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Publication Date
Sat Jun 04 2022
Journal Name
Al–bahith Al–a'alami
Motives for public exposure to specialized sports satellite channels and the gratifications achieved from it: A survey study on the public of the city of Baghdad
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Motives for public exposure to specialized sports satellite channels and the gratifications achieved about it - Research presented by (Dr. Dr. Laila Ali Jumaa), Imam Al-Kadhim College (peace be upon him) - Department of Information-2021.

       The research aims to know the extent of public exposure to specialized sports satellite channels, and what gratifications are achieved from them, and to reach scientific results that give an accurate description of exposure, motives and gratifications verified by that exposure, and the research objectives are summarized in the following:

  • Revealing the habits and patterns of public exposure to specialized sports satelli

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Publication Date
Mon Jan 28 2019
Journal Name
Journal Of The College Of Education For Women
The RoleThe Role of the Arbitration Treaty and Decisiveness in the Consolidation of Relations Between Britain and France (1903-1904) of the Arbitration Treaty and Decisiveness in the Consolidation of Relations Between Britain and France (1903-1904)
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The Risks Faced by Britain in their Areas of Influence at the Beginning of the Twentieth Century Drove her to the Alliance with the State of European such as France, and Contributed to the Tireless and made by the British and French Politicians in the Consolidation of Friendly Relations between the two Countries Efforts and Strengthened Cooperation in a Positive Way to Visit the king of Britain's Edward VII to France, Offset by Visit French President Loubet to Britain in the Same Year, those Negotiations Bore Fruit between the two Countries for Reaching a Contract Arbitration and Decisiveness between Britain and France Treaty on the Fourteenth of November 1903, Promised that Treaty First Step that Paved the Way for a General Agreement be

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Publication Date
Wed Jun 03 2020
Journal Name
Political Sciences Journal
The development of relations between Kuwait and the Soviet Union (1961-1991)
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This study examines the relationships between Kuwait and the Soviet Union from 1961 to 1991, chiefly by analyzing not only the factors that drove Kuwait to form diplomatic relationships with Moscow in 1963 but also how domestic, regional, and international variables affected the development of those relationships until 1991. The study presents the analytical and historical research methods used to reach its findings. Among the findings, Kuwait’s decision to forge diplomatic relationships with Moscow in 1963 indeed seems to have been driven by domestic, regional, and international factors, including Kuwait’s geographical situation, the historical background of the relationships between Kuwait and Moscow, and the structure of t

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Publication Date
Sat Feb 02 2019
Journal Name
Journal Of The College Of Education For Women
The Balance and unbalance in alliance relations The Saudi Arabia and United State Relation as model: The Balance and unbalance in alliance relations The Saudi Arabia and United State Relation as model
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Saudi Arabia and United States long relation could present an important
subject to understand alliance kind in international relations types. We trying
in this study to diagnose and analyze the Saudi Arabia and United States
model to find balance and unbalance statues and its influence on the
directions of Saudi Arabia foreign policy positions.
We divided the study in two parts, each part have many sections. The
first part deal with the historian emergence of Saudi Arabia state and its
development in three stages including its foreign relations with regions and
international powers. While the second part was dedicated in analyzing and
understanding the mechanism and active facts that drawing the Sa

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Publication Date
Tue Jan 01 2008
Journal Name
مجلة كلية الاداب جامعة بغداد
تحقيق نظريات العلاقات العامة في الجامعات العراقية
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ان استعمال الاساليب والنظريات العلمية الحديثة في عمل العلاقات العامة من شأنه ان يجعل عمل ادارات العلاقات العامة نافعاً ومؤثراً نافعاً للمؤسسة ومؤثراً في جمهورها ومحيطها الخارجي وكلما اتسع نشاط المؤسسة وكبر حجمها وامتدت الرقعة الجغرافية التي تنتشر عليها تشكيلات المؤسسة وفروعها كلما كبرت وكثرت التحديات والتهديدات التي تواجه المؤسسة ونشاطها وبذلك تكون الحاجة ماسة الى وجود ادارات متخصصة بالعلاقات العامة تس

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Publication Date
Sun Feb 03 2019
Journal Name
Journal Of The College Of Education For Women
The builds and functional relations Between the peopolitics and strategy
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The geopolities considering as build from the basies builds of the polities
geography, participating in appointing the military geography, and submit to it
geo-polities purveyed, playing important role to appointing the builds relations
between the high strategy and the military strategy, while the foreign polities of
the state, which considering as a tool for the state outside it environment and
borders playing the role of the performance and the functional works to the
peaceful or hostile reaction according to the geopolities purveyed which
participating in amassing the recourse for the economical, political, social,
military and technology strategies and activating it to achieving the state interests
and obj

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Publication Date
Tue Jun 02 2009
Journal Name
Albahith Alalami
A proposed scientific strategy for public relations activity at the Integrity Authority.
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This study deals with knowing the public relations activities of the Integrity Commission for the year 2007, knowing the contents of these activities, knowing the contents of the advertisements that it published, whether the contents of the advertisements were convincing, and whether press photographs were used in these advertisements, as well as whether symbols and slogans were used. What language and words were used to address the recipient? 1- What feelings do the contents of advertisements arouse? 2- Research objectives: This research aims to answer the following questions: What are the public relations activities carried out by the Integrity Commission? B: Are the contents of the advertisements published by the Authority convincing to

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Publication Date
Mon Jun 01 2009
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
Evaluation of performance of some industrial companies In the default reference comparison method Field study in the public companies of cement (Iraqi - North - South
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The increasing Global Competitive and the continuous improvement in information technology has led the way to the development of the modern systems and using modern techniques. One of these techniques is benchmarking style and Total Quality Management all of them are used to improve the production process and target rid from the losts on the other side.

The Benchmarking style has become a very important for all the industrial systems and the serving systems as well. And an instrument to improve their performance specially those which are suffering from the highness of the costs or waste in time on the other side.

This study aims to depend on virtual Benchmarking style in the eval

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Publication Date
Sun Oct 07 2012
Journal Name
Journal Of Educational And Psychological Researches
The Participation of the Students of the Colleges of Education in the Iraqi Universities in Literacy and Adult Education in Iraq. The Students of the Departments of Holy Quran and Islamic Education (A model)
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The study focuses on the problem that Iraq is approaching an increasing rate of literacy;the available data refers to a rate of (18% -19%). In addition to the fact that the generalcurrent role of the programs directed to literacy is not actually effective enough to limit the expansion of this rate.

The importance of this study highlights the fact that the Iraqi universities are an important tributary among the tributaries of human development, especially in spreading the education of the voluntary work in literacy field and confirming the connection between the students and their society and their role in solving one of the prominent challenges that face the development, i.e., literacy.


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