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Public Attitudes Towards National Issues in Interactive Television Programs
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This research aims to investigate the extent to which the Iraqi audience relies on interactive television programs as a source of information regarding national issues and their resulting impacts. It seeks to identify the types and nature of attitudes developed among the public towards national issues through these programs and determine the prominent topics and issues highlighted to the audience. The researcher employed a field survey as the primary research method, employing a questionnaire for data collection along with scientific observation and the Likert three-point scale to measure attitudes. The study was guided by the media dependency theory. A sample of 520 questionnaires was distributed to residents in Baghdad province using a multi-stage cluster and purposive sampling approach. The study yielded several notable findings, including:
1. The sample participants exhibited a high level of interest in following national issues on satellite channels, with %98.4 indicating their engagement.
2. Cognitive motives and goals, such as understanding and guidance, ranked as the most significant motivations for relying on satellite channels as a source of information on national issues.

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Publication Date
Mon Mar 15 2021
Journal Name
Aesthetics of the Artistic Construction in Educational TV Programs " progrm Hello Hi! A Model": محمد عبد الرضا حسين
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  The TV has the ability to combine sound and picture, which makes it of a direct impact on the recipient as it is a rich communicative tool with various artistic forms that display through this small screen programs and films, so that the TV has become superior over many other means of communication.
This research is concerned with the technical and artistic ability in the production of programs owned by the TV as a means of attraction of educated children aged between 5-12 years old, which makes it an educational supplement for the school that helps them in providing knowledge, acquiring skills and being informed about the different sciences through educational programs. It is known that the child at this stage enjoys when wa

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Publication Date
Thu Dec 28 2023
Journal Name
Al–bahith Al–a'alami
Digital Interactive Elements in The Twitter Platform: An Analytical Study
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The primary issue addressed in this research revolves around identifying the interactive elements provided by the Twitter platform and understanding their utilization by digital newspapers with official accounts. These newspapers broadcast content in line with their policies. This study is classified within descriptive research that employed a survey method and content analysis tool. The methodology relies on the "how was it said?" approach to categorize the analysis. The research yielded the following results:
Twitter utilized numerous interactive elements for disseminating tweets, which include "text, branching links, hashtags, digital images, digital videos, digital audio, and digital polls." However, thes

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Publication Date
Mon Jan 01 2018
Journal Name
Al–bahith Al–a'alami
Attitudes of University Students about the Statements of Iraqi Political Elites: A Survey Study of a Sample of University Youth in Baghdad
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Various visual media are becoming an increasingly important and active instrument of communication. This fact has led some political parties and leading personalities in Iraq to make use of them as an accepted forum for the discussion of public affairs usually in a manner that conforms to their declared policy. They have to draw as much popular support as they could for the causes which they fight for. As a result, a state of great confusion has been created from the contradictory statements made by the contending parties and gave left grave consequences on all types of the audience receiving them. The problem of the study can be summarized in one major question: What is the opinions of the audience as regards the statements made by the

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Publication Date
Wed Mar 12 2025
Journal Name
Al–bahith Al–a'alami
Public relations of Iraqi companies and their role in the marketing of national products
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based on the importance of public relations in companies, I will discussed the issue of public relations and its role in marketing national products, given what these companies represent of great importance in terms of providing products and services to large segments of Iraqi society, which necessitated the need to search and investigate the role and importance of activities that Provides public relations in Iraqi companies in all categories( public, private and mixed).
the study tables and theirinterpretations, results and recommendations, and the studyreachedseveralresults, including the positive and the negative, the positive including the success in marketing the products by the number of companies in the Fairswhere the level of

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Crossref (1)
Publication Date
Sun Mar 15 2020
Journal Name
Attitudes of Teachers of Art Education towards the Use of Visual Intelligence in Teaching: تحرير جاسم كاطع
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     The scientific and technological developments and their practical applications in all fields of life in general and in the education field in specific have led to the emergence of variables in the educational structure, teaching methods and in education in their modern form which is consistent in its entirety with    the spirit of the age. We today live the age of knowledge increase full of wide ranging scientific and technological developments. Thus life demands human capabilities of a special kind able to develop and innovate. Here the increasing significance emerges for taking care of the human powers through educational systems much different from those current traditional systems.  System

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Publication Date
Fri Oct 26 2018
Journal Name
Al–bahith Al–a'alami
University youth attitudes towards mobile phone Companies advertisements in Social networking sites): :(Facebook as sample
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The advertising has emerged as an effective force and an effective instrument upon with all organizations and companies depend on achieving their goals. In additional to the need to use promote sales, The nature and objective of advertising go beyond the scope of specific personal communication to a broader and more effective range for consumers from multiple groups and combination play need to use as well as the need to use means of communication than com convey the message more professional, The coincides with the rapid and remarkable development of all different media technologies and as much as possible social networking sites including mobile phone companies. The advertising has emerged as an effective force and an effective instrum

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Publication Date
Mon Jan 08 2024
Journal Name
Aesthetics of experimentation In short television films
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Experimentation Multi effective and fertile grew human desire to discover new ways to express beauty in artwork .And dabble term experimentation in the performing arts and arts architecture, cinema and television in the test forms and interest in the visual effects and movements seek to establish and beauty and schools of thought in literature and art. This study aims to identify

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Publication Date
Thu Jan 23 2020
Journal Name
Journal Of Accounting And Financial Studies ( Jafs )
Loss Reduction and prevention programs
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The risks are considered as a large challenge facing the human communities. This challenge creates an economic and social burden which obstruct the community progress and influences on its evaluation in a negative way. In the last years, these risks began to increase and now it is necessary to face these risks in a regular and instructive methods in order to control over these risks and to limit its effects and reducing the losses, if it happened. The loss reduction and prevention programs produced by risks management are considered as a successful solution which enable to control these risks. These programs would not finish the danger in the community in a final way but it produces a practical solution reduces the negative effects and c

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Publication Date
Sat May 16 2009
Journal Name
Journal Of Planner And Development
Support environmental programs using knowledge management
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The research deals with Environmental Management and how to develop its programs with the use of Knowledge Management, the environmental programs that integrate with processes can add strategic value to business through improving rates of resource utilization , efficiencies , reduce waste, use risk management, cut costs, avoid fines and reduce insurance. All these activities and processes can improve it through knowledge management, the optimal usage for all organizations information , employ it in high value and share it among all organizations members who involves in modify its strategy . Choosing suitable environmental management information system, develop it and modify it with organization processes, can greatly serve the en

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Publication Date
Sun Dec 16 2018
Journal Name
The Aesthetics of the Digital Sound Effects in Television Drama
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The sound effects in TV dramas achievements have become very important not only in terms of function and implementation, but at a greater and wider level in terms of artistic and aesthetic values, which are produced and employed in the most important world artistic achievements of drama, using the latest and most prominent technologies and equipment and according to the expressive and dramatic values expressed by these modern digital sound effects. Therefore, the researcher chose the aesthetic effect of digital sound effects in television drama to identify the aesthetic aspects provided by digital sound effects by employing them and their accompaniment for the image.

The researcher, therefor, divided this study into the methodolo

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