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Solar hydrogen line emission has been observed at the frequency of 1.42 GHz (21 cm wavelength) with 3m radio telescope installed inside the University of Baghdad campus. Several measurements related to the sun have been conducted and computed from the radio telescope spectrometer. These measurements cover the solar brightness temperature, antenna temperature, solar radio flux, and the antenna gain of the radio telescope. The results demonstrate that the maximum antenna temperature, solar brightness temperature, and solar flux density are found to be 970 K, 49600K, and 70 SFU respectively. These results show perfect correlation with recent published studies.

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Publication Date
Tue May 01 2012
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Physics
Controlling the wavelength of a high power diode laser using thermoelectric cooler
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The present work includes a design and characteristics study of a controlling the wavelength of high power diode laser by thermoelectric cooler [TEC] . The work includes the operation of the [TEC] to control the temperature of the diode laser between ( 0- +30) °C by changing the resistance of thermistor. We can control a limited temperature of a diode laser by changing the phase cooling between hot and cold faces of the diode, this process can be attempted by comparator type [LM –311] .The theoretical results give a model for controlling the temperature with, the suitable wavelength.

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Publication Date
Mon Sep 01 2014
Journal Name
2014 Ieee 25th Annual International Symposium On Personal, Indoor, And Mobile Radio Communication (pimrc)
Percolation condition for interference-limited cognitive radio networks
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In this paper, we characterize the percolation condition for a continuum secondary cognitive radio network under the SINR model. We show that the well-established condition for continuum percolation does not hold true in the SINR regime. Thus, we find the condition under which a cognitive radio network percolates. We argue that due to the SINR requirements of the secondaries along with the interference tolerance of the primaries, not all the deployed secondary nodes necessarily contribute towards the percolation process- even though they might participate in the communication process. We model the invisibility of such nodes using the concept of Poisson thinning, both in the presence and absence of primaries. Invisibility occurs due to nodes

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Publication Date
Fri Jan 01 2021
Journal Name
Journal Of Engineering
Flow Measurements in Open Channels Using Integrating-Floats
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The flow measurements have increased importance in the last decades due to the shortage of water resources resulting from climate changes that request high control of the available water needed for different uses. The classical technique of open channel flow measurement by the integrating-float method was needed for measuring flow in different locations when there were no available modern devices for different reasons, such as the cost of devices. So, the use of classical techniques was taken place to solve the problem. The present study examines the integrating float method and defines the parameters affecting the acceleration of floating spheres in flowing water that was analyzed using experimental measurements. The me

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Publication Date
Sun Mar 06 2011
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
Calculation of Coefficients of Cassegrain Telescope Mirrors
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In the present work, a program for calculating the coefficients of the Aplanatic Cassegrain Telescope (ACT) system, free from the effects of spherical and coma aberrations, were constructed. In addition, the two-mirrors of the optical system, as aspherical surfaces, were adopted. This means, that the two-equations of the mirrors are assumed to be polynomial function of five even terms only. The numerical method, least-squares curve fitting method to calculate the two-mirror coefficients system, was adopted. For choosing the values and ratios that give the best results, Rayleigh Criterion (Rayleigh Limit), for purpose of comparison and preference, was adopted.

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Publication Date
Tue Jun 01 2021
Journal Name
Journal Of Engineering
Designing a Secure Software-Defined Radio Transceiver using the Logistic Map
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The need to exchange large amounts of real-time data is constantly increasing in wireless communication. While traditional radio transceivers are not cost-effective and their components should be integrated, software-defined radio (SDR) ones have opened up a new class of wireless technologies with high security.  This study aims to design an  SDR  transceiver was built using one type of modulation, which is 16 QAM, and adding a  security subsystem using one type of chaos map, which is a  logistic map, because it is a very simple nonlinear dynamical equations that generate a random key and  EXCLUSIVE  OR with the originally transmitted data to protect data through the transmission. At th

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Publication Date
Sun Jan 01 2017
Journal Name
Lecture Notes In Computer Science
The Art of Using Cross-Layer Design in Cognitive Radio Networks
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Publication Date
Fri Nov 15 2024
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Science
Direction of Arrival Estimation of Meteors Echoes using Array Radio Antennas
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Array antennas have an interesting role in the radio astronomy field. The array antennas allow astronomers to obtain high-resolution signals with high sensitivity to weak signals. This paper estimates the meteors' positions entering the Earth's atmosphere and develops a simulation for array antenna radar to analyze the meteor's echoes. The GNU radio software was used to process the echoes, which is a free open-source software development toolkit that provides signal processing blocks to implement in radio projects. Then, the simulation determines the azimuth and elevation of the meteors. An improved Multiple Signal Classification (MUSIC) algorithm has been suggested to analyze these echoes. The detected power of each meteor echo has

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Publication Date
Mon Jul 17 2023
Journal Name
Aip Conference Proceedings
Calculation of modes properties for multimode optical fibers at 633 nm wavelength
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Publication Date
Mon Jul 10 2023
Journal Name
Journal Of Engineering
3-D Map Producing for Groundwater Level using Kriging Interpolation Method
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The effect of the initial pressure upon the laminar flame speed, for a methane-air mixtures, has been detected paractically, for a wide range of equivalence ratio. In this work, a measurement system is designed in order to measure the laminar flame speed using a constant volume method with a thermocouples technique. The laminar  burning velocity is measured, by using the density ratio method. The comparison of the present work results and the previous ones show good agreement between them. This indicates that the measurements and the calculations employed in the present work are successful and precise

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Publication Date
Sun Jun 01 2014
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
Determination of solar window for Baghdad city using pv system program
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Been using a pv system program to determine the solar window for Baghdad city . the solar window for any location can be determine by deviating left and right from the geographical south as well as deviation according to the amount of tilt angle with the horizon for fixed panel so that will not change the average of solar radiation incident over the whole year and this lead to help in the process of installation of fixed solar panel without any effect on annual output .the range of solar window for Baghdad city between two angles ( -8 - +8 ) degrees left to right of the geographical south and tilt angle that allowed for the horizon range between angles (21- 30) degrees so that the amount of solar radiation that falling on the solar pan

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