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Hybrid Intrusion Detection System based on DNA Encoding, Teiresias Algorithm and Clustering Method
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Until recently, researchers have utilized and applied various techniques for intrusion detection system (IDS), including DNA encoding and clustering that are widely used for this purpose. In addition to the other two major techniques for detection are anomaly and misuse detection, where anomaly detection is done based on user behavior, while misuse detection is done based on known attacks signatures. However, both techniques have some drawbacks, such as a high false alarm rate. Therefore, hybrid IDS takes advantage of combining the strength of both techniques to overcome their limitations. In this paper, a hybrid IDS is proposed based on the DNA encoding and clustering method. The proposed DNA encoding is done based on the UNSW-NB15 database by dividing the record's attributes into four groups, including State, Protocol, Service, and the rest of the features is Digits. Four DNA characters were used to represent each protocol attribute values. While two DNA characters are used to represent State, Service and Digits attributes values. Then, the clustering method is applied to classify the records into two clusters, either attack or normal. The current experiment results showed that the proposed system has achieved a good detection rate and accuracy results equal to 81.22% and 82.05% respectively. Also, the system achieved fast encoding and clustering time that equal 0.385 seconds and 0.00325 seconds respectively for each record.

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Publication Date
Wed Nov 30 2022
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Science
Measurement of Radiation Background and Estimation of the Annual Effective Dose for Workers in the Radiochemistry Laboratories at the Al-Tuwaitha Site
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      This study was achieved to calculate the annual effective dose equivalent (AEDE) in units of (mSv.y-1), and the average radiation dose rate (ADR) in units of (μSv.h-1) which were measured by portable devices.   The study was carried out on the workers of the destroyed radiochemistry laboratory located at Al-Twuitha nuclear site (south of Baghdad). Radiation background was determined for comparison with the radioactive dose of soil samples measured with HPGe detector and portable devices type LUDLUM.  The radioactivity levels of the area around the radiochemistry laboratory building were within the limits of radiation background.  The result showed a significant increase of the annua

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Publication Date
Tue Jun 01 2021
Journal Name
Journal Of Planner And Development
Alternative development in the proposed model of the Strategy for Empowerment and Spatial Sustainable Development/ Baghdad Governorate Council as a case study
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This research mainly aims to analyze local development strategy in Baghdad Governance, build the Strategic Model based on the study area's spatial interaction, and achieve the Trinity of Excellence based on the global model of excellence.

           This research applied SWOT strategic analysis for the strengths and weaknesses of the internal environment and opportunities and threats of the external environment for the provincial council. In conclusion, the research specifies appropriate alternatives and choosing the best in line with the reality of the Baghdad Provincial Council. Also, the strategic goals in the national plan and the spatial interaction of the development goals,

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Publication Date
Mon Feb 01 2016
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
Employment of critical success factors in achieving the strategy Entrepreneurship: A field research for my company Oil Products Distribution and Midland Refineries
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        The critical success factors of the means of the most modern in determining the main directions for organizations to achieve competitive advantage. and can be a critical success factors in organizations that overlap in the functional areas of the organization. that successful organizations use these factors to get to the uniqueness and distinction. as the entrance of critical success factors with the capacity Evaluative phase correction because discovery increases the perception of managers of what is important to the organization and using them to get to the Strategic Entrepreneurship. as it begins in terms of permanence of success and

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Publication Date
Thu Oct 25 2018
Journal Name
Al-kindy College Medical Journal
Prevalence and risk factors for hepatitis C virus in Beta thalassemic patients attending blood diseases center in Ibn- AL -Baladi Hospital, Baghdad
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Background: Thalassemias are a group of heterogeneous genetic disorders, in which the rate of production of hemoglobin is partially or completely suppressed due to reduced rate of synthesis of α or β- chain

Objectives: to estimate the prevalence of Hepatitis C infection among B thalassemia patients attending Ibn-AL-Baladi center of blood diseases in AL-Sader city, in AL-Resafa Quarter of Baghdad and to determine the possible risk factors.

Type of the study: Cross- sectional study.

Methods: A cross sectional study conducted on B Thalassemia patients attending the blood diseases center in Ibn-AL-Baladi hospital during the period from 1st

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Publication Date
Tue Dec 01 2009
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
The role of knowledge management in achieving outstanding university performance (Applied study in the Faculty of Management and Economics / University of Kufa)
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The research aims to determine the role of knowledge management to measure performance on a sample of faculties of Administration and Economics the University of Kufa, and to achieve this goal through a researcher from the theoretical literature and research and studies related to the construction of the scheme shows the hypothetical relationship between the variables, which was adopted by the independent variable knowledge management, distributed four variables are: (knowledge generation, knowledge storage, knowledge dissemination, the application of knowledge), as well as four variables representing the variables adopted for the performance of the university are:
(to reduce costs and increase profits, improve quality, scie

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Publication Date
Mon Nov 29 2021
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Science
Determination of the Liver Enzymes Level and Kidney Functions in Pregnant Women in the Second Trimester of Pregnancy at Different Age Groups
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The level of liver enzymes and kidney functions in pregnant women in the second trimester of pregnancy at different age groups was determined. This study is composed of fifty pregnant women in the second trimester of pregnancy and were classified into two subgroups; first group included twenty-five pregnant with an age between 22-30 years, a second group included twenty-five pregnant with an age 35-42 years. A control group included twenty-five non-pregnant, healthy women was also included. Blood samples were obtained from each group, centrifuged, serum was collected from each group to measure liver enzymes (AST, ALT and ALP) and kidney function tests (urea and creatinine) were measured using enzymatic kits. The results of present study

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Publication Date
Mon Jun 14 2021
Journal Name
Turkish Journal Of Physiotherapy And Rehabilitation
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One of the most important phenomena facing the athlete is the anxiety of sports competition, as he faces many psychological problems during training and in competitions of psychological tension, fear and anxiety that accompany him sometimes, which leads to affecting his level, and sports competition anxiety is a special type of anxiety that occurs in the athlete It is related to the attitudes of sports competitions and that participation in sports competitions and the associated emotional experiences are among the important factors that motivate the practice of sports activity and try to advance and develop his sports level. It is assumed that when the individual begins to practice any activity, he aims to reach a level or degree of achie

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Publication Date
Fri Jul 01 2016
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
The role of the Organizational Service Orientation practices and its Impact in inhancing the employees performance (A Fiald Research in Baghdad Municipality)
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Recently, there is a widespread attention about the service at the level of each of the research and academic studies, and at the organizational level as well. The subject of orientation towards the service aspect is starting to be of this attention being of the modern subjects, relatively, which appeared at the end of the last century, as well as the link of this subject with the relationship between the organization and its customers, and how to provide high quality services to get their satisfaction. Thus, the specialists from researchers were interested in this field to develop an appropriate scale to measure the organizational orientation toward service, and it was the most prominen

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Publication Date
Sun Sep 17 2017
Journal Name
Ibn Al-haitham Journal For Pure And Applied Sciences
Measuring Concentration For Some Ions In Drink And River Water In AL-muthana AndAL-basrah Cities Between December 2003 TO April 2004
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This  study  is concerned   measuri ng the concentration of some

ions l ike  calci um,  sodium, potassium, chlor,  lithium, carbonate and bicarbonate in drinking  and  river water  in AI-Muthana  and AI-Basrah


These  ions usually are found in normal water.  When we take di!Ierent samples  from different  regions  on the  E uph rates river  in Al­ Muthana  and A1-Basrah cities  we fou nd that the d rinking water  in Al­ Basrah contains a high prccent from  those ions. The  low preccnt from those  ions found  in Arab  river as compared with Euphrates  river. This study

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Publication Date
Fri Mar 13 2020
Journal Name
Consumers’ Perceptions and Attitudes toward Products Preventing Microfiber Pollution in Aquatic Environments as a Result of the Domestic Washing of Synthetic Clothes
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Microfibers released by synthetic clothes have a significant negative effect on the environment. Several solutions have been proposed and evaluated for their effectiveness, but studies have failed to address the human-centered aspects of these products. In this research, the possibilities and needs from a consumer perspective for a new filtering system for domestic washing machines were examined. First, a quantitative (questionnaire) and a qualitative (interviews and observations) exploration were done to understand the desired requirements from a user perspective. Next, the acceptance of various existing solutions for microfiber catching was investigated. To verify these requirements, a new concept was designed and evaluated with a

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