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Modifications of Polymers through the Addition of Ultraviolet Absorbers to Reduce the Aging Effect of Accelerated and Natural Irradiation
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The photooxidative degradation process of plastics caused by ultraviolet irradiation leads to bond breaking, crosslinking, the elimination of volatiles, formation of free radicals, and decreases in weight and molecular weight. Photodegradation deteriorates both the mechanical and physical properties of plastics and affects their predicted life use, in particular for applications in harsh environments. Plastics have many benefits, while on the other hand, they have numerous disadvantages, such as photodegradation and photooxidation in harsh environments and the release of toxic substances due to the leaching of some components, which have a negative effect on living organisms. Therefore, attention is paid to the design and use of safe, plastic, ultraviolet stabilizers that do not pose a danger to the environment if released. Plastic ultraviolet photostabilizers act as efficient light screeners (absorbers or pigments), excited-state deactivators (quenchers), hydroperoxide decomposers, and radical scavengers. Ultraviolet absorbers are cheap to produce, can be used in low concentrations, mix well with polymers to produce a homogenous matrix, and do not alter the color of polymers. Recently, polyphosphates, Schiff bases, and organometallic complexes were synthesized and used as potential ultraviolet absorbers for polymeric materials. They reduced the damage caused by accelerated and natural ultraviolet aging, which was confirmed by inspecting the surface morphology of irradiated polymeric films. For example, atomic force microscopy revealed that the roughness factor of polymers’ irradiated surfaces was improved significantly in the presence of ultraviolet absorbers. In addition, the investigation of the surface of irradiated polymers using scanning electron microscopy showed a high degree of homogeneity and the appearance of pores that were different in size and shape. The current work surveys for the first time the use of newly synthesized, ultraviolet absorbers as additives to enhance the photostability of polymeric materials and, in particular, polyvinyl chloride and polystyrene, based mainly on our own recent work in the field.

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Publication Date
Fri Nov 09 2018
Journal Name
Iraqi National Journal Of Nursing Specialties
Detection the level of YKL-40 biochemical marker and vitamin D level in sera of Iraqi Uterine cancer females' patients
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Objective: Detection the level of YKL-40 biochemical marker and vitamin D level in sera of Iraqi uterine cancer
females' patients.
Methodology: This study included 90 female volunteers, 30 of them were healthy volunteers who were
considered as a control group, while sixty serum samples were collected from women patients suffering from
uterine tumors (30 malignant and 30 fibroid benign tumors), benign cases were considered as a disease
control group for malignant tumors. The average age of those females was 30-75 years, which matched the
control group. All the samples were collected from Azady hospital in Kirkuk and the gynecologic department at
Medical City in Baghdad during October /2012 to May /2013. All the serum

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Publication Date
Wed Jul 01 2020
Journal Name
Chemical Engineering Research And Design
Simultaneous studies of emulsion stability and extraction capacity for the removal of tetracycline from aqueous solution by liquid surfactant membrane
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Publication Date
Sun Mar 03 2019
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Physics
Experimental observation of the far field diffraction patterns of functionalization single and multi-walled carbon nanotubes using nonlinear diffraction technique
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Nonlinear diffraction pattern can be induced by focusing CW
laser into a thin quartzes cuvette containing nanofluid. The number
of revealed pattern rings indicates to the nonlinear behavior of fluid.
Here, the nonlinear refractive index of each of functionalized single
wall carbon nanotube (F-SWCNTs) suspention and multi wall carbon
nanotube (F-MWCNTs) suspention have been investigated
experimentally .Each of CNTs suspention was at volume fraction of
13×10−5 and 6×10−5. Moreover the laser source at wavelength of
473 nm was used. The results show that SWCNTs suspention
possesses higher nonlinearty than other at the same volume fraction

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Publication Date
Mon Jan 01 2024
Journal Name
Brazilian Dental Science
Antimicrobial activity of Er,Cr:YSGG and Ultrasonic on E. faecalis biofilm in the mesial root canal systems of lower molars
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Publication Date
Sun Sep 06 2009
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
A Study of the Nutritional Behavior and Body Mass Indexes for Students of Age (17-25) Years In Baghdad, Iraq.
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The aim of this study was to assess the nutritional status for samples at the age of 17-15 years. These samples were taken from secondary schools and universities in Baghdad area, 123 of them were male and 261 were female. Data on weight, height and body mass index (BMI) were determined in each individual. Smaller sample of 215 individuals (male and female) from the original sample was taken in order to record their nutritional behavior and daily food intake during the 24 hours prior to the visit through personal meeting using special questionnaire. The results showed that the weight and the height were within the range of the people of neighboring Arab countries, who are in the same age. Beside 44.4- 55.95% of these samples were within t

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Publication Date
Wed Sep 14 2016
Journal Name
Journal Of Baghdad College Of Dentistry
Comparison of Immunoglobulin IgA Level in the Stimulated Saliva of Caries-Free and Caries-Active Children Aged 7-10 Years
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Background: Salivary immunoglobulin IgA plays an essential role in the immune response against dental caries. This studywas conducted to compare the salivary IgA levels and flow rate of stimulated saliva in caries active and caries free children. Materials and methods: The present study included sixty healthy children age 7-10 yearswho were divided into two groups. They were caries free and caries active children (30 children in each group). Assessment and recording of caries – experience were through the application of Decayed, Missing and Filled Tooth Index (DMFT) and (dmft) index, for permanent and deciduous teeth respectively. After dental examination, stimulated saliva samples were collected from the subjects and performed und

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Publication Date
Sun Jun 21 2020
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Pharmaceutical Sciences ( P-issn 1683 - 3597 E-issn 2521 - 3512)
Evaluation the Incidence of Genotoxic Effects of Artificial Food Favoring Additives in Bone Marrow Cells and Spleen Cells in Mice
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Genetic material is the most important component of cells because it contains the genetic information; hence any disruption to the structure chromosome of cells could lead to very bad results. Genotoxicity use to evaluate the safety of any chemical compounds on genetic materials. Artificial food flavoring additive are chemical substances to produce specific placebo effects added to foods but impart specific flavor to it.

The present study evaluates the genotoxic effect of artificial food flavoring additive on structure of chromosomes at three different concentrations (50%, 100%and 150%) on both bone marrow cells and spleen cells in mice for fourteen successive days. It was found that artificial food flavoring addit

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Publication Date
Sun Apr 23 2017
Journal Name
Ibn Al-haitham Journal For Pure And Applied Sciences
Identification of Bacterial Strains Isolated from Patients with Urinary Tract Infection and the Role of Plasmids in their Antibiotic Resistance
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  One hundred fifty bacterial strains were isolated from patients with urinary tract infections (UTIs). They were belong to ten different species of gram-negative bacteria and to two genera of gram–positive bacteria. E. coli was the major causative agent and comprise 40% of all cases. Klebsiella pneumoniae and Proteus mirabilis were second and third with 18.67% & 18.0% respectively. Other gram-negative bacteria were belong to the genera Enterobacter, Acinitobacter, Pseudomonas, Citrobacter and Serratia. Ten cases (6.67%) were caused by genus Staphylococcus and seven (4.66%) were caused by Streptococcus. Out of the 150 positive cases, 96(64%) were from female patients, while 54(36%) were from males. High percentage of all

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Publication Date
Thu Feb 04 2016
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Market Research And Consumer Protection
Study in the procedural provisions of the action consumption incidents A comparative study Under Iraqi Consumer Protection Act No. 1 of 2010.: Study in the procedural provisions of the action consumption incidents A comparative study Under Iraqi Consumer Protection Act No. 1 of 2010.
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This research Sheds highlights the procedural protections that must be enjoyed by the consumer in the face of the product, which is the protection of no less dangerous than the substantive protection of our obligations and duties delivered by the legislature upon the product of consumer interest, what is the benefit of the right if the access road to him complicated, so know The consumer has a right to the face of the product, but leaves the claim, either to ignorance For access to this right either to the difficulty of connecting to him.
That this research modest attempt we tried through which to focus on the way to the consumer behavior of arrived right, as we tried to highlight the weaknesses and the complexity of the procedure to

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Publication Date
Thu Oct 18 2018
Journal Name
Al–bahith Al–a'alami
The Pressures Affecting the Performance of Iraqi Media before the Legislative Elections of 2018 (Iraqi Satellite News Channel- as a Model): A Survey Study  Dr.Safad Husam Hammody
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The modernity of election practices of the elections in Iraq, according to the democratic approach, has led to a struggle between political rival forces reflecting a deep pressure on the tools involved in the management, marketing or control of these elections across the general social level. Hence the problem of research resides in answering the following question: What is the nature and size of the pressures affecting the media performance of Al-Iraqia News channel before the legislative elections of 2018 in Iraq?
      The objectives of the research were the following:
1. to identify the nature of the pressures that limit the Al-Iraqia News channel’s perfo

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