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Molecular Imprinted of Nylon 6 for Selective Separation of Procaine by Solid-Phase Extraction
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The study is based on the selective binding ability of the drug compound procaine (PRO) on a surface imprinted with nylon 6 (N6) polymer. Physical characterization of the polymer template was performed by X-ray diffraction and DSC thermal analysis. The imprinted polymer showed a high adsorption capacity to trap procaine (237 µg/g) and excellent recognition ability with an imprinted factor equal to 3.2. The method was applied to an extraction column simulating a solid-phase extraction to separate the drug compound in the presence of tinoxicam and nucleosimide separately and in a mixture of them with a recovery rate more than the presence of tinoxicam and nucleosimide separately and in a mixture of them with a recovery rate of more than 82%. Separation efficiency and excellent selectivity for procaine were ensured using a mixed solution injected into an HPLC technique consisting of a C18 column with a mobile phase mixture of water-acetonitrile (75:25) at pH 3.3. The study of drug control using an imprinted polymer with procaine compound showed that the complete drug release process is faster at pH1 in a maximum period of 80 min. The proposed method was successfully applied on some of the available pharmaceuticals, and it showed high selectivity for the separation of PRO, RE % was < 1.18, and RSD was less than 0.447.

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Publication Date
Mon Dec 24 2018
Journal Name
Bulletin Of The Iraq Natural History Museum (p-issn: 1017-8678 , E-issn: 2311-9799)
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    The present study was performed to detect the molecular and the phylogenetic identification of species that belonging to the genus of Moniezia Blanchard, 1891 which affected intestines of sheep in Al-Diwaniyah city, Iraq; fifty intestine samples were sought for the infestation of Moniezia spp. from the city slaughterhouse from 1 October to 30 November 2017, this tapeworm was found to infest the intestines of 13 sheep.


    For morphological identify the genus of this tapeworm, eggs from one gravid proglottid of the thirteen worms were examined, polymerase chain reaction (PCR) and the PCR-product-based sequencing were applied on 4 Moniezia tapeworms targeti

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Publication Date
Thu Jul 01 2021
Journal Name
Computers &amp; Electrical Engineering
A new proposed statistical feature extraction method in speech emotion recognition
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Publication Date
Tue Dec 15 2015
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Market Research And Consumer Protection
Determination of some Optimum Conditions for Bioremediation of Some Heavy Metals by Saccharomyces cerevisiae: Determination of some Optimum Conditions for Bioremediation of Some Heavy Metals by Saccharomyces cerevisiae
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The study aimed to determine of some Optimum conditions for bioremediation and removing of seven mineral elements included hexavalent chromium, nickel, cobalt, cadmium, lead, iron and copper as either alone or in group by living and heat treated cells of baker’s yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae. The dried baker's yeast from Aldnaamaya China Company was used in this study. Biochemical tests was used to ensure yeast belonging to S. cerevisiae and then used to remove the mentioned mineral elementes under different conditions which included incubation period, pH, and temperature. It was found that the best of these conditions was 60 minutes for duration of incubation, 6 for pH, 25 ᵒC for temperature. During the study the behavior of living

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Publication Date
Wed Dec 30 2015
Journal Name
Al-kindy College Medical Journal
Possibility of glucose level assessment using the blood of gingival probing and dental socket after tooth extraction
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Background: The association between diabetes and inflammatory dental diseases had been studied extensively for more than 50 years. A large evidence base suggests that diabetes is associated with an increased prevalence, extent and severity of gingivitis and periodontitis and loss of teeth. Many patients do not aware that they are diabetic.Objectives:The aim of the current study was to assess a fast, non-invasive, safe procedure to screen for diabetes and its severity in dental clinics and to assess the change in blood glucose level before and after tooth extraction during periodontalResults: there were no significant differences between the blood samples collected before tooth extraction from finger puncture method (FPB) and the gingival

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Publication Date
Wed Jan 01 2020
Journal Name
Journal Of Research In Medical And Dental Science
The Efficacy of 4% Articaine Infiltration Anesthesia in the Extraction of Mandibular Molars: A Randomized Controlled Study
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Introduction: Articaine was developed in 1969, with reported advantages which are increased potency, increased duration of its anesthetic effect and superior diffusion through bony tissue. The effectiveness of using 4% articaine infiltration for extraction of mandibular molar teeth in comparison to 2% lidocaine inferior alveolar nerve block is not settled yet. Aim: The aim of this study was to evaluate the effectiveness of using 4% articaine infiltration for extraction of mandibular molars by comparing it to the use of 2% lidocaine inferior alveolar nerve block in terms of success, the volume of local anesthetic agents and the pain experienced during the procedure. Materials and methods: A prospective randomized controlled study included

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Publication Date
Sat Dec 30 2023
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Chemical And Petroleum Engineering
Biosorption of Ciprofloxacin (CIP) using the Waste of Extraction Process of Microalgae: The Equilibrium Isotherm and Kinetic Study
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       Scientists are investigating the efficacy of different biosorbents for promoting economic and environmental viability in purifying contaminants. Among the primary by-products of biodiesel production is waste microalgae biomass, which has the potential to be used as a cheap biosorbent for the treatment of pollution. In the present study, the biomass left over after extracting the chlorella vulgaris was used to test the potential biosorption of CIP from simulated aqueous solutions. Bisorbent's ability was characterized using Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy (FTIR), scanning electron microscopy (SEM), and energy-dispersive X-ray spectroscopy (EDX). Analysis with a Fourier Transform Infrared Spectrometer revealed that C

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Publication Date
Thu Jan 02 2025
Journal Name
Ibn Al-haitham Journal For Pure And Applied Sciences
Morphological and Molecular studies of Acanthobra marmid Heckel, 1843 (Piscies, Cypriniformes, Leuciscidae) from the Middle of Iraq
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Leuciscidae species are the abundant and widely distributed fish species in Iraq's inland waters. They are complex species, and morphology makes them difficult to identify. Molecular analysis achieved and confirmed the morphological characters. Twenty specimens of Acanthobrama marmid were collected from two localities at Tigris River, in the middle of Iraq; 15 specimens from the Al-Zubaydia sub-district and five specimens from Al-Tharthar Lake. We used the mitochondrial DNA cytochrome b (cytb) gene to sequence the DNA of A. marmid. The following analysis are compared the sequences with those of other fish genera and species found in the Gene Bank. The barcoding result (DNA sequencing) in fishes found in the same family (Leuciscidae) showed

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Publication Date
Fri Jan 01 2021
Journal Name
Chemical Science
Stalling chromophore synthesis of the fluorescent protein Venus reveals the molecular basis of the final oxidation step
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Fluorescent proteins (FPs) have revolutionised the life sciences, but the chromophore maturation mechanism is still not fully understood. Here we photochemically trap maturation at a crucial stage and structurally characterise the intermediate.

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Publication Date
Wed Mar 19 2025
Journal Name
Al–bahith Al–a'alami
Media separation: The Relationship of Arab Immigrants with the Media of the Countries of Diaspora (Sweden as a model) (A Research Derived from PhD Dissertation)
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The research seeks to study the subject (Media separation: the Relationship of Arab Immigrants with the Media of the Countries of Diaspora/ Sweden as a model). Where this phenomenon, "problem" has not been subjected to an in-depth study to find out the causes of this media separation and its repercussions on the immigrant, whether in the problem of integration, or his opportunity to work, or adapt to live in the new society.

Separation is a kind of word that is rarely used in Arabic media studies, relevant, sometimes, to the meaning of “refraining from watching TV or listening to the radio or reading newspapers”. Sometimes, it means “not tuning to or using any form of media like radios or newspapers to be updated about what

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Publication Date
Mon Aug 01 2022
Journal Name
مجلة الرافدين للعلوم الرياضية
Fartlek exercises and their effect on molecular biology (vascular endothelial growth factor-basic fibroblast growth factor) and some physical variables for players 800m arena and field for youth
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The study aimed to : - To determine whether there are significant differences between Fartlek training and the increase in the molecular biology (VEGF - basal fibroblast growth factor) for arena and field players in an (800m) youth event. - Determine whether there are statistically significant differences between Fartlek training and the increase in molecular biology and some physical variables for the players (800m) in the arena and field for youth. - Determine whether the Fartlek training method is the most appropriate to achieve statistically significant differences in the research variables for the players (800m) in the arena and field for youth. The researchers used the experimental method for its suitability and the nature of the rese

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