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Prevalence of Hbv, Hcv and Hiv-1, 2 infections among patients in Saladin governorate, Iraq
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Hepatitis B and Hepatitis C viruses are the major health problem in the worldwide. In the Middle East, the prevalence of HBV in general population with the chronic infectionsis 2-5%,whereas the prevalence of HCV is about 1% in Arabian Gulf countries. World Health Organization (WHO) revealed that the risks of HBV and HCV transmissionas well as human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) through the transfusion of contaminated blood and blood products is high, because of the fragility of health services in these countries. Several viral diseases are transportby different modes like bloodtransfusion, sexual contact, and unsafe injections. The mostcommon blood-transmitted viruses are hepatitis B virus(HBV), hepatitis C virus (HCV) and humanimmunodeficiency virus (HIV);which cause fatal and chronic disorders. The prevalence ofthese viruses varies in Asia and developing countries depending on nationality, geography and lifestyle, sex, race, and educational levels. For all these previous causes, thisstudydesigned to know the seroprevalenceof HBV, HCV and human retroviruses(HIV-1, 2) among inpatients and outpatients of Balad General Hospital in Saladin governorate in Iraq. The study conducted in Balad General Hospital. Subjects with hepatitis C, B viruses, and HIV recorded from January2017 to December 2017. The age of patients ranged from 6 to 70 years; and the total number of tested serum samples was 32,942 serum samples. The highest percentage of HBVprevalence was in July by using ELISA technique (11.1%) for outpatients followed by 15.40% for outpatients in May by using anti-HBV strip.While the highest percentage of HCV prevalence was recorded in July by using ELISA technique (11.73%) for outpatients followed by 14.76% for outpatients in May by using anti-HCV strip. The percentage of patients infected with HBV in both sexes (females and males) was higher than the percentage of patients infected with HCV (1.80%vs.0.57%, respectively). Also, the present study indicated the seroprevalence of HBV (anti-HBV) was 38.27% for female and 41.02% for male with age range 21-30 years, and this significantly higher than in HCV which thepercentage of the seropositive cases were 37.03% in female and 39.13% in male with age range 41-50 years.Therewere no significant differences betweenthe seroprevalences of eachof anti-HCV Ab,anti-HBV Ab and HBsAg,and only 2 cases (0.03%) were seropositive for HIV-1, 2. Although, the HBV and HCV in Iraq are a major problem for the community and viral infectious diseases;the current study revealed that Iraq has a low prevalence for HBsAg, HBV, HCV and HIV.

Publication Date
Wed Mar 12 2025
Journal Name
المستودع الرقمي للاطاريح
نجاح منظمات الاعمال على وفق التوجه الريادي لتكنولوجيا المعلومات بحث ميداني لعينة من المصارف العراقية الخاصة == The Success of Business Organizations According To The Entrepreneurial Orientation For Information Technology An Field Research At Iraqi Private Banks
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المستودع الرقمي العراقي. مركز المعلومات الرقمية التابع لمكتبة العتبة العباسية المقدسة

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Publication Date
Wed Mar 10 2021
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
New Method for the On-Line Determination of Molybdenum Via New Microphotometric Home Mode Instrument, Using Hight Emitting Diode as a Variable Intensity Radiant Source with a Miniture Photosilicone Diode Detector for System: Molybdenum(VI)-Hydrogen Peroxide-Ammonium Solution
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This research work aims to the determination of molybdenum (VI) ion via the formation of peroxy molybdenum compounds which has red-brown colour with absorbance wave length at 455nm for the system of ammonia solution-hydrogen peroxide-molybdenum (VI) using a completely newly developed microphotometer based on the ON-Line measurement. Variation of responses expressed in millivolt. A correlation coefficient of 0.9925 for the range of 2.5-150 ? with percentage linearity of 98.50%. A detection limit of 0.25 ? was obtained. All physical and chemical variable were optimized interferences of cation and anion were studied classical method of measurement were done and compared well with newly on-line measurements. Application for the use

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Publication Date
Thu Dec 31 2020
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Market Research And Consumer Protection
STUDY THE INHIBITION ACTIVITY OF PURIFIED BACTERIOCIN FROM LOCAL ISOLATION Lactococcuslactis ssp. lactisagainst SOME PATHOGENIC BACTERIAL SPECIES ISOLATED FROM CLINICAL SAMPLES: دراسة الفعالية التثبيطية للبكتريوسين المنقى من العزلة المحلية Lactococcuslactis ssp. Lactis تجاه بعض البكتريا الممرضة المعزولة من عينات سريرية
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This study aimed to study the inhibition activity of purified bacteriocin produced from the local isolation Lactococcuslactis ssp. lactis against pathogenic bacteria species isolated from clinical samples in some hospitals Baghdad city. Screening of L. lactis ssp. Lactis and isolated from the intestines fish and raw milk was performed in well diffusion method. The results showed that L. lactis ssp. lactis (Lc4) was the most efficient isolate in producing the bacteriocin as well observed inhibitory activity the increased that companied with the concentration, the concentration of the twice filtrate was better in obtaining higher inhibition diameters compared to the one-fold concentration. The concentrate

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