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The study was conducted to investigate the effect of salinity of irrigation water on seeds quality and seedling growth characters for three oat cultivars (Shifaa, Hamel and Pimula) . It was carried oat in seed technology laboratory, field crops department, College of Agriculture, Baghdad University of Aljadiriya for period of tow years. Seeds of three oat cultivars (Shifaa, Hamel and Pimula) taken from a field experiment conducted during 2014-2015 and 2015-2016 irrigated with three salinity water levels (3, 6 and 9 dS.m-1 ) in addition to river water with salinity level of 1.164 dS.m-1 as control. Seeds were tested in laboratory experiments to estimate their quality, and completely randomized design with three replicates was used. Statistical analysis results for both seasons showed a significant effect of salinity stress with increasing salinity concentration in all studied traits, where mean values of studied traits decreased significantly at salinity level of 6 dS.m-1 and the effect of salinity level (9 dS.m-1 ) recorded the lowest means of germination percentage (71.4% and 71.1%), germination speed (3.57 and 3.49 ), radicle length (5.12 and 7.19 cm), plumule length (7.87 and 11.7 cm), radicle dry weight (2.91 and 2.55 mg), plumule dry weight (8.92 and 9.02 mg) and seedling vigor (838 and 820 mg) for both seasons, respectively. No significant differences recorded between water salinity level of 3 dS.m-1 and river water in all studied traits. Cultivars Shifaa and Pimula were superior in traits of radicle and plumule length, whereas cultivar Hamel was superior in traits of radicle dry weight (8.50 and 9.34 mg), plumule dry weight (17.38 and 17.68 mg) and seedling vigor (2287 and 2305 mg) for both seasons, respectively. So it is concluded that the effect of salinity stress is not restricted on plant growth and yield only, because it also affects the quality of produced seeds. Consequently, we recommend using irrigation water with salinity level of less than 6 dS.m-1 for seeds production.

Publication Date
Sun Mar 13 2011
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
The effect of methanol and water plant extracts of Cordia myxa on Some pathogenitic bacteria and Candida albicans
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this study aimed to study the effect of Cordia myxa extract on the growth and activities of the following types of bacteria : Escherichia coli , Pseudomonas aeruginosa, Proteus Spp., Klebsiella pneumoniae , Staphylococcus aureus, Streptococcus pyogenes , Bacillus subtilus, and the yeast Candida albicans .the results showed an inhibitory effect of the methanol extract on both the growth and activity of the tested microbes .this was reflected by the minimum inhibitory concentration ( MIC ) of different type of bacteria and the yeast.

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Publication Date
Tue Jan 01 2019
Journal Name
Plant Archives
Effect of two harrowing systems on decomposition of organic matter, some soil properties, growth and productivity of sunflower (helianthus annuus l.)
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Publication Date
Fri Dec 01 2023
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
Effect of Celery (Apium graveolens L.) Microgreens on Drosophila melanogaster
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Celery (Apium graveolens L. ; family : Apiaceae) was often used as a spice in daily food. However, this plant contains many antioxidant compounds useful for attenuating neurodegenerative disorders including Parkinson's disease. Planting celery in the form of microgreens harvested 15 days was expected to increase the content of bioactive compounds. In the current study, we intended to evaluate the neuromodulatory potential of methanol extract of celery microgreens on fruit flies (Drosophila melanogaster Meigen : family Drosophilidae ; ordo : Diptera) which were exposed to paraquat. Neuroprotective capacity was assessed by survival rate, locomotor performance, lipid peroxidation and dopamine content after being treated wi

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Scopus Crossref
Publication Date
Tue Mar 30 2021
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
Diversity Assessment by Molecular Barcoding and Seed Morphology in Ricinus communis L.: Molecular diversity of Ricinus seeds
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Fourteen morphologically varied Ricinus communis L. seeds were collected from different localities in Egypt, El-Sudan and Saudi Arabia. Seed morphology and ITS barcoding analysis were performed to assess their diversity and phylogenetic relationship. Sequence’s alignment of nrITS region from different accessions display high levels of genetic similarities. Cluster analysis could not group different accessions according to their geographical distribution. Nevertheless, the genetic barcodes are interestingly matched with the morphological features of the Ricinus seeds. In conclusion, seed morphology proved to be a valuable tool in evaluating biodiversity and phylogenetic relationship in plant species with different loca

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Publication Date
Mon Mar 13 2017
Journal Name
Journal Of Baghdad College Of Dentistry
Effect of Tea Tree, Thymus Vulgaris and Nigella Sativa Oils on The Elimination of Enterococcus Faecalis (In Vitro Study)
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ABSTRACT Background: The main goal of chemomechanical endodontic treatment is the reduction or elimination of microorganisms from root canal system. The intracanal medicaments were used to enhance the disinfection process. This study was conducted to evaluate the antibacterial effect of thymus vulgaris, tea tree essential oils and cold pressed black seed oil (BSO) against E.faecalis. Materials and methods: E.faecalis was isolated from ten patients in need for endodontic treatment. The sensitivity of E.faecalis to the tested oils was evaluated in different concentrations in agar well diffusion method and compared with calcium hydroxide. The sensitivity of E.faecalis to vapor of the tested oils was also evaluated, in disk vaporization method

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Publication Date
Thu Dec 29 2016
Journal Name
Ibn Al-haitham Journal For Pure And Applied Sciences
Effect of Water Extracts of SomeMedicinal Plants OnGermination Percentage and Development of Plumule and Radicle Growth Anethum graveolens L.
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 An experiment was conducted at the laboratories of College of Agriculture – Kerbala University during 2016. The aim of this study was to the effect of water extracts of medicinal plants germination percentage and development of plumule and radicle growth .The completely randomized design with three replicates was usedin each experiment consisted of water extracts (T1= Distilled water),(T2= Eruca sativa Eruca sativa L),(T3= Fenugreek ﺍﻟﺤﻠﺒﺔTrigonella foenum - graecum L),(T4= Sweet FennelFoeniculum vulgare.Mill),(T5=Borage Anchusa strigosa Lab),(T6=Dill Anethum graveolens L) ,(T7=Black cuminNigella Sativa L),(T8=Cumin Cuminumcyminum L),(T9=  CorianderCoriandrum sativum L. ). Results of Lab.

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Publication Date
Sun Jun 05 2011
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
Response of Local rice cultivar to Zinc and Boron application
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Five levels of Zn-EDTA fertilizer and foliar application of boron were used to study the local rice response through studying of some vegetative and reproductive growth characters, by conducting two field experiments at Kanipanka Agricultural Research Station during the summer season of 2004 by using RCBD with three replications. Significant differences were found in studied characters, there were increase in the number of days from seeding to 50% flowering (94.330-96.233) days, from 50% flowering to physiological maturity (37.50-38.28) days, plant height (82.50-91.423) cm and LAI (5.441-7.525). Reproductive characters such as number of grains panicle-1 (74.11-85.88), number of panicles m-2 (321.00-426.083), biological yield (8166.166-11082

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Publication Date
Sat Mar 18 2017
Journal Name
Ibn Al-haitham Journal For Pure And Applied Sciences
Effect of Drought Stress on Barley ( Hordeum vulgare L.) in Germination Stage
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The Present study was aimed to evaluate the responses of sixteen species of barley Hordeum vulgar L. cultivated in Iraq against drought stress through treatments of seedling with varying concentrations of Polyethylene glycol (PEG6000) to reach the water stress(-3,-6,-9) in addition to control (without PEG 6000). The results showed variation of barley species in their ability to tolerate the drought stress. For instance, Boraq and Arefat were shown to be the most tolerable species, since  their percentage of seeds germination were non significantly affected by the highest water potential (-9)  bar, while (bawadi,amal,nor alqadsea and nomar) were shown to be moderately drought tolerable, since their percentage of  seeds germ

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Publication Date
Wed May 10 2023
Journal Name
Journal Of Engineering
Irrigation Scheduling Effect on Water Requirements
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Irrigation scheduling techniques is one of the suggested solutions for water scarcity problem. The study aims to show the possibility of using practical and applicable irrigation scheduling program which was designed by Water Resources Department at the University of Baghdad by using Spreadsheet Formulas for Microsoft Excel program, version 2007, with some modification to generalize it and made it applicable to various climatic zone and different soil types, as a salvation for the shortage of irrigation water inside the irrigation projects. Irrigation projects which incidence of Tigris River basin will be taken as an applicable example. This program was based on water budgeting and programmed depending on scientific concepts which facili

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Publication Date
Mon Feb 01 2021
Journal Name
Materials Science And Engineering
Effect of magnetic water on strength properties of concrete
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Abstract<p>The research’s main goal is to investigate the effects of using magnetic water in concrete mixes with regard to various mechanical properties such as compressive, flexural, and splitting tensile strength. The concrete mix investigated was designed to attain a specified cylinder compressive strength (30 MPa), with mix proportions of 1:1.8:2.68 cement to sand to crushed aggregate. The cement content was about 380 kg/m<sup>3</sup>, with a w/c ratio equal to 0.54, sand content of about 685 kg/m3, and gravel content of about 1,020 kg/m3. Magnetic water was prepared via passing ordinary water throughout a magnetic field with a magnetic intensity of 9,000 Gauss. The strength test</p> ... Show More
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