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A water resources management for earthen canal/stream is introduced through creating a combination procedure between a field study and the scientific analytical concepts that distinguish the hydraulic problems on this type of stream with using the facilities that are available in HECRAS software; aiming to point the solutions of these problems. Al Mahawil stream is an earthen canal which is subjected to periodic changes in cross sections due to scour, deposition, and incorrect periodic dredging processes due to growth of the Ceratophyllum plants and weeds on the bed and banks of the stream; which affect the characteristics of the flow. This research aims to present a strategy of water resources management through a field study that conducted to analyse the hydraulic characteristics of this stream. The flow in the stream is simulated by one dimensional steady flow mathematical model using HECRAS software with three cases; case1 (design); case2 (actual); and case3 (without impermissible fish lakes). The flow characteristics are analysed as a steady gradually varied flow. The verification of the HECRAS program is carried out through field works. The results showed that the Al Mahawil stream is sufficient for irrigation purposes of the design case; while there is a fluctuation in the flow characteristics, and deficit in the discharge in the other cases. It is concluded that the control on the illegal watercourse, water plants, and fish lakes and redistribution them along this stream are the justified ways that insure the justice distribution of water and avoid the conflicts among farmers.

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Publication Date
Sun Sep 02 2012
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
New Fuzzy Normed Spaces
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In this paper the research introduces a new definition of a fuzzy normed space then the related concepts such as fuzzy continuous, convergence of sequence of fuzzy points and Cauchy sequence of fuzzy points are discussed in details.

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Publication Date
Mon May 20 2019
Journal Name
Ibn Al-haitham Journal For Pure And Applied Sciences
Approximaitly Prime Submodules and Some Related Concepts
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In this research note approximately prime submodules is defined as a new generalization of prime submodules of unitary modules over a commutative ring with identity. A proper submodule  of an -module  is called an approximaitly prime submodule of  (for short app-prime submodule), if when ever , where , , implies that either  or . So, an ideal  of a ring  is called app-prime ideal of  if   is an app-prime submodule of -module . Several basic properties, characterizations and examples of approximaitly prime submodules were given. Furthermore, the definition of approximaitly prime radical of submodules of modules were introduced, and some of it is properties were established.

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Publication Date
Sun Feb 01 2015
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
العلاقة بين نوعية حياة العمل والإبداع التنظيمي (بحث تطبيقي في ديوان وزارة التخطيط)
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    يهدف البحث الحالي إلى اختبار العلاقة بين نوعية حياة العمل والإبداع التنظيمي في ديوان وزارة التخطيط ، ولبلوغ الهدف المذكور وبناء على معطيات البحث الاستطلاعي للباحث بني ألانموذج الفرضي للبحث الذي ضم المتغير المستقل والمعتمد، واعتماداً على حركية الأنموذج صيغت فرضيتان، ولاختبار صحة الفرضيات وجمع المعلومات من عينة البحث البالغة (100) مدير يمثلون مرك

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Publication Date
Fri Mar 14 2025
Journal Name
Journal Of The Iraqi University
La imprescindibilidad de la Exégesis en la Traducción del Texto Coránico
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In the process of translating Qur’anic texts, there is an urgent need for interpretations of the Qur’anic text due to the presence of many incomprehensible Qur’anic verses or words because of our distance from the standard Arabic, language in which the Holy Qur’an was revealed, and the introduction of the foreign words into our language, in addition to the fact that many Qur’anic words are no longer used. All this prompted the need for the interpretation of the Qur'anic text, Therefore, it is necessary for the translator to resort to the books of interpretation if he intends to translate the Qur’an

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Publication Date
Tue Feb 02 2021
Journal Name
مجلة بحوث الشرق الأوسط
PROPÓSITOS RETÓRICOS DE LA VOZ PASIVA EN EL NOBLE CORÁN Estudio comparativo entre dos versiones españolas الأغراض البلاغية لصيغة المبنى للمجهول فى القرآن الکريم «دراسة مقارنة بين ترجمتين للقرآن الکريم»
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This research deals with the rhetoric purposes of the passive voice in the holy Quran. First, we put an introductory to the concept of the Quran language and its difference of the spoken Arabic language during the revelation period. Besides; we gave a brief about the structure passive voice form of Arabic language. Second, we explained the purposes of passive voice used in the holly Quran with sufficient examples, commentaries and clarifications about all the cases. Rhetoric purposes that we deals with are: concision, emphasize an idea, avoid using the subject because it is known and clear for all or because it is really unknown, etc. This part has contained the most important purposes for the use of passive voice in holy Quran. At the end

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Publication Date
Mon Dec 20 2021
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
IoT System on Dynamic Fish Feeder Based on Fish Existence for Agriculture Aquaponic Breeders
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Maintaining and breeding fish in a pond are a crucial task for a large fish breeder. The main issues for fish breeders are pond management such as the production of food for fishes and to maintain the pond water quality. The dynamic or technological system for breeders has been invented and becomes important to get maximum profit return for aquaponic breeders in maintaining fishes. This research presents a developed prototype of a dynamic fish feeder based on fish existence. The dynamic fish feeder is programmed to feed where sensors detected the fish's existence. A microcontroller board NodeMCU ESP8266 is programmed for the developed h

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Publication Date
Thu Jan 01 2015
Journal Name
Al–bahith Al–a'alami
Health Awareness Throush Communication Media
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Means of communication has a great impact on all fields of awareness including health awareness by increasing the knowledge of community about health and developing their abilities to improve human health and cultural awareness. According to the importance of health awareness for a community to develop their intellectual and physical integrity, the researcher has found that it is essential to know the role of means of communication as a source of information for many students being active and main segments to build their society intellectually, socially and economically.

The research has focused on the study of health awareness among students and their health knowledge derived from the means of communicat

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Publication Date
Tue Jan 01 2019
Journal Name
Al-dhad Book Store And Publishing
Calculus part 2
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This book includes four main chapters: 1. Indefinite Integral. 2. Methods of Integration. 3. Definite Integral. 4. Multiple Integral. In addition to many examples and exercises for the purpose of acquiring the student's ability to think correctly in solving mathematical questions.

Publication Date
Tue Dec 30 2014
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Chemical And Petroleum Engineering
Comparison between Electroplating and Electroless on Plastic Surface
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We report a method of converting non-conductive plastic surfaces into conductive by plating either copper electroless or copper electroplating -carbon black containing bending Agent onto Perspex plastics . Various approaches have been studied in order to comparing properties of the plated copper for two methods such as scanning electron microscopy (SEM),thickness, roughness, porosity, tensile Strength and elongation. The results show that the surface of electroplating was uniform, compact, and continuous and it had an obvious metallic sheen, while the surface of plated copper for electroless for it had many pores. Also observed that the coating was composed of small cells. Thes

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Publication Date
Wed Mar 08 2017
Journal Name
Ibn Al-haitham Journal For Pure And Applied Sciences
Amino Acids as Environmentally-Friendly Corrosion Inhibitors for 2024 Aluminium Alloy in Akaline Medium
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The corrosion behavior of 2024 aluminium alloy was investigated in alkaline medium (pH=13) containing 0.6 . in absence and presence of different concentrations of three amino acids separately [Methionine, Glutamice acid and Lysine] as environmentally friendly corrosion inhibitors over the temperature range (293-308)K. Electrochemical polarization method using potentiostatic technique was employed. The inhibition efficiency increased with an increase of the inhibitor concentration but decreased with increase in temperature . The maximum efficiency value was found with lysine =80.4 of 293 k and 10 . concentration of lysine. The adsorption of the amino acids was found to obey Langmuir adsorption isotherm . Some thermodynamic parameter âˆ

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