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Synthesis, stability, and thermophysical properties of aqueous colloidal dispersions of multi-walled carbon nanotubes treated with beta-alanine
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In the present study, multi-walled carbon nanotubes (MWCNTs) with outside diameters of< 8 nm and 20−30 nm were covalently functionalized with β-Alanine using a novel synthesis procedure. The functionalization process was proved successful using Raman spectroscopy, FTIR, and TEM. Utilizing the two-step method with ultrasonication, the MWCNTs treated with β-Alanine (Ala-MWCNTs) with weight concentrations of 0.025%, 0.05%, 0.075%, and 0.1% were dispersed in distilled water to prepare water-based nanofluids. The aqueous colloidal dispersions of pristine MWCNTs were unstable. While for Ala-MWCNTs and after> 50 days from preparation, higher colloidal stability was obtained up to relative concentration of 0.955 and 0.939 for the 0.075-wt% samples of Ala-MWCNTs < 8 nm and Ala-MWCNTs 20−30 nm, respectively. The measured values of thermal conductivity were in very good agreement with the model of Nan, Birringer, Clarke and Gleiter and increased as temperature, specific surface area (SSA), and weight concentration increased, up to 14.74% for Ala- MWCNTs < 8 nm and 12.29% for Ala-MWCNTs 20−30 nm. The viscosity increased as weight concentration increased, up 25.69% for 0.1-wt% Ala-MWCNTs 20−30 nm, and decreased with the increase in temperature. Since the matching between the measured values of viscosity and the classical models of Batchelor, Brinkman, and Einstein was bad, a correlation was developed and revealed good agreement. The density and specific heat decreased as temperature increased. As weight concentration increased, the density slightly increased up to 0.065% for Ala-MWCNT < 8 nm while the specific heat decreased down to 0.95% for Ala-MWCNTs 20−30 nm, in comparison with water. The equations of (Pak and Cho) and (Xuan and Roetzel) were in good agreement with the measured values of density and specific heat, respectively. The aqueous colloidal dispersions of Ala-MWCNTs that were prepared in this work displayed robust candidature as successful substitutes for the conventional heat transfer fluids in different engineering applications for enhanced thermal performance.

Publication Date
Wed Mar 10 2021
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
Comparison of HF and HCl Chemical Laser Parameters by using Mathematical Model
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A simplified theoretical comparison of the hydrogen chloride (HCl) and hydrogen fluoride (HF) chemical lasers is presented by using computer program. The program is able to predict quantitative variations of the laser characteristics as a function of rotational and vibrational quantum number. Lasing is assumed to occur in a Fabry-Perot cavity on vibration-rotation transitions between two vibrational levels of hypothetical diatomic molecule. This study include a comprehensive parametric analysis that indicates that the large rotational constant of HF laser in comparison with HCl laser makes it relatively easy to satisfy the partial inversion criterion. The results of this computer program proved their credibility when compared with th

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Publication Date
Wed Jun 01 2022
Journal Name
Journal Of The College Of Languages (jcl)
A Feminist Stylistic Analysis of Anti-feminist Poetry in English and Arabic
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Language plays a major role in all aspects of life. Communication is regarded as the most important of these aspects, as language is used on a daily basis by humanity either in written or spoken forms. Language is also regarded as the main factor of exchanging peoples’ cultures and traditions and in handing down these attributes from generation to generation. Thus, language is a fundamental element in identifying peoples’ ideologies and traditions in the past and the present. Despite these facts, the feminist linguists have objections to some of the language structures, demonstrating that language is gender biased to men. That is, language promotes patriarchal values. This pushed towards developing extensive studies to substantiate s

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Publication Date
Wed Mar 10 2021
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
Effect of some morphological characteristics and chemical resistant maize corn borer stalk
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There significant correlation between vehicles Home (carbohydrates, protein, fiber and fat and injury borer stalk corn was for vehicles secondary effect is clear in injury borer stalk corn coumarin clear impact in the survival rate of larvae The more of these compounds in genotype I survival rate of larvae

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Publication Date
Fri Nov 01 2019
Journal Name
Journal Of Engineering
Analysis of Shell and Double Concentric Tube Heat Exchanger Using CFD Application
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This study focuses on CFD analysis in the field of the shell and double concentric tube heat exchanger. A commercial CFD package was used to resolve the flow and temperature fields inside the shell and tubes of the heat exchanger used. Simulations by CFD are performed for the single shell and double concentric tube.

This heat exchanger included 16 tubes and 20 baffles. The shell had a length of 1.18 m and its diameter was 220 mm. Solid Works 2014, ANSYS 15.0 software was used to analyze the fields of flow and temperature inside the shell and the tubes. The RNG k-ε model was used and it provided good results. Coarse and fine meshes were investigated, showing that aspect ratio has no significant effect. 14 million

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Publication Date
Mon Sep 25 2017
Journal Name
Ibn Al-haitham Journal For Pure And Applied Sciences
Spectrophotometric Determination of Cefotaxime via Diazotization Reaction in Pure and Pharmaceutical Samples
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      An accurate and sensitive spectrophotometric method has been developed for the determination of cefotaxime (CEF) in pure and pharmaceutical samples. The suggested method depended on the coupling reaction between diazotized cefotaxime and 3,5-dimethyl phenol (3,5-DMPH) in basic medium to form light orange, water soluble dye, that is stable and has a maximum absorbance at 497nm. The calibration graph was liner over the concentration range (1-70) µg.mL-1 with LOD of 0.750 µg.mL-1 and LOQ of. 2.740 µg. mL-1, sandal sensitivity of 0.0526 µg. cm-2 . molar absorptivity 11328 Lmol-1 cm-1 . The stoichiometry composition was found by Jobs a

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Publication Date
Tue Oct 23 2018
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
Use projection pursuit regression and neural network to overcome curse of dimensionality
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This research aim to overcome the problem of dimensionality by using the methods of non-linear regression, which reduces the root of the average square error (RMSE), and is called the method of projection pursuit regression (PPR), which is one of the methods for reducing dimensions that work to overcome the problem of dimensionality (curse of dimensionality), The (PPR) method is a statistical technique that deals with finding the most important projections in multi-dimensional data , and With each finding projection , the data is reduced by linear compounds overall the projection. The process repeated to produce good projections until the best projections are obtained. The main idea of the PPR is to model

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Publication Date
Wed Mar 10 2021
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
studies of human interferon a B and Y activities on diffrent cell
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Human interferon as is the case in all kinds of interferon has complex effects but all share their impact on preventing the proliferation of viruses and preventing or reducing human Alantervjørn conversion occurs if the cell is in preventing the growth of the virus when interferon Balnmstqubl connects

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Publication Date
Fri Mar 01 2024
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
Photo Degradation of Solochrom Violet Dye by ZnO: Experimental and Theoretical Study
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The present project involves photodegrading the dye solochrom violet under advanced oxidation techniques at (25 oC) temperature and UV light. Zinc Oxide (ZnO) and UV radiation at a wavelength of 580 nm were used to conduct the photocatalytic reaction of the solochrom violet dye. One of the factors looked into was the impact of the starting conditions. pH, the amount of original hydrogen peroxide, and the dye concentration time radiation were used. For hours, the kinetics and percentages of degradation were examined at various intervals. In general, it has been discovered that the photodegradation rates of the dye were greater when H2O2 and ZnO were combined with UV light. The best wavelength to use was determined. Modern oxidation techni

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Publication Date
Sun Mar 02 2008
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
Spectrophotometric determination of Procaine penicillin in pure and pharmaceutical formulations using metol
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A simple, accurate and sensitive spectrophotometric method for the determination of Procaine penicillin (PP) is described. The method is based on charge-transfer reaction of PP with metol (N-methyl-p-hydroxy aniline) in the presence of ferric sulphate to form a purple-water soluble complex ,which is stable and has a maximum absorption at 510 nm .A graph of absorbance versus concentration shows that Beer’s low is obeyed over the concentration range of 3-80 µg /ml of PP (i.e.,3-80 ppm) with a molar absorbativity of 4.945 ×103 ,Sandell sensitivity of 0.1190 µg cm-2 ,a relative error of (-1.57)-2.79 % and a standard deviation of less than 0.59 depending on the concentration of PP.The optimum conditions for full co

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Publication Date
Mon Jan 01 2024
Journal Name
Iranian Journal Of Veterinary Medicine
Comparative Study of Bacterial Contamination in Local Iraqi Sheep and Goats Semen
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Background: Semen contamination is a detrimental factor in decreasing fertility. Seasonal changes may affect the contamination, too. Objectives: This study was designed to detect semen contamination in ovine and caprine during different seasons. Methods: Six fully mature male sheep and goats were subjected to electro-ejaculator collection twice monthly from February 1, 2022, to January 31, 2023 (Spring, February 1, 2022-April 30, 2022; Summer, May 1, 2022, July 31, 2022; Autumn August 1, 2022, October 31, 2022; Winter November 1, 2022, January 31, 2023), for studying the seasonal effect. A total of 288 semen samples were collected from both species (36 samples from each per season). All samples were subjected to bacterial isolatio

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