يتفق معظم العلماء على اهمية الرأي العام في کل الازمنه والامکنة کلها، لکل ناس حکام ومحکومون افراد وجماعات فهو يشکل قوة ضغط على تلک الانظمة والحکومات وان کانت تلک القضايا لها مساس بمصالح الناس ومدى تاثيرها على الانظمة في اتخاذ القرارات من خلال الاحکام التي تصدرها الناس. والبحث هنا يتناول الرأي العام بمفهوم الحرية الممنوحة لهم وان کانت مدة الدراسة لا تتناول المفهوم بذاته ولکن يعبر عنه بمفاهيم مثل ارادة الامة وصوت الشعب ومتناول البحث تعريف الرأي العام لغة واصطلاحاً والعناصر المکونة له ونظرة على الاحوال السياسية لمدة الدراسة خاصة وانها تمثلت بوجود سلطة اخرى مماثلة لسلطة الدولة واقوى منها وهناک العديد من الوسائل التي عبرت بها العامة عن موقفها سواء کانت سلبية وتتخذ موقف معادي للدولة وهنا مواقف تکون لها العامة الى جانب الدولة وموقفها ايجابي لها فضلا عن ابرز النتائج التي توصلت لها الدراسة.
Mottos Of Opposition Movements In iraq during the umayyad period and their religious and political indications - al shia and al khawarij
International law has proven that it is an evolving and flexible law over the years, and despite that, this development takes a very long time, as the concept of peremptory norms took 83 years to crystallize and have concrete and impactful applications, and within this development another modern concept emerged, which is the obligations Erga Omnes in the Barcelona Traction case 1970. We have concluded that these two concepts fall under a broader concept, which is peremptory norms, and this concept represents the common supreme interests of the international community, and consists of rules that transcend all other rules in international law, and it is not permissible to derogate or deviate from them. On the other hand, it bears the oblig
... Show MoreActing on the Holy Qur’an by contemplating its meanings, stopping at its commands and prohibitions, and everything in it that guides us to truth and mercy. The Holy Qur’an includes it for various purposes in one verse, and there is no doubt that this is part of the perfection of this great book, and one of the sciences of the fundamentalists is the indication of the context, and it is a great science of high rank, and it is one of the most important things that lead to the correct understanding of the miraculous and decisive book of God Almighty, and one of the best meanings of the Qur’an It was not from the context of the verses, and from here it can be said that the indication of the context is one of the origins of deriving lega
... Show MoreThe calamities, calamities, problems and constant dilemmas that society is experiencing have made it the responsibility of professors and researchers to find appropriate and effective solutions to these issues, and among those calamities that our societies faced was the problem of the epidemic represented by (Corona-Covid-19)
The presence and absence binary is an essential part of and a motivation for the direction vision which depends on the principle that the components of the theatre performance move in contrast with each other; one is directly informative which is the presence relations and the other is structural that is identical to the absence relations. The first is material band visual that evokes the incorporeal mental absent. Hence, the present study(Presence and Absence in the Iraqi Theatre Performance :Summer's Rain Play as an Example) aims at explaining those relations and their transformations between presence and absence in the performance
Since the emergence of the science of international relations as an independent academic scientific field, various theories and trends have appeared and have tried to understand and explain the international reality and give a clear picture of what is happening within the international system of interactions and influences and the search for tools for stability and peace in international relations. Among these theories is the feminist theory, which is a new intellectual trend on the level of international relations theories, which tried to give an explanation of what is happening in world politics and in international relations in particular. The main issue that feminist theory is concerned with is the lack of women’s subordination
... Show MoreThe calamities, calamities, problems and constant dilemmas that society is experiencing have made it the responsibility of professors and researchers to find appropriate and effective solutions to these issues, and among those calamities that our societies faced was the problem of the epidemic represented by (Corona-Covid-19),
That the International Court of Justice is a court of first and last instance, it is a fundamental principle that its rulings are final and cannot be appealed as stipulated in Article 60 of the Statute. Nevertheless, the provision of this Article provides that the States parties to the case may request an interpretation of the decision, When certain conditions are available, the International Court of Justice has traditionally issued interpretative rulings when the ruling is marred by any ambiguity or ambiguity. Final determination of judgment and res judicata, in the case of interpretation, if a decision or part of a decision is ambiguous, it may prove impossible for the States Parties to comply with it, and then a request f
... Show MoreThe principle of citizenship has international dimensions that affect the application of the principle, such as the structure of the international system, and the control of the concepts of globalization, international organizations which played an important role in the consolidation of this principle.
The problem of the study revolves around the effects of international variables on the principle of citizenship in Kuwait during the period 1991-2018.
The study used several indicators, such as: the rule of law, achieving the principle of separation of powers, the right to form parties, the application of the law of nationality, and racial discrimination, women's rights, and freedom of expression.
Work for public benefit (Community service) is a criminal punishment that restricts liberty. The convicted person performs an unpaid work for public benefit, The judge determine in the ruling the number of working hours and the period of completion within the limits set by the law. It is a new and unique punishment that involves punitive treatment outside the prison walls. It spawned of the necessities of rehabilitative justice to Confrontation the crisis of the punishment for deprivation of liberty for a short period (custody). The main aim of the work penalty for public benefit is to rehabilitate the convict to reintegrate him socially, which is the first rank among the aims of punishment under contemporary punitive policy. This punish
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