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الرأي العام في بغداد (العصر البويهي أنموذجاً)

يتفق معظم العلماء على اهمية الرأي العام في کل الازمنه والامکنة کلها، لکل ناس حکام ومحکومون افراد وجماعات فهو يشکل قوة ضغط على تلک الانظمة والحکومات وان کانت تلک القضايا لها مساس بمصالح الناس ومدى تاثيرها على الانظمة في اتخاذ القرارات من خلال الاحکام التي تصدرها الناس. والبحث هنا يتناول الرأي العام بمفهوم الحرية الممنوحة لهم وان کانت مدة الدراسة لا تتناول المفهوم بذاته ولکن يعبر عنه بمفاهيم مثل ارادة الامة وصوت الشعب ومتناول البحث تعريف الرأي العام لغة واصطلاحاً والعناصر المکونة له ونظرة على الاحوال السياسية لمدة الدراسة خاصة وانها تمثلت بوجود سلطة اخرى مماثلة لسلطة الدولة واقوى منها وهناک العديد من الوسائل التي عبرت بها العامة عن موقفها سواء کانت سلبية وتتخذ موقف معادي للدولة وهنا مواقف تکون لها العامة الى جانب الدولة وموقفها ايجابي لها فضلا عن ابرز النتائج التي توصلت لها الدراسة.

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Publication Date
Tue Dec 01 2015
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
Achieve the requirements of the Administrative Control according to human resource management practices

Human Resources Management Practices (HRMP) and managerial control represent two academic fields that have been and still are the focus of many studies. However, merging both fields and studying the relationship that connects them and also the role that HRMP play in achieving the requirements of managerial control represents a new and novel study according to the available literature in these fields.

To achieve these goals, this study has been conducted, using the surveying questionnaire method, on a sample of ten general inspector offices in Iraq that work in the field of control for ministries and independent committees. A questionnaire has been used to collect the data which was analyzed with several s

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Publication Date
Tue Dec 01 2015
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
Integrated Framework for technologies to reduce costs and reengineering processes to develop strategies companyes An Empirical Study In some companies affiliated to the Ministry of Oil

Began the process of re-engineering processes in the private sector as a way to assist organizations in re-thinking how to run the business in order to improve production processes and reduce operational cost, to get to compete on a global level. That was a major restructuring by further evolution in the use of technology to support innovative operations.

 Entered the technology in all areas of life and different regulations, This led to use as a change in all aspects The companies achieved success and progress today through the use of resources so as to ensure the wishes of the customers and their needs, and the requirements of the market primarily, Which is reflected on the basis of building strate

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Publication Date
Wed Aug 01 2018
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
Measure the effectiveness of the Balanced Scorecard strategic performance management in public institutions of Jordan )An Empirical Study on the Social Security Corporation – Irbid(

The goal of this research to identify a set of criteria that can be measured on the basis of which the effectiveness of the application of the Balanced Scorecard in the Jordanian Public Institutions in order to identify the basic requirements to ensure the application of balanced performance measures. The study population consisted of the staff of the Public Institution for Social Security - Irbid of directors of departments and heads of departments and administrative staff, was the use of a random sample of (50) an employee and the employee. The questionnaire was used as a tool to collect data, and as a result of subjecting these standards for the field test and the use of statistical analysis tools to the results of the study c

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Publication Date
Sun Dec 01 2019
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
Histological and Physiological Studies on the Long-term Effect of Different Concentrations of Energy Drink (Tiger) on the Renal and Hepatic Systems of Young Mice

The present study aims to investigate the long-term histopathological, and physiological effects of different concentrations of a commercially available energy drink (Tiger) on liver and kidney of young mice. Sixteen Balb/c male mice,6 -week old, were divided into 4 groups (n=4). Two groups consumed the energy drink at a concentration of 28µl energy drink/ml water. One group were killed after 10 days (T1), another group were killed after 20 days (T2). Other group of mice consumed the energy drink at a final concentration of 14µl/ml for 20 days (T3). The last group was provided only with water and served as control. Mice of all groups drank around 3 ml per day. The histopathological study on liver of treated groups showed many changes s

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Publication Date
Sat Oct 01 2022
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
Violation of the Hormonal Spectrum in Polycystic Ovaries in Combination with Insulin Resistance. What is the Trigger: Insulin Resistance or Polycystic Ovary Disease?

Polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS) is the main cause of female infertility. The role of insulin resistance in the development of polycystic ovary is actively discussed here. The study included patients with PCOS without insulin resistance (n = 48) and with insulin resistance (n = 39). The comparison groups were patients with no history of PCOS: a control group without insulin resistance (n = 46) and a group of patients with insulin resistance (n = 45). The following parameters were determined in patients: FSH, LH, TSH, T3f, T4f, PRL, E2, 17-OHd, Pr, AMH, Test total, Testf, DHEAS, DHEASs, SHBG, ACTH, cortisol, IRI, IGF-1, C-peptide, and glucose level. The HOMA-IR index and the LH / FSH ratio and t

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Publication Date
Thu Jun 01 2023
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
Biochemical Study on the Impact of Radiation-induced Oxidative Stress on Radiographers in the X-ray and CT-scan Departments

The consequences of ionizing radiation-induced oxidative stress on radiographers in X-ray and CT-scan departments utilizing several biochemical were analyzed. The study found highly considerable discrepancies in the interplay between radiation levels and gender in terms of mean Malondialdehyde (MAD), Vitamin D3 (Vit.D3), Triiodothyronine (T3), Thyroxine (T4), and High-Density Lipoprotein (HDL), but not Thyroid Stimulating Hormone (TSH), cholesterol, triglyceride (TG) and Low-Density Lipoprotein (LDL). The findings indicated that malondialdehyde is a useful biomarker for assessing oxidative stress in radiographers with exposure to ionizing radiation.

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Publication Date
Wed Mar 10 2021
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
DFT Calculations and Experimental Study to Inhibit Carbon Steel Corrosion in Saline Solution by Quinoline-2-One Derivative: Carbon Steel Corrosion

A theoretical and protection study was conducted of the corrosion behavior of carbon steel surface with different concentrations of the derivative (Quinolin-2-one), namly (1-Amino-4,7-dimethyl-6-nitro-1H-quinolin-2-one (ADNQ2O)). Theoretically, Density Functional Theory (DFT) of B3LYP/ 6-311++G (2d, 2p) level was used to calculate the optimized geometry, physical properties and chemical inhibition parameters, with the local reactivity to predict both the reactive centers and to locate the possible sites of nucleophilic and electrophilic attacks, in vacuum, and in two solvents (DMSO and H2O), all at the equilibrium geometry. Experimentally, the inhibition efficiencies (%IE) in the saline solution (of 3.5%) NaCl were st

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Scopus (17)
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Publication Date
Tue Jun 30 2020
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
The Interactive Role of Organizational Elegance between Organizational Anomaly and Planned Human Resource Behavior A survey of a sample of workers in the Ministry of Construction and Housing

This study attempts to test the interactive role played by organizational agility in enhancing the effect of organizational anomie on the behavior of planned human resources. The study of organizational anomie has increased because of the moral and legal pressures facing the organization by the external environment within its framework. To adapt to all external developments faced by these organizations, the behavior of human resources planned reflects the ability of individuals to control their behavior in different situations and situations that face them in the work.

The problem of the research indicates that there is a clear lack of understanding of what is meant by the variables studied in the sample

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Publication Date
Tue Dec 31 2019
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
The quality of work-life and relation to organizational excellence at King Khalid University of the faculty members' point of view / Business School Case study

This study aimed to identify the quality of the career path and its relation to organizational excellence at King Khalid University in the Faculty of Business from the point of view of the faculty members by identifying the dimensions quality of work-life including (participation of decision making, training and development opportunities, and the balance between personal and work life, and to identify the level of organizational excellence through dimensions ( Excellence of leadership, excellence of the  strategy, and excellence of organizational culture). The descriptive approach was used. The questionnaire was a research tool. It consisted of (29) paragraphs, distributed to the entire study community and then received 127

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Publication Date
Mon Jun 01 2015
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
Impact of non-current assets impairment reporting on certain financial indicators application on Al-Mansour Pharmaceuticals- a private corporation

   This research deals with the financial reporting for non-current assets impairment from the viewpoint of international accounting standards, particularly IAS 36 "Impairment of non-current assets." The research problems focus on the presence of internal and external indicators on impairment of non-current assets in many of companies listed in Iraqi stock exchange. So it is required to apply IAS 36 to reporting for the impairment loss of assets since this impairment impact certain financial indicators. These indicators help users in their decision-making and forecasting future financial situation and the ability of the company to achieve future profits or maintain current profits. The research aims to shedding lig

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