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Developing and testing of automated sprayer for agrochemicals application trials in Iraq
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The field experiment was conducted with the aim of developing and testing an automatic sprayer for agricultural spray experiments and studying the effect of spray pressure, spray speed and spray height on the spraying process. The effects of the major spraying factors (pressure, speed, and height) on the spraying performance of the automatic sprayer were studied. This study included several traits: First - the drop sizes - Second - the penetration of the spray into the vegetation cover - Third, the spray wasted. The results showed: - First: - Increase in coverage percentage when using the first speed, 2 km / h, which amounted to 26.85%. An increment in the spraying penetration of the vegetation cover was observed at the second speed, 4 km/h, reaching 70%. Second - Pressure: The increment in pressure was accompanied by an increment in the coverage trait at the third pressure 3 bar, which amounted to 24.37%. The penetration trait was 81% at pressure of two bar, and wastage increased at the second pressure of two bar, which amounted to 25%. Spraying height: - Height) 40 & 50 cm (have no significant effect on the trait of coverage. However, it was significant in the trait of spraying penetration of the vegetation cover, as it reached at the first height (40 cm) 53% and at the second height (50 cm) 74%, and the trait of the lost at the first height, 40 cm was 13%, and at the second height, 50 cm, it reached 23%. It is concluded from the data, the extent of the effect that the spraying factors show on the studied trait, as The factors value increased is accompanied by an increment in some trait, in contrast to others. So, it becomes clear the necessity of coordinating the values of the factors with each other to obtain an equal spray.

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Publication Date
Sun Nov 07 2021
Journal Name
Review Of International Geographical Education Online
Requirements of Formulating a National Strategy for Developing the Cybersecurity System in Iraq According to GCI.v4(2019) Index
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The present study aims to present a proposed realistic and comprehensive cyber strategy for the Communications Directorate for the next five years (2022-2026) based on the extent of application and documentation of cybersecurity measures in the Directorate and the scientific bases formulating the strategy. The present study is significant in that it provides an accurate diagnosis of the capabilities of the cyber directorate in terms of strengths and weaknesses in its internal environment and the opportunities and threats that surround it in the external environment, based on the results of the assessment of the reality of cybersecurity according to the global Cybersecurity index, which provides a strong basis for building its strategic dire

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Publication Date
Mon Nov 21 2022
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Nondestructive Testing Technologies for Rail Inspection: A Review
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Alongside the development of high-speed rail, rail flaw detection is of great importance to ensure railway safety, especially for improving the speed and load of the train. Several conventional inspection methods such as visual, acoustic, and electromagnetic inspection have been introduced in the past. However, these methods have several challenges in terms of detection speed and accuracy. Combined inspection methods have emerged as a promising approach to overcome these limitations. Nondestructive testing (NDT) techniques in conjunction with artificial intelligence approaches have tremendous potential and viability because it is highly possible to improve the detection accuracy which has been proven in various conventional nondestr

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Publication Date
Sat Dec 01 2018
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
"Testing Caldor's Hypothesis to Estimate the Relationship between the Industrial Production and Growth in Gross Domestic Product in Iraq"
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The study aimed to test the hypothesis of Caldor to estimate the relationship between industrial production and GDP growth in Iraq using with Integration Framework  and to determine the causal relationship in the short and long term using the error correction vector model for the period 1990-2016. the results showed a long-term equilibrium relationship between GDP and industrial output, while Ganger causality tests showed a causal relationship in the long run of GDP to output Subliminal thus illustrated the extent of the recession suffered by the industrial sector, which is supposed to be the driving force of the economy and the development and expansion of the productive base of the industry, so this study recommends attent

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Publication Date
Sat Jan 01 2022
Journal Name
Iranian Journal Of Earth Sciences
Resistivity surveys application for detection of shallow caves in a case example from Western Iraq
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Publication Date
Sat Jul 01 2017
Journal Name
Bulletin Of The Iraq Natural History Museum (p-issn: 1017-8678 , E-issn: 2311-9799)
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Aphelenchus avenae was isolated from the wheat crown in Summel distract- Duhok, Kurdistan region-Iraq infected by a crown rot disease which is caused by Fusarium spp;    wheat's crown culturing on Potato Dextrose Agar (PDA) and incubating at 25°C A. avenae was found associated with fungal culture which meant that fungal nematode was parasitic on crown rot fungi on wheat crown, this species was described for the first time in Iraq.

Fungal Nematode incubated with Fusarium graminearum, F. oxysporum and Verticillium dahliae reproduce in both solid and liquid media, best results of nematode reproduction were recorded on F. graminearum followed by F. oxy

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Publication Date
Sun Oct 01 2017
Journal Name
Journal Of Engineering
Application of Building Information Modeling (3D and 4D) in Construction Sector in Iraq
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Building Information Modeling (BIM) is becoming a great known established collaboration process in Architecture, Engineering, and Construction (AEC) industry. In various cases in many countries, potential benefits and competitive advantages have been reported. However, despite the potentials and benefits of BIM technologies, it is not applied in the construction sector in Iraq just like many other countries of the world.

The purpose of this research is to understand the uses and benefits of BIM for construction projects in Iraq. This purpose has been done by establishing a fr

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Publication Date
Tue Aug 01 2023
Journal Name
Journal Of Engineering
Developing a Proposed System to Organize the Investment Opportunities in Iraq
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The Iraqi government seeks to overcome the financial crisis by investing and privatizing some projects to achieve sustainable growth. Most of the investment projects in Iraq suffer from many constraints that greatly impact the success of these projects. A survey of the opinions of a group of experts was conducted to identify the most important constraints facing the investment process in Iraq. Then the experts' answers were arranged in a closed questionnaire and distributed to the research sample for which the statistical analysis was conducted. Through it, the most important (17) factors that had the greatest impact on the failure of investment projects in Iraq were reached. One of the main constraints was

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Publication Date
Fri Jul 31 2020
Journal Name
Iraqi Geological Journal
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Publication Date
Fri Jan 01 2021
Journal Name
Ieee Access
IFFT-Based Microwave Non-Destructive Testing for Delamination Detection and Thickness Estimation
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Publication Date
Sat Sep 01 2012
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
Testing the Assumption of Linearity for Sales of State Company for Electrical Industries
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In this study, the four tests employed for non-linear dependence which is Engle (1982), McLeod &Li (1983), Tsay (1986), and Hinich & Patterson (1995). To test the null hypothesis that the time series is a serially independent and identical distribution process .The linear structure is removed from the data which is represent the sales of State Company for Electrical Industries, through a pre-whitening model, AR (p) model .From The results for tests to the data is not so clear.

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