داء المشوكات الكيسي (CE) هو مرض وبائي يسبب مرضًا خطيرًا وخسائر اقتصادية في معظم بلدان العالم. MiRNAs هي عامل جيني ضروري لتنظيم الاستجابة المناعية من خلال قدرته على التدخل في التعبير الخلوي ؛ واحد هذه الحوامض النووية الدقيقة -146 أ. هدفت الدراسة الحالية تقييم إذا كان بإمكاننا استخدام microRNA 146a كمؤشر حيوي للكشف عن CEو تحديد العلاقة بين التعبير الجيني microRNA 146a و IL-17 في مرضى CE.حيث اشتملت الدراسة على 50 مريضًا من CE تم إدخالهم إلى المستشفى في بغداد ، العراق و 50 من الأصحاء. تم جمع المصل للفترة من ايلول 2022 إلى حزيران 2023 . تراوحت أعمار العينات بين 20 - 55 سنة. بلغت اعلى نسبة الاصابة بالمشوكات الكيسية عند الاشخاص الذين يعيشون بالمناطق الريفية مقارنة بالذين يعيشون في المدن الحضرية (74.00٪ و 42.00٪) ، وشكلت الرئة العضو الأكثر إصابة (74٪) ، يليها الكبد (18٪) ، ثم الكبد والرئة معًا (8٪). لوحظ بان التعبير الجيني لل miRNA-146a في مرضى CE أعلى بكثير من أعضاء المجموعة الضابطة (4.33 ± 1.01 و 1.00 ± 0.23 على التوالي). هذا كما اظهرت النتائج بان مستوى IL-17 زاد بشكل ملحوظ في امصال المجموعة الضابطة 129.15 ± 4.73 نانوغرام / لتر مقارنة بالمرضى 105.99 ± 5.81 نانوغرام / لتر. الخلاصة: وفقًا للنتائج التي توصلنا إليها ،ارتفاع التعبير الجيني miRNA-146a في مصل مرضى CE يمكن ان يعد عاملا حيويا في تشخيص المشوكات، وهذا الزيادة تؤثر سلبًا بمستويات IL-17 المنخفضة مما يؤثر ويتداخل مع الاستجابة الالتهابية لجهاز المناعة وبالنتيجة يسهم في التسبب في CE.
Alice Walker's novel The Color Purple1983, whose events take place in the rural Georgia and addresses the most important issues in the early 20thcentury; like male dominant society and women submission to men, weaves a mosaic picture of male-female relationships. Black men like Alphonso, Albert and Harpo are portrayed as oppressors, cruel and they exercise power and violence over their wives and daughters. Through the negative portrayal of black male characters, Walker is accused to be a men hating writer because she ''Views oppression as an essentially masculine activity which springs from the male's aggressive need to dominate. In the novel, man is the premium mobile, the one by whom and t
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... Show MoreAfter completion of the artistic production, the artist plays the echo of this production upon the recipient. Whether this recipient is from the public, art connoisseurs, or private artists, critics and academics. In the past, the boundaries of Time and place had a great effect in limiting this echo or its quality, as the views of the recipients were largely influenced by the prevailing thought or the artistic trends that dominate the artistic scene in the surrounding environment in which the artist created. In order for the artist to show works for the widest segment of the recipient, he bears the burden of the costs of transporting the work, a keeper of damage on the move, and the material amounts that may hinder the publication of the
... Show MorePoetry is regarded an interesting area of inquiry in linguistic studies due to its eccentric and aesthetic use of language. A lot of studies have been carried out so far for the analysis of poetry, yet few have dealt with pastoral poetry. The present research attempts to investigate the language of pastoral poetry in two different languages i.e. English and Arabic with the aim of finding similarities and differences. The data of the study consists of one English and one Arabic pastoral poems. Leech and Short's (2007) checklist is used as a model for analysis. The findings of the study reveal that there are more similarities than differences between English and Arabic pastoral poems as the poems rely on contrast
... Show MorePoetry is regarded an interesting area of inquiry in linguistic studies due to its eccentric and aesthetic use of language. A lot of studies have been carried out so far for the analysis of poetry, yet few have dealt with pastoral poetry. The present research attempts to investigate the language of pastoral poetry in two different languages i.e. English and Arabic with the aim of finding similarities and differences. The data of the study consists of one English and one Arabic pastoral poems. Leech and Short's (2007) checklist is used as a model for analysis. The findings of the study reveal that there are more similarities than differences between English and Arabic pastoral poems as the poems rely on contrast in the use of the lex
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... Show MoreAbstractin adult typical atrioventricular nodal reentrant tachycardia (AVNRT) consider most common paroxysmalsupraventricular tachycardia. Dual pathway idea still accepted and used widely and commonly. According tothe guide line, ablations of slow pathway still the first treatment with good success rate.Identify the electrophysiological difference of atrioventricular nodal pathways pre and post ablation.Electrophysiological study was done to 54 patients with only typical type AVNRTs; they were 40 (74%)females and 14 (26%) males. Divided into two groups G1 with 38 patients (70.4%) having one pathway andG2 with 16 patients (29.6%) with multiple pathway. After induction we study the clinical andelectrophysiological feature of tachycardia and s
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