داء المشوكات الكيسي (CE) هو مرض وبائي يسبب مرضًا خطيرًا وخسائر اقتصادية في معظم بلدان العالم. MiRNAs هي عامل جيني ضروري لتنظيم الاستجابة المناعية من خلال قدرته على التدخل في التعبير الخلوي ؛ واحد هذه الحوامض النووية الدقيقة -146 أ. هدفت الدراسة الحالية تقييم إذا كان بإمكاننا استخدام microRNA 146a كمؤشر حيوي للكشف عن CEو تحديد العلاقة بين التعبير الجيني microRNA 146a و IL-17 في مرضى CE.حيث اشتملت الدراسة على 50 مريضًا من CE تم إدخالهم إلى المستشفى في بغداد ، العراق و 50 من الأصحاء. تم جمع المصل للفترة من ايلول 2022 إلى حزيران 2023 . تراوحت أعمار العينات بين 20 - 55 سنة. بلغت اعلى نسبة الاصابة بالمشوكات الكيسية عند الاشخاص الذين يعيشون بالمناطق الريفية مقارنة بالذين يعيشون في المدن الحضرية (74.00٪ و 42.00٪) ، وشكلت الرئة العضو الأكثر إصابة (74٪) ، يليها الكبد (18٪) ، ثم الكبد والرئة معًا (8٪). لوحظ بان التعبير الجيني لل miRNA-146a في مرضى CE أعلى بكثير من أعضاء المجموعة الضابطة (4.33 ± 1.01 و 1.00 ± 0.23 على التوالي). هذا كما اظهرت النتائج بان مستوى IL-17 زاد بشكل ملحوظ في امصال المجموعة الضابطة 129.15 ± 4.73 نانوغرام / لتر مقارنة بالمرضى 105.99 ± 5.81 نانوغرام / لتر. الخلاصة: وفقًا للنتائج التي توصلنا إليها ،ارتفاع التعبير الجيني miRNA-146a في مصل مرضى CE يمكن ان يعد عاملا حيويا في تشخيص المشوكات، وهذا الزيادة تؤثر سلبًا بمستويات IL-17 المنخفضة مما يؤثر ويتداخل مع الاستجابة الالتهابية لجهاز المناعة وبالنتيجة يسهم في التسبب في CE.
A novel demountable shear connector for precast steel-concrete composite bridges is presented. The connector uses high-strength steel bolts, which are fastened to the top flange of the steel beam with the aid of a special locking nut configuration that prevents bolts from slipping within their holes. Moreover, the connector promotes accelerated construction and overcomes the typical construction tolerance issues of precast structures. Most importantly, the connector allows bridge disassembly. Therefore, it can address different bridge deterioration scenarios with minimum disturbance to traffic flow including the following: (1) precast deck panels can be rapidly uplifted and replaced; (2) connectors can be rapidly removed and replaced; and (
... Show MoreA crucial area of research in nanotechnology is the formation of environmentally benign nanoparticles. Both unicellular and multicellular play an important role in synthesis nanoparticles through the production of inorganic materials either intracellularly or extracellularly. The agents (pigments, siderophores, cell extracted metabolites and reducing compounds) were used to prepare silver nanparticles with different sizes and shapes. The color variations (dark yellow, slightly dark yellow and golden yellow) arising from changes in the composition, size, and shape of nanoparticles, surrounding medium can be monitored using UV-visible spectrophotometer. These effects are due to the phenomena called surface plasmon resonance. The silver nanopa
... Show MoreThe cathodic deposition of zinc from simulated chloride wastewater was used to characterize the mass transport properties of a flow-by fixed bed electrochemical reactor composed of vertical stack of stainless steel nets, operated in batch-recycle mode. The electrochemical reactor employed potential value in such a way that the zinc reduction occurred under mass transport control. This potential was determined by hydrodynamic voltammetry using a borate/chloride solution as supporting electrolyte on stainless steel rotating disc electrode. The results indicate that mass transfer coefficient (Km) increases with increasing of flow rate (Q) where .The electrochemical reactor proved to be efficient in removing zinc and was abl
... Show More: The terrestrial snail Eobania vermiculata (O. F. Müller, 1774) were collected from three station in Baghdad Al- Karkh, Iraq between the period from June 2016 to July 2017. Then we studied the life cycle from the egg to maturity. We studied and photographed the external morphology of it’s shell to identified the species. This species was recorded for the first time in Baghdad.
With the development of cloud computing during the latest years, data center networks have become a great topic in both industrial and academic societies. Nevertheless, traditional methods based on manual and hardware devices are burdensome, expensive, and cannot completely utilize the ability of physical network infrastructure. Thus, Software-Defined Networking (SDN) has been hyped as one of the best encouraging solutions for future Internet performance. SDN notable by two features; the separation of control plane from the data plane, and providing the network development by programmable capabilities instead of hardware solutions. Current paper introduces an SDN-based optimized Resch
The present work determines the particle size based only on the number of tracks detected in a cluster created by a hot particle on the CR-39 solid state nuclear track detector and depending on the exposure time. The mathematical model of the cross section developed here gives the relationship between alpha particle emitting from the (n, α) reaction and the number of tracks created and distribution of tracks created on the surface of the track detector. In an experiment performed during this work, disc of boron compound (boric acid or sodium tetraborate) of different weights were prepared and exposed to thermal neutron from the source. Chemical etching is processes of path formation in the detector, during which a suitable etching solut
... Show MoreOne hundred samples of root canal bacteria were isolated from patients teeth with primary and secondary infected root canal from all the ages . Biochemical and microscopial tests were done for identification of these isolates. Twenty four isolates were confirmed as E. faecalis species by using these tests. Genetic diagnosis for the all isolates was also done by using polymerase chain reaction ( PCR ). Thirty two isolates were confirmed to belong to E. faecalis species by using this test.