يشهد العالم تقدما في كافة مجالات الحياة المختلفة وتزداد الحياة صعوبة يوما بعد يوم, ويزداد البحث في كافة المجالات التي تعمل على خدمة الإنسان ولقد طال هذا التقدم النشاط الرياضي ,فقد يكون لتطور التدريب الرياضي وتنوع أساليبه الدور الكبير في تحقيق اللياقة البدنية التي تعد إحدى أهم الأهداف التي يرمي إليها الدرس في كلية التربية الرياضية . واللياقة البدنية تستمد أهميتها من كونها إحدى مكونات اللياقة الشاملة التي بدورها تؤهل الفرد للعيش بصورة متزنة وهذا يتطلب أن يكون الفرد مؤهلا جسميا ونفسيا وعقليا, وتأتي أهمية اللياقة البدنية من خلال ارتباطها بمتطلبات الحياة اليومية من جهة وممارسة الأنشطة الرياضية من جهة أخرى ،ولا يغفل علينا بان الدراسة في كلية التربية الرياضية تجمع بين الدراستين النظرية والعملية ، وان الطابع العملي يمثل جزءا كبيرا من الدروس الأكاديمية للألعاب الرياضية التي يتلقاها الطلاب على مدار السنوات الأربع ، وهذه الخصوصية تفرض سلوكيات ومواقف تنافسية مختلفة على أساس اختلاف الدروس العملية . وعليه تبرز المتطلبات البدنية من بين العديد من المتطلبات التي يحتاجها الطالب لاجتياز المقررات المهارية في هذه الكلية. وهنا تكمن مشكلة البحث إذ نجد المدرس والطالب يركزان على التعلم المهاري وإهمال الجانب البدني لان الركيزة الأساسية للدرس هو تعلم المهارات للفعالية , لذا وجد درس اللياقة البدنية من بين الدروس العملية لتطوير المستوى البدني للطلبة , وأن التحصيل العملي المهاري كأي متغير تابع يتأثر بمدى امتلاك الطالب للقدرات المختلفة كاللياقة البدنية ، إضافة إلى الإمكانات الجسمية ، وكل هذه القدرات تتداخل فيما بينها لتعطي أداء وانجازاً مهارياً عالياً في أي فعالية رياضية .
The primary aim of this study was to find out the effect of a training program on the development of physical abilities in football goalkeepers. The current study was conducted on goalkeepers of the Academy of Espanyol Sports Club in the premises of Haifa Sports Club Stadium. The study was completed by the researchers within the timeline of May 2021 to August 2021. A total of 7 goalkeepers falling within the age group of 15-17 years were recruited as the sample participants for the study. Out of 7 goalkeepers, 5 goalkeepers were included in the primary experiment and 2 of them were excluded. The training program applied had a positive effect on the development of physical abilities in the football goalkeepers of the sa
... Show MoreBasketball is a popular game in many parts of the world and many developed countries are making continuous efforts to prepare and develop their emerging players on scientific and clear bases as the basis for reaching high levels The researchers used the descriptive approach in the method of correlative studies to suit the nature of the study The readymade software (IBM SPSS Statistics Version24) was used to perform statistical treatments The researchers concluded that there was a significant relationship between body size indicators (height and weight) with the fitness elements of the emerging basketball players The researchers recommended conducting a similar study to determine the type of relationship to the indicators of the physical str
... Show MoreWrestling Judo, one of the sports that have seen greatdevelopment in recent years in the world, requiring preparationphysically special, which is to be determined physical aptitude of thebad functional efficiency of the heart and lungs, Efficient physicalclosely linked to the ability of the player performance, as the physicalaptitude to play an important role the possibility of control over theaspects and physical skills during training and competition.The study aims to determine the effect of training on anaerobicendurance according to the average (30-60 sec) in the development ofphysical aptitude for judo players. Used a much more extremeexperimental method on a sample was Blaabat national teamwrestling judo and numbers of 16 for the play
... Show MoreObjectives: To determine the effectiveness of physical education program on the domains of the university
students attitudes of physical activity and health, physical activity and mental health, physical activity and nutrition
toward physical fitness.
Methodology: A quasi-experimental design is carried out throughout the present study with the application of
test-retest approach through the period from February 3rd 2013 to June 30th 2013. The study is conducted on
purposive sample of(40) Undergraduate Students at the College of Science University of Baghdad . The sample is
Consisted of (20) males and (20) females. Questionnaire of two main parts, Personal and demographic
information and students' attitudes about phys
م.د. فاطمة حميد ،أ.م.د وفاء صباح محمد الخفاجي, International Journal of Psychosocial Rehabilitation,, 2020 - Cited by 1
Impact Resistance training with and against the trajectory of the motor in some physical abilities and the BioA 100-meter, mechanical racing run for young people. That Training Jogging for different distances Melt -Rubber ropes According to direction and reversed movement With Obligations To the border of scientific of components Pregnancy Training represents to a training trend Aimed To Events Developments In The link between Starting and running, According to the specific mechanical requirements Have It Of Development of force Explosive and quick and their components which To give Border To the level Special speed for Stages Sprint run 100 m and amounts Efforts Required instantaneous powers. Noted Researcher In That Over there Repeat For
... Show MoreAS Muhsen, International Journal of Psychosocial Rehabilitation (1475-7192), 2020 - Cited by 1
This study aimed to identify the effect of resistance training on the biomechanics and accuracy of serve receiving skills in volleyball. The research community was composed of 26 young volleyball players of Baghdad volleyball clubs. A total of 4 players were selected for the preliminary experiment, while 14 participants were recruited as the main sample for the study. In the present study, a set of resistance exercises were designed by the researchers for the volleyball players of the sample. Exercises were performed by the sample participants during the course of study. The biomechanical variables considered in the present study were: Preparation moment (shoulder joint angle, hip angle, knee joint angle), moment of pr
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