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قراءة في رواية " بوق في وادي " لسامي ميخائيل
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Publication Date
Wed Jun 01 2022
Journal Name
Journal Of The College Of Languages (jcl)
The Existential Dilemma as a Philosophical Problem in The Beggar by Naguib Mahfouz
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     The Beggar (1965) is a story of isolation and depression which is written by the Egyptian novelist Naguib Mahfouz who is considered the father of Arabic Literature in the modern era. Specifically, he refers in his great novel called The Beggar that the man unable to achieve psychological revival after Nasser’s revolution, the man sacrificed his own job and his family for a desire that increases his feelings of alienation and depression which leads him to an emotional outcry against the indifferent. The main aim of the study highlights the concept of existential dilemma as a philosophical problem and personality crisis by the protagonist of The Beggar novel, Omer Al-Hamzawi who had acc

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Publication Date
Wed Jan 01 2014
Journal Name
Journal Of The College Of Languages (jcl)
Symbolism in Nathaniel Hawthorne’s The House of the Seven Gables
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Nathaniel Hawthorne is famous for his psychological and moral themes. He is also famous for using symbolism in presenting his poignant themes of sin and its consequences. This research paper studies the use of symbols in Hawthorne's The House of Seven gables as an example of his general use of symbolism in his novels. The general pattern of Hawthorne's symbolism is that he presents one major symbol that embodies the main idea, and supports it with a number of minor symbols that develop and elucidate it. In The House of the Seven Gables, the major symbol is the house itself, which stands for corruption, evil, and the injustice of the past. This symbol is supported by such secondary symbols as the heart, the fountain, the

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Publication Date
Sun Jan 01 2006
Journal Name
Journal Of The College Of Languages (jcl)
Analyse der Hauptgestalten in Wielands Roman Geschichte des Agathon
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Wielands Hauptwerk die Geschichte des Agathon (1766/73,1794) ist

der wichtigste Roman der Aufklärungsepoche (1720-1785). Die Verlegung der

Handlung in die Antike widerspiegelt die kulturelle Blüte der vorbildhaften Zeit

zwischen 5. und 4. Jhd. v. Chr.

Beim Lesen des Romans findet man unzählige (über 70) Namen aus der

Antike; von Herrschern, Strategen, Philosophen, Dichtern, Künstlern . . . etc,

woüber man unbedingt informiert werden muss, um deren Zusammenhang in der

Geschichte zu verstehen. Vorübergehend erwähnte Personennamen gibt Wieland

meistens als Beispiel für eine Situation oder ein Verhalten. Dies gab mir den

Anstoß, die wichtigsten Figuren

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Publication Date
Fri Jun 01 2012
Journal Name
Journal Of The College Of Languages (jcl)
رواية بوهيميا الخراب دراسة تأويلية في جدلية النص والزمن
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Bohemia AL-Kharab for Salah Salah Which contain 477Paper deal With History of Nathion This Novel Has a different styl from another IraQis Novels, this Novel has no conversation this is the basic reason Which hav this research .

The novel have 3 versions , the first one deal with explain the text in different ways , the second contains the realation ship between the text and the reader .

Which appear very clear in novel from up to down , whil the third one and the last explaine

The hermonologiq

The time bylose the relation in the novel.

The last thing is the conclusion which has the simple things  conclude by the researcher from several readings  to the novel



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Publication Date
Tue Jan 01 2019
Journal Name
Journal Of The College Of Languages (jcl)
To Shape a Silence While Breaking it: Toni Morrison’s the Bluest Eye
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Toni Morrison (1931-), the first African-American winner of Noble Prize in literature (1993) and the winner of the 1988 Pulitzer Prize for fiction, regards herself as the historian of African-American people. She does not think of her writings as literature but as a sacred book dedicated to explore the interior lives of blacks. She creates history by disregarding European standards and the white man's view of African- Americans. She adopts her people's point of view, invests their heritage, voices their pains and uses their vernacular. She even writes to a black audience. She establishes the black novel  by depicting the blackness of American literature. In choos

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Publication Date
Thu Aug 11 2016
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مجلة آداب المستنصرية
الحوار الروائي ورهاناته الفنية دراسة في رواية (ذاكـــرة الجـــــسد )
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على وفق ستراتيجية توظيف الامكانيات الاسلوبية والفنية والجمالية للحوار بنوعيه( الحوار الداخلي ) و( الحوار الخارجي ) استطاعت الكاتبة ان تمنح روايتها ( ذاكرة الجسد ) خصوصيتها الادبية .فعلى مستوى الوظيفة البنائية اسهم الحوار في التشكيل الزمني لبناء الرواية ،وتقديم الشخصية ،وبناء الحدث وتطويره .وعلى المستوى الاسلوبي نجد أن الحوار تجاوز وظيفته الاخبارية الى وظيفة التأثير في المتلقي من خلال الافادة من معطيات المسر

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Publication Date
Sun Jun 27 2021
Journal Name
Journal Of The College Of Education For Women
Morphometric Characteristics of the Aziana Valley Basin: هبه محمد فياض, اسحق صالح العكام
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The present study aims at examining quantitatively the morphometric characteristics of Iziana Valley basin that is located in the northern part of Iraq; particularly in south of Erbil Governorate. This basin is considered one of the small sub-basins where its valleys run on formations of the Triple and Quadrant Ages, which are represented by the Bay Hassan formations, and the sediments and mixed sediments of the cliffs, respectively. The area of ​​the Iziana basin amounts to (36.39 km2) whereas the percentage of its rotation reaches (0.17); a low percentage, which indicates that the basin diverges from the circular to the rectangular shape. The value of the elongation ratio of the basin reaches (0.38) while the terrain rat

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Publication Date
Thu Sep 30 2021
Journal Name
College Of Islamic Sciences
Islam's position on freedom according to John Stuart Mill
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The issue of freedom is the most prominent and distinctive issue of Western thought, which it reached after a long struggle. The English thinker John Stuart Mill is considered the most prominent Western thinker who elaborated on the issue of freedom, until his ideas on the issue of freedom became the semi-final formula for issues of freedom in Western thought, which revolve in their entirety on The individual has complete freedom as long as it does not harm others, and this freedom is controlled by law.

And if the freedoms he offered were not considered an achievement in Western thought; Freedom in Islam is a central and fundamental issue, and the details of freedoms in Islam have not been accomplished by anyone, but rather came

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Publication Date
Tue Aug 15 2023
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Reading beauty through the views of philosophers and its reflection in graphic design
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The creative production of the philosophy of beauty in artistic works constitutes a step towards development and progress by meeting the growing and changing needs of humanity according to various factors, including those related to the human situation and others related to technical outputs, as well as the multiplicity of the field for the emergence of new artistic currents and movements concerned with graphic production and communication and communication processes that It is associated with imagination and freedom from social and cultural constraints, in which the design production seeks to link more realistic intellectual contents with the achievements of the creative artwork as a communication system to involve the recipient (the vi

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Publication Date
Tue Oct 06 2020
Journal Name
College Of Islamic Sciences
Presence and non-existence in Arabic ontological discourse are contemporary Pragmatic reading
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Mental systems in ontological discourse turned into deliberative systems, derived from the non-coordinated thought that motivated ontological discourse, as an incomplete thought, after it became close to reason; Between creation and prevention, between reasoning and creation, between submission and ambition, the result of an interconnected entity that slays one another from one another, and intersects with one another, to produce a special pattern each time, completely different from its predecessor or to provide a path for the coordination of others, which is outside the linguistic event, or part From it, signs and marks, produced to a large extent M., and united the signs; to return again in a circular and rotational movement to produc

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