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Estimation of domestic urban electricity consumption: A case study of Baghdad, Iraq
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Electricity consumption for household purposes in urban areas widely affects the general urban consumption compared to other commercial and industrial uses, as household electricity consumption is affected by many factors related to the physical aspects of the residential area such as temperature, housing unit area, and coverage ratio, as well as social and economic factors such as family size and income, to reach the extent of the influence of each of the above factors on the amount of electricity consumed for residential uses, a selected sample of a residential area in the city of Baghdad was studied and a field survey conducted of the characteristics of that sample and the results analyzed and modeled statistically in relation to the amount of electricity consumed for residential units. Results showed that the annual electricity consumption is directly proportional to both the increase in the residential plot area and the increase in the number of residents of the housing unit and the increase in the monthly income of households, while it is inversely proportional to the plot coverage rate. Through the results of the field research, it was possible to build six quantitative models describing the behavior of electricity consumption in relation to the variables covered in the research.

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Publication Date
Tue Dec 01 2015
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
Measuring Service Delivery Orientation For Doctor and patients Perspective Experimental Study in Numan General Hospital
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This research aims to Measurement provide the service from Two perspectives The first perspective Service Provider (doctors) and the second recipient of the service (patients) in Numan General Hospital, and represented the research problem in perceptions of medical staff in the hospital assigned to them responsibility by providing superior services satisfy customers, and how they maintained ready to assist customers and provide services that exceed their perceptions of these services through the use of the developer scale by (Frimpong and Wilson, 2012), includes orientation to provide the service scale four dimensions (Internal cooperative behaviors, service Competence, Service Responsiveness and Enhanced service) and includes do

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Publication Date
Sat Sep 01 2012
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
Using Target Costing in Implementation Confrontational Strategy Applied study in General Company for Electronic Industries
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This research has come out with that strategies made by Porter as generally strategies applicable to any size and type of economic units cannot be applied to many of the economic units in the world in generally and in Iraq especially not a lot of economic units have the resources and competencies that enable them to provide a unique product of its kind in the minds of customers and then adopt a differentiation strategy  and not a lot of economic units have the resources and competencies that make them the cost leader. Differentiators and cost leaders are minority in the world while not differentiators and not cost leaders are majority in the world.

The economic units are not differentiators and not c

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Publication Date
Fri Jun 01 2018
Journal Name
J. Pharm. Sci. & Res
Periodontal health status for post-menopausal women with and without osteoporosis (Clinical and radiographical study)
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Publication Date
Tue Mar 30 2021
Journal Name
College Of Islamic Sciences
Need and transgression in Surat (Abs) Semantic grammatical study: Need and transgression in Surat (Abs)
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      The research aims to highlight the significance and composition and the diversity of meanings and the Quranic context in the necessary and transgressive verbs in Surat (Abs).

      This research consists of : a preamble , and two studies . The researcher addressed in the preliminary the importance of the phenomenon of necessity and infringement, the signs of the necessary action , the structure and controls of the act , the methods of infringement , its sections and signs.

      As for the first topic : The researcher addressed the necessary verbs in Surat Abs , an applied study in terms of grammati

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Publication Date
Wed Jun 01 2022
Journal Name
Journal Of The College Of Languages (jcl)
Criticism and study of Al-Bandari's Arabic translation of the story Bigan and Manijeh by Shahnameh Ferdowsi: نقد و بررسی ترجمه¬ی عربی بنداری به داستان بیژن و منیژه از شاهنامه¬ی فردوسی
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      Among Persian poets and literary works, Ferdowsi and Shahnameh have a distinctive and prominent place. Since the 5th  C. AH , they took the interest of all Persian language and literature scholars and were one of the first books to be translated into different languages including Arabic by Al Fatih Bin Ali Bin Mohammed Al-Bandari in  the year of (620)AH  .Because it was completed in the early 7th C. AH and in terms of antiquity, there is no older copy than  of Al-Bandari’s version  which holds great value in the analysis of  Shahnameh other different copies.

      To find out the how far analogy goes, the present paper makes a general comparisons of  Bijan and Manijeh in Shahnameh Fer

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Publication Date
Mon May 17 2021
Journal Name
Indian Journal Of Forensic Medicine & Toxicology
The Effect of Exercises with a Proposed Device to Improving Some Bio-Kinematic Variables and the Performance of the Arab Round off Skill on Floor Movement Mat Device of the Artistic Gymnastics for Women
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The importance of the research lies in preparing exercises using a proposed device to learn the skill of thehuman wheel on a machine rug of ground movements of the artistic gymnastics. As for the research problem:Through the presence of the two researchers as teachers and observers of this sport in the gymnastics hall,they noticed that there is difficulty in the students’ performance of the skill of the round off on the machineof the mat of ground movements, according to the researchers’ opinion, the reason for this is that skillsare taught with the limited availability of assistive devices, as well as the lack of use of these devices inexercises according to biomechanical variables, although they facilitate the learning process

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Publication Date
Wed May 10 2017
Journal Name
Journal Of The College Of Languages (jcl)
РОЛЬ СРЕДСТВ НАГЛЯДНОСТИ В ПРОЦЕССЕ ОБУЧЕНИЯ РУССКОМУ ЯЗЫКУ КАК ИНОСТРАННОМУ В ИРАСКОЙ АУДИТОРИИ The Role of the Use of Visual Aids in the Process Of Learning Russian Language in Lraq as a Foreign Language
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В статье рассматриваются понятие наглядности и ее классификация, эффективное применение принципа наглядности, возможность и преимущество использования наглядности и современные инструменты ее реализации в ираке.


Вследствие глобальных изменений во всем мире изменилась и роль иностранного языка в системе образования. Современный человек, шагающий в ногу со временем, не мыслит себя без зна

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Publication Date
Fri May 18 2018
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The Arabian killifish (Aphanius dispar) as a novel model for mycophysiological studies.
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Abstract Candida albicans is a commensal fungal pathogen that grows in yeast and hyphal forms in the human gut. C. albicans causes mucosal and cutaneous diseases that can result in significant mortality following systematic infections and it also exhibits drug resistance. Zebrafish have been an excellent model to investigate C. albicans infections because of their transparency and the availability of many transgenic lines. However, there is a limitation in using zebrafish as a model because the fish embryos cannot survive at 37°C therefore it is not suitable for studying Candida infections at physiological relevant human body temperature. In this thesis, the normal embryonic development of Arabian killifish (A. dispar) is investigated, rev

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Publication Date
Thu Aug 20 2020
Journal Name
Talent Development & Excellence
Turn-Taking in Conversation between a Chef and Boss and among Chefs
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DBN Rashid, Talent Development & Excellence, 2020

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Publication Date
Sun Dec 31 2023
Journal Name
Sumer Journal For Pure Science
COVID-19Disease Diagnosis using Artificial Intelligence based on Gene Expression: A Review
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