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Melting Enhancement in a Triple-Tube Latent Heat Storage System with Sloped Fins
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Due to the potential cost saving and minimal temperature stratification, the energy storage based on phase-change materials (PCMs) can be a reliable approach for decoupling energy demand from immediate supply availability. However, due to their high heat resistance, these materials necessitate the introduction of enhancing additives, such as expanded surfaces and fins, to enable their deployment in more widespread thermal and energy storage applications. This study reports on how circular fins with staggered distribution and variable orientations can be employed for addressing the low thermal response rates in a PCM (Paraffin RT-35) triple-tube heat exchanger consisting of two heat-transfer fluids flow in opposites directions through the inner and the outer tubes. Various configurations, dimensions, and orientations of the circular fins at different flow conditions of the heat-transfer fluid were numerically examined and optimized using an experimentally validated computational fluid-dynamic model. The results show that the melting rate, compared with the base case of finless, can be improved by 88% and the heat charging rate by 34%, when the fin orientation is downward–upward along the left side and the right side of the PCM shell. The results also show that there is a benefit if longer fins with smaller thicknesses are adopted in the vertical direction of the storage unit. This benefit helps natural convection to play a greater role, resulting in higher melting rates. Changing the fins’ dimensions from (thickness × length) 2 × 7.071 mm2 to 0.55 × 25.76 mm2 decreases the melting time by 22% and increases the heat charging rate by 9.6%. This study has also confirmed the importance of selecting the suitable values of Reynolds numbers and the inlet temperatures of the heat-transfer fluid for optimizing the melting enhancement potential of circular fins with downward–upward fin orientations.

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Publication Date
Fri Jun 11 2021
Journal Name
Journal Of Baghdad College Of Dentistry
Traumatic dental injuries in relation to quality of life among school children in Baghdad /Iraq
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Background: One of the significant public health problems is the traumatic dental injury to the anterior teeth, it has a great impact on children’s daily. Physical and psychological disturbance, pain and other negative impacts, such as tendency to avoid laughing or smiling may be associated with traumatic dental injuries, that may affect the social relationships. To determine the occurrence of traumatic dental injuries in relation to quality of life, this study was established among children of primary schools. Material and Methods: A cross-sectional study was conducted among private (574) and governmental (1026) primary school children in Baghdad city. Dental trauma was assessed according to Ellis and Davey classification in1970

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Publication Date
Sun Dec 16 2018
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Employment of Folk Games and Tales in Developing the Skills of Spontaneous Acting in Kindergartens
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Some may think that the games, especially the folk games, are just a means of entertainment and fun and children may resort to them to alleviate the tension they are experiencing at home or school, but the truth is that they carry values and meanings that can be invested in education because they contribute to the development of the personality of the child and enhance self- confidence. The objective of the research is to learn how to use folk games to develop children's acting and   performance skills in the   kindergartens.

The research included a theoretical introduction of three sections: the first section: education through play. The second section: the folk tale and the development of imagination and the

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Publication Date
Sun Feb 01 2015
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
effect work stress in performance of employees In The general company for vegetable oil industry
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This research theme of the pressures of work , which is one of the important topics in order to recognize the reality of( influencing the pressures of work in the performance of employees in the General Company for Vegetable Oil Industry in Baghdad )through the statement of the existence of the correlation and influence whether or not the statement of the strength of this relationship and its impact in the case of its existence has been provided as part of my Search for variables and their removal in front of the Sub- scientific aspect has been the distribution of the questionnaire on a sample of( 62) people working in the company Mint distributors on several sections where.

Formed resolution of two sets

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Publication Date
Tue Mar 30 2021
Journal Name
College Of Islamic Sciences
Need and transgression in Surat (Abs) Semantic grammatical study: Need and transgression in Surat (Abs)
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      The research aims to highlight the significance and composition and the diversity of meanings and the Quranic context in the necessary and transgressive verbs in Surat (Abs).

      This research consists of : a preamble , and two studies . The researcher addressed in the preliminary the importance of the phenomenon of necessity and infringement, the signs of the necessary action , the structure and controls of the act , the methods of infringement , its sections and signs.

      As for the first topic : The researcher addressed the necessary verbs in Surat Abs , an applied study in terms of grammati

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Publication Date
Mon Feb 04 2019
Journal Name
Journal Of The College Of Education For Women
The Impact of climatic fluctuations in the production of citrus in the province of Karbala
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The relationship between the elements of the climate and the productivity of citrus (kg
/ tree) in the province of Karbala has been determined through the use of simple correlation
coefficient of Pearson (rp) and (t) test. The result for each of oranges, limes and tangerine had
all shown moral and relevant statistical indications; except for relative humidity, which were
not linked to a moral relationship with productivity of tangerine, oranges and limes.As for the
relationship between climatic factors and yield of bitter orange were all not significant
statistically and very weak.
In order to determine the strength of the correlation between fluctuations in the
climatic elements and fluctuations in the productivi

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Publication Date
Wed Oct 01 2014
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
Spatial Regression Models Estimation for the poverty Rates In the districts of Iraq in 2012
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The research took the spatial autoregressive model: SAR and spatial error model: SEM  in an attempt to provide practical evidence that proves the importance of spatial analysis, with a particular focus on the importance of using regression models spatial and that includes all of the spatial dependence, which we can test its presence or not by using Moran test. While ignoring this dependency may lead to the loss of important information about the phenomenon under research is reflected in the end on the strength of the statistical estimation power, as these models are the link between the usual regression models with time-series models. The spatial analysis had been applied to Iraq Household Socio-Economic Survey: IHS

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Publication Date
Thu Feb 01 2024
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
The Role of Chlorella vulgaris in Reducing Some Pharmaceutical Wastes Toxicity in Clam Pseudodontopsis euphraticus
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Applications of microalgae in environmental studies have recently increased. Current uses of immobilized microalga Chlorella vulgaris include reducing pharmaceutical substances such as amoxicillin AMX and potassium dichromate K2Cr2O7 on freshwater clam Pseudodontopsis euphraticus as a biotic model. Recent research pointed out a change in biomarkers of oxidative stress in an evaluation of induced toxicity. Where clams were exposed to different concentrations100, 200, and 400 mg/L for 7 days and 20, 30, and 50 mg/L for 5 days of amoxicillin and potassium dichromate, respectively. The results showed that exposure to AMX and K2Cr2O7 led to a signific

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Publication Date
Tue Sep 05 2017
Journal Name
Cell Adhesion & Migration
Periodontal pathogens promote epithelial-mesenchymal transition in oral squamous carcinoma cells <i>in vitro</i>
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Publication Date
Mon Jul 18 2022
Journal Name
Journal Of Genetic And Environmental Resources Conservation
Estimation of immunological markers (IL1Alpha, IL-6 and CRP) in colorectal cancer in Iraqi patients
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Cytokines are A type of protein that is made by certain immune and non-immune cells and has an effect on the immune system. Some cytokines stimulate the immune system and others slow it down. Interleukins (ILs) can be divided into several families with more than 40 subfamily members. They can interact with a variety of cells that alter the immune system and act on a wide range of cancers. In the past several years, ILs have attracted substantial attention because of their distinct roles in CRC that provide a new and promising strategy for CRC. In general, ILs facilitate CRC by promoting tumorigenesis, tumour growth, angiogenesis, and cancer cell invasion and metastasis and inhibit CRC via complex pathways. The Bioassay Technology Human Inte

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Publication Date
Mon Dec 02 2019
Journal Name
Izvestiya Of Saratov University. New Series. Series: Philology. Journalism
The Taxonomy of Political Discourse in Contemporary World in the Context of the Anthropocentric Paradigm
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The article discusses political discourse as a communicative space of modern politics in the context of the anthropocentric paradigm. The following components of the political discourse have been outlined: the character of the subject and that of the addressee, genres of oral and written speech, the opposition of monologue and dialogue, the functions, the amount of information among the genres, the aim of speech.

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