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Simulation of Residual Chlorine in Al-Yarmouk Drinking Water System Using WaterGEMS
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Abstract To ensure that the distribution system has safe drinking water. It is necessary to know the residual chlorine concentrations at various points in the network. A chlorine photometer device was used to measure twenty points taken every day for a week at a selected time in the distribution system. Both pressures and flows in the network were measured using bourdon gauge and Tuf-2000H Handheld Digital ultrasonic flow meters. WaterGEMS CONNECT Edition update one software was used to simulate the flow in the network. The Baghdad water department provided the data about the network, such as the lengths of pipes, the layout of the network, and pipes diameters. The network calibrated consists of 781 pipes of different lengths and 542 junctions. The analysis results showed that the chlorine concentration ranged between (0.33–1) mg/l in the network, which indicates that the chlorine concentration was within the permissible limits (less than 5mg/l and more than 0.2 mg/l).

Publication Date
Thu Dec 01 2022
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
Assessment of Groundwater Drinking Sources in Eku and Its Environs, in the Niger-Delta Region of Nigeria
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This study assessed the quality of hand-dug drinking water sources in Eku and its environs at Eku I, Samagidi, Eku 2, and Okuechi, using the weighted arithmetic water quality index method. Water samples collected from hand-dug wells at these locations returned values for analyzed parameters. Temperature 26 – 30(⁰C), dissolved Oxygen (D.O) 5.2-8mg/l, biological oxygen demand (BOD) 5.2-8(mg/l), Electrical Conductivity (EC) 77-119(µS/cm), Total suspended solids were  (TSS) 20000-120000(mg/l), pH 5.31-7.09, Phosphates 2-9.2(mg/l), Alkalinity 28-160(mg/l), Turbidity, 0.02 -0.19(NTU) Total coliform 2 -48 (cfu/ml) and fungal count 1-502. Variations in the values of these parameters were only significant for phosphate, alkalinity, and turb

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Publication Date
Fri Feb 01 2019
Journal Name
Construction And Building Materials
Utilization of magnetic water in cementitious adhesive for near-surface mounted CFRP strengthening system
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Cement-based adhesive (CBA) is used as a bonding agent in Carbon Fibre Reinforced Polymer (CFRP) applications as an alternative to epoxy-based adhesive due to the drawbacks of the epoxy system under severe service conditions which negatively affect the bond between the CFRP and strengthened elements. This paper reports the results of, an investigation carried out to develop two types of CBA using magnetized water (MW) for mixing and curing. Two magnetic devices (MD-I and MD-II), with different magnetic field strengths (9000 and 6000 Gauss) respectively, were employed for water magnetization. Different water flows with different water circulation times in the magnetizer were used for each device. Compressive and splitting tensile strength te

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Publication Date
Mon Oct 01 2018
Journal Name
Journal Of Engineering
Modeling and Simulation of Solar Module performance using Five Parameters Model by using Matlab in Baghdad City
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This work presents the modeling of the electrical response of monocrystalline photovoltaic module by using five parameters model based on manufacture data-sheet of a solar module that measured in stander test conditions (STC) at radiation 1000W/m² and cell temperature 25 . The model takes into account the series and parallel (shunt) resistance of the module. This paper considers the details of Matlab modeling of the solar module by a developed Simulink model using the basic equations, the first approach was to estimate the parameters: photocurrent Iph, saturation current Is, shunt resistance Rsh, series resistance Rs, ideality factor A at stander test condition (STC) by an ite

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Publication Date
Mon Mar 01 2021
Journal Name
Journal Of Physics: Conference Series
High pollutant levels of produced water around Al-Ahdab oil field in Wasit governorate (Iraq)
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Abstract<p>Exploration activities of the oil and gas industry generate loads of formation water called produced water (PW) up to thousands of tons each day. Depending on the geographic area, formation depth, oil production techniques, and age of oil supply wells, PW from different oil fields contain different chemical compositions. Currently, PW is also known as industrial waste water containing heavy metals that are toxic to humans and the environment, requiring special processing so that they can be disposed of in the environment. To determine the heavy metals content in PW from the Al-Ahdab oil field (AOF), the Ministry of Science and Technology/Agricultural Research Department determined som</p> ... Show More
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Publication Date
Sun Mar 13 2011
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
Environmental Study of Some Water Characteristics at Um-Al-Naaj Marsh, South of Iraq.
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Um-Al-Naaj region in Al-Hawiezah Marsh, Southern Iraq was chosen to study the environmental variations of some water characteristics during 2008, seasonally. The results showed clear seasonal changes in values of some environmental variables (temperature, depth, light penetration, turbidity, total suspended solids, pH, dissolved oxygen, reactive phosphate, reactive nitrite, and reactive nitrate), while there were no clear seasonal changes in electrical conductivity and salinity values. In addition, high nutrients concentrations and light penetration were noted. Statistical analysis showed significant positive relationship between air and water temperature; electrical conductivity and salinity. Water turbidity was significantly affecte

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Publication Date
Mon Dec 28 2020
Journal Name
Journal Of The College Of Education For Women
Evaluating the Indicators and Quality of Potable Water Networks in Al-Shatrah City: سميع جلاب منسي السهلاني
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The present paper aims at evaluating the vailability quality and future horizons of potable water in the city of Shatra as a model. This is done in accordance with certain subjective and objective factors alongside the classification map of Shatra as a residential area. This system follows geographical studies specialized in urban construction. The problem of the present paper as well as the data approaching that problem have been chosen from the records of 2018. The researcher offered (919) questionnaire forms to be answered by a sample of dwellers in that area. Besides, the researcher also followed lab analysis of water samples collected from districts in the city of Shatra. GIS technology was also used to arrive at the real water shar

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Publication Date
Sun Mar 01 2020
Journal Name
Indian Journal Of Forensic Medicine & Toxicology
Determination of Some Volatile Organic Compounds in the water produced at Al-Ahdab oilfield in the Governorate of Wasit, Iraq using Headspace SPE-GC-FID
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The study was conducted over the period of Oct 2018 to Apr 2019 and is aimed for the detection and estimation of four hazardous Volatile Organic Compounds VOC (benzene, toluene, ethylbenzene, and xylene) so-called (BTEX) in samples collected from the produced water in the Al-Ahdab oil field in Iraq also to track their availability in the important natural water sources around the field. These compounds pose a risk to human health as well as environment. To avoid the laborious and tiresome conventional extraction methods, water samples were collected and concentrated using solid-phase extraction technique (SPE) which is a robust and cost-effective method of sample extraction with minimal exposure and handling of solvents and then to be analy

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Publication Date
Mon Jun 01 2015
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Science
Simulation of Solar Coronal Magnetic Field Using Potential Field Model
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In this paper, 3D simulation of the global coronal magnetic field, which use observed line of sight component of the photosphere magnetic field from (MDI/SOHO) was carried out using potential field model. The obtained results, improved the theoretical models of the coronal magnetic field, which represent a suitable lower boundary conditions (Bx, By, Bz) at the base of the linear force-free and nonlinear force free models, provides a less computationally expensive method than other models. Generally, very high speed computer and special configuration is needed to solve such problem as well as the problem of viewing the streamline of the magnetic field. For high accuracy special mathematical treatment was adopted to solve the computation comp

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Publication Date
Tue May 23 2023
Journal Name
Journal Of Engineering
Numerical Simulation of Ice Melting Using the Finite Volume Method
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The Aim of this paper is to investigate numerically the simulation of ice melting in one and two dimension using the cell-centered finite volume method. The mathematical model is based on the heat conduction equation associated with a fixed grid, latent heat source approach. The fully implicit time scheme is selected to represent the time discretization. The ice conductivity is chosen
to be the value of the approximated conductivity at the interface between adjacent ice and water control volumes. The predicted temperature distribution, percentage melt fraction, interface location and its velocity is compared with those obtained from the exact analytical solution. A good agreement is obtained when comparing the numerical results of one

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Publication Date
Wed Dec 01 2021
Journal Name
Journal Of Engineering
Improvement of the Hydrodynamic Behavior and Water Quality Assessment of Al-Chibayish Marshes, Iraq
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Al-Chibayish Marsh (CM)  is considered as the major part of Central Marshes area of this marsh is 1050 Km². The water quality of these marshes is suffering from salt accumulation due to intensive dam construction, limited supply of water from sources,  climate change impacts, and the absence of outlet flow from these marshes, specifically at low flow periods. So, the current research aims to assess and improve these marshes' hydraulic behavior and water quality and define the best location for outlet drains.  Field measurements and laboratory tests were conducted for two periods (November 2020 and February 2021) to define the (TDS) concentrations at nine different locations. Samples were also examined for water's phy

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