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Proposed Face Detection Classification Model Based on Amazon Web Services Cloud (AWS)
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One of the most important features of the Amazon Web Services (AWS) cloud is that the program can be run and accessed from any location. You can access and monitor the result of the program from any location, saving many images and allowing for faster computation. This work proposes a face detection classification model based on AWS cloud aiming to classify the faces into two classes: a non-permission class, and a permission class, by training the real data set collected from our cameras. The proposed Convolutional Neural Network (CNN) cloud-based system was used to share computational resources for Artificial Neural Networks (ANN) to reduce redundant computation. The test system uses Internet of Things (IoT) services through our cameras system to capture the images and upload them to the Amazon Simple Storage Service (AWS S3) cloud. Then two detectors were running, Haar cascade and multitask cascaded convolutional neural networks (MTCNN), at the Amazon Elastic Compute (AWS EC2) cloud, after that the output results of these two detectors are compared using accuracy and execution time. Then the classified non-permission images are uploaded to the AWS S3 cloud. The validation accuracy of the offline augmentation face detection classification model reached 98.81%, and the loss and mean square error were decreased to 0.0176 and 0.0064, respectively. The execution time of all AWS cloud systems for one image when using Haar cascade and MTCNN detectors reached three and seven seconds, respectively.

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Publication Date
Thu Oct 01 2020
Journal Name
Pakistan Journal Of Medical And Health Sciences
Relation of red cell width diameter with some electrophysiological parameters of symptomatic sinus node patients in Iraq(Article)
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Background: Dysfunction of sinoatrial node is a set of abnormal rhythms which are resulted from the sinoatrial node malfunctionof the sinus node, the chief natural cardiac pacemaker. The common, and occasionally, the single method for treatment of heart arrhythmias wasimplantation of pacemaker, which reduce symptoms exactly occurs after implantation. Aim: To detect the association between red cell width diameter (RDW) and some cardiac electrophysiology parameters in sinus node dysfunction in Iraqi patients such as SNRT and AH. Methods: A cross sectional study, was conducted on 59 patient ranging between 20-50 years old and involving 35 female and 24 male patients, suffering from an unexplained symptoms of sinoatrial node dysfunction (SND).

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Publication Date
Sat Oct 01 2022
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
Determination of Optimal Time-Average Wind Speed Data in the Southern Part of Malaysia
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Mersing is one of the places that have the potential for wind power development in Malaysia. Researchers often suggest it as an ideal place for generating electricity from wind power. However, before a location is chosen, several factors need to be considered. By analyzing the location ahead of time, resource waste can be avoided and maximum profitability to various parties can be realized. For this study, the focus is to identify the distribution of the wind speed of Mersing and to determine the optimal average of wind speed. This study is critical because the wind speed data for any region has its distribution. It changes daily and by season. Moreover, no determination has been made regarding selecting the average wind speed used for w

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Scopus (8)
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Scopus Clarivate Crossref
Publication Date
Mon Jul 10 2023
Journal Name
Journal Of Engineering
Theoretical Evaluation of Solar Assisted Desiccant Cooling System for a Small Meeting-Hall
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The performance of a solar assisted desiccant cooling system for a meeting-hall located in the College of Engineering/University of Baghdad was evaluated theoretically. The system was composed of four components; a solar air heater, a desiccant dehumidifier, a heat exchanger and an evaporative cooler. A computer simulation was developed by using MATLAB to assess the effect of various design and operating conditions on the performance of the system and its components. The actual weather data on recommended days were used to assess the load variation and the system performance during those days. The radiant time series method (RTS) was used to evaluate the hourly variation of the cooling load. Four operation modes were employed for perform

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Publication Date
Wed Dec 15 2021
Journal Name
Arab World English Journal
Reading Difficulties in English as a Second Language in Grade Five at a Saint Patrick’s High School for Boys, Hyderabad- India
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Reading is one of the essential components of the English language. Countries that use English as a second language (ESL) sometimes have difficulties in reading and comprehension. According to many researches, mother tongue has proved some interferences with learning a second language. This study investigated the results of reading difficulties of young second language learners in terms of accuracy, comprehension, and rate using the Neale Analysis of Reading Ability test. The study was carried out in one of the High Schools for Boys in Hyderabad, India and included Grade five, aged 10-12 years. In order to understand the reading difficulties of English as a second language, a qualitative approach was employed. Interview, reading tes

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Clarivate Crossref
Publication Date
Sat Oct 29 2022
Journal Name
Current Trends In Geotechnical Engineering And Construction
Calculating the Real Need for Fire Brigade Stations in Al-Samawah City
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The location of fire brigade stations and equipment has a significant impact on the efficacy and efficiency of fire brigade department services. The challenge addressed by this study was that the fire brigade department required a consistent and repeatable technique to assess the response capabilities and safeguarding levels offered as the city of Samawah/Iraq grew and changed. Evaluating the locations of the current fire brigade stations in the city of Samawah is the aspect addressed by the research to determine the accuracy and validity of the locations of these stations by the competent authorities and their suitability to the area of the city’s neighborhoods and its residents. The Iraqi Ministry of Housing, Construction, Municipalitie

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Scopus Crossref
Publication Date
Tue Jul 20 2021
Journal Name
Materials Science Forum
Preparation of Solid-Super Acidic Catalyst with Improvement Physical Properties
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Sulphated zirconia (SZ) is one of the most important solid acid catalysts was synthesize at different operating conditions, different calcination temperature and sulfonating time has been used. The prepared catalyst was distinguished by X-ray Diffraction (XRD), particle size and morphology of catalyst were checked by atomic force microscopy (AFM) and scanning electron microscopy (SEM) respectively, in addition to analysis by (DTA) Differential thermally and Energy Dispersive X-Ray (EDX). Finally, the N2 adsorption-desorption was used to measure the surface area (BET) and pore volume. High degree of tetragonal crystallinity was obtained 90 %, and surface area of 169 m2/g and pore volume of 0.39 cm3g-1 at 600°C calcination temperature for 3

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Crossref (3)
Publication Date
Wed Jan 30 2013
Journal Name
Al-kindy College Medical Journal
Relationship between screen watching and overweight or obesity in a Sample of Iraqi adolescents
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Background: Obesity represents a clear and
present danger to the health of children and
adolescents. Its prevalence among American
youth has doubled in the past 3 decades, and
there are now more overweight and obese
adults in the United States than adults of
normal weight.
Objectives of the study:
1- Finding whether screen watching among
adolescents has an effect on increasing
prevalence overweight and obesity.
2- The effect of other variables like physical
activity, eating in front of screen, eating under
stress on obesity and overweight among the
subjects sample.
Patients &Methods: During 3 months period a
cross sectional survey was conducted on 4
high schools at Baghdad with total

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Publication Date
Tue Jun 15 2021
Journal Name
The treatment of the output of Marquez novels in the international cinema … Love in the time of cholera: منهل باسم سعيد الطاهر
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Gabriel Garcia Marquez, the Nobel laureate of literature in 1982, is one of the most famous Latin American writers who have been distinguished by the magic of realism. We can say the months in the world and he is almost the most controversial for many reasons and for these reasons he did not accept that his novels turn into movies Marquez agreed to turn one of his most important and most beautiful novels, "Love in the Time of Cholera," which he wrote in 1985 and agreed to convert to a film in 2006 after the novel was bought by the author for $ 3 million. Mike Noel to bring out

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Publication Date
Sun Jun 30 2019
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Chemical And Petroleum Engineering
Enhancing Drilling Parameters in Majnoon Oilfield
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The objective of drilling parameters optimization in Majnoon oilfield is to arrive for a methodology that considers the past drilling data for five directional wells at 35 degree of inclination as a baseline for new wells to be drilled. Also, to predicts drilling performance by selecting the applied drilling parameters generated the highest rate of penetration (ROP) at each section. The focal point of the optimization process is to reduce drilling time and associated cost per each well. The results of this study show that the maximum ROP could not be achieved without sufficient flow rate to cool and clean the bit in clay intervals (36" and 24") hole sections. Although the influence of combination of Weight on Bit (WOB), Round per minute

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Publication Date
Sat Sep 30 2017
Journal Name
Al-khwarizmi Engineering Journal
Travel Time Prediction Models and Reliability Indices for Palestine Urban Road in Baghdad City
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     Travel Time estimation and reliability measurement is an important issues for improving operation efficiency and safety of traffic roads networks. The aim of this research is the estimation of total travel time and distribution analysis for three selected links in Palestine Arterial Street in Baghdad city. Buffer time index results in worse reliability conditions. Link (2) from Bab Al Mutham intersection to Al-Sakara intersection produced a buffer index of about 36%  and 26 % for Link (1) Al-Mawall intersection to Bab Al- Mutham intersection and finally for link (3) which presented a 24% buffer index. These illustrated that the reliability get worst for link

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