في كثير من الأحيان يفشل تحليل المربعات الصغرى (LS) تماماً في حالة وجود قيم شاذة في الظواهر المدروسة، اذ ستفقد OLS خصائصها ومن ثم تفقد صفة المقدر الخطي الجيد Beast Linear Unbiased Estimator (BLUE) لِما تسببه الشواذ Outliers من تأثير سيئ علـى نتـائج التحليـل الاحـصائي للبيانـات اذ أن وجودها يؤدي الى إرباك كبير في تحليل البيانات في حالة إستخدام الطرائق التقليدية، ولعلاج هذه المشكلة تم تطوير أساليب إحصائية جديدة بحيث لا تتأثر بالقيم الشاذة بسهولة. هذه الطرائق تمتاز بالحصانة أو (المقاومة). ولذا كانت طريقة المربعات الصغرى المشذبة Least Trimmed Squares (LTS) كبديل جيد يحقق نتائج أكثر مقبولية وأمثليه. الاّ انه يمكن افتراض أوزان تأخذ بنظر العناية مواقع تواجد القيم الشاذة في البيانات وتحددها بشكل دقيق. ولزيادة قوة التقدير بطريقة المربعات الصغرى المشذبة الموزونة Weighted Least Trimmed Squares (WLTS) هو بأعاده الوزن لبيانات العينة حول المقدر المطلوب بصورة تكرارية وهو ما سيدعى طريقة المربعات الصغرى المشذبة المعاد وزنها Reweighted Least Trimmed Squares (RWLTS). ولتحقيق هذا البحث استدعت الحاجة الكشف والتقصّي عن تأثير التلوث مياه نهر دجلة في محافظة واسط بسبب مياه الصرف الصحي وبالذات التلوث بالمواد الصلبة غير الذائبة في الماءTotal Dissolved Solids (TDS) وتأثير ثلاث ملوثات أملاح الكبريتات Sulphates (SO4)، الكلورايدات Chlorides (Cl) والفوسفات Phosphates ((PO4 على ذلك. وتم تقديم ذلك بدراسة احصائية وتقييمها بشكل دقيق ورفعها الى الجهات المختصّة ولتحقيق هذا الهدف تم استعمال بحجم عينة (91) موقع تم سحبها وفحصها في مختبرات بلدية محافظة واسط. وتم إجراء التحليل باستعمال برنامج MATLAB-R2015b)).
Exponential Distribution is probably the most important distribution in reliability work. In this paper, estimating the scale parameter of an exponential distribution was proposed through out employing maximum likelihood estimator and probability plot methods for different samples size. Mean square error was implemented as an indicator of performance for assumed several values of the parameter and computer simulation has been carried out to analysis the obtained results
The current research aims to identify "the impact of the round table strategies and the question of self-achievement and self-efficacy among students of the Faculty of Education in research methodology course.” The research sample consisted of (75) male and female-third stage students in the department of Life Sciences / College of Education for Pure Sciences / University of Dhi Qar for the academic year (2018-2019. The researcher adopted the experimental approach to achieving the study objectives. The researcher prepared two tools: the achievement test and the self-efficacy scale were applied to the collected sample to obtain the needed data. The result showed that there was a statistically significant difference at the level (0.05) b
... Show MoreThis research aims to evaluate the teaching methods used by intermediate Arabic language teachers. To achieve the goal, the researcher followed the descriptive-analytical approach. The research sample was limited to Arabic language teachers at intermediate school for the academic year (2017-2018) the researcher chose a random sample included (155) teachers which form a (40%) Of the original community at Baghdad/ Rusafa1th. The researcher has developed standards of teaching methods which are (7) standards with (39) paragraphs included three alternatives. The results showed the need to pay attention to the use of various modern teaching methods. Moreover, the researcher suggested making an evaluation of the teaching methods used by Arabic
... Show MoreIn this research, we find the Bayesian formulas and the estimation of Bayesian expectation for product system of Atlas Company. The units of the system have been examined by helping the technical staff at the company and by providing a real data the company which manufacturer the system. This real data include the failed units for each drawn sample, which represents the total number of the manufacturer units by the company system. We calculate the range for each estimator by using the Maximum Likelihood estimator. We obtain that the expectation-Bayesian estimation is better than the Bayesian estimator of the different partially samples which were drawn from the product system after it checked by the
... Show MoreKetoprofen has recently been proven to offer therapeutic potential in preventing cancers such as colorectal and lung tumors, as well as in treating neurological illnesses. The goal of this review is to show the methods that have been used for determining ketoprofen in pharmaceutical formulations. Precision product quality control is crucial to confirm the composition of the drugs in pharmaceutical use. Several analytical techniques, including chromatographic and spectroscopic methods, have been used for determining ketoprofen in different sample forms such as a tablet, capsule, ampoule, gel, and human plasma. The limit of detection of ketoprofen was 0.1 ng/ ml using liquid chromatography with tandem mass spectrometry, while it was 0
... Show MoreThe polymeric complexes were obtained from the reaction of polymeric Schiff base.N-crotonyl-2-hydroxyphenylazomethine (HL), with divalent metals Pt (II), Cr (II). The modes of bonding and overall geometry of the complexes were determine through spectroscopic methods and compared with that reported from analogous monomeric ligand. This study revealed square planer geometry around the metal center for [Pt(L)Cl] and distorted octahedral geometry for Cr complex [Cr(L)Cl(H2O)2].
The rapid success and the field dilation of Daish organization in both Iraq and Syria make academic institutes and research centers to pay attention to its propaganda means to gain its public opinion, and to further investigation about new methods employed by this organization to disseminate its messages to the public, particularly young people in large areas of the world. This organization uses traditional propaganda techniques on psychological war and its levels, social network sites and platforms that are distributed online. This study seeks to expose more persuasive methods used by the organization to gain multiple classes of society and to disseminate its extremist ideological thoughts. It also studies the psychological operation an
... Show MoreKetoprofen has recently been proven to offer therapeutic potential in preventing cancers such as colorectal and lung tumors, as well as in treating neurological illnesses. The goal of this review is to show the methods that have been used for determining ketoprofen in pharmaceutical formulations. Precision product quality control is crucial to confirm the composition of the drugs in pharmaceutical use. Several analytical techniques, including chromatographic and spectroscopic methods, have been used for determining ketoprofen in different sample forms such as a tablet, capsule, ampoule, gel, and human plasma. The limit of detection of ketoprofen was 0.1 ng/ ml using liquid chromatography with tandem mass spectrometry, while it was 0.01-
... Show MoreConcentrations of heavy metals (Copper Cu, Iron Fe, Manganese Mn, Cadmium Cd, and Lead Pb) have been studied in river crab Sesarma boulengeri (Outer part of the shield and interior tissues) which caught from two stations in Shatt Al – Arab river (Salhia and Aldeir areas). Elements concentrations were measured by Flame Atomic Absorption Spectrophotometer, concentration of heavy metals in the internal tissues was higher than in the outer shield in both of the stations with the highest value of the elements was to iron 95.21 mg\ kg during the spring as well as copper was 55 mg\kg and manganese was 39.09 mg\kg. The study showed the presence of seasonal changes in the studied heavy metals concentrations values in the tissues of river crab;
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