في كثير من الأحيان يفشل تحليل المربعات الصغرى (LS) تماماً في حالة وجود قيم شاذة في الظواهر المدروسة، اذ ستفقد OLS خصائصها ومن ثم تفقد صفة المقدر الخطي الجيد Beast Linear Unbiased Estimator (BLUE) لِما تسببه الشواذ Outliers من تأثير سيئ علـى نتـائج التحليـل الاحـصائي للبيانـات اذ أن وجودها يؤدي الى إرباك كبير في تحليل البيانات في حالة إستخدام الطرائق التقليدية، ولعلاج هذه المشكلة تم تطوير أساليب إحصائية جديدة بحيث لا تتأثر بالقيم الشاذة بسهولة. هذه الطرائق تمتاز بالحصانة أو (المقاومة). ولذا كانت طريقة المربعات الصغرى المشذبة Least Trimmed Squares (LTS) كبديل جيد يحقق نتائج أكثر مقبولية وأمثليه. الاّ انه يمكن افتراض أوزان تأخذ بنظر العناية مواقع تواجد القيم الشاذة في البيانات وتحددها بشكل دقيق. ولزيادة قوة التقدير بطريقة المربعات الصغرى المشذبة الموزونة Weighted Least Trimmed Squares (WLTS) هو بأعاده الوزن لبيانات العينة حول المقدر المطلوب بصورة تكرارية وهو ما سيدعى طريقة المربعات الصغرى المشذبة المعاد وزنها Reweighted Least Trimmed Squares (RWLTS). ولتحقيق هذا البحث استدعت الحاجة الكشف والتقصّي عن تأثير التلوث مياه نهر دجلة في محافظة واسط بسبب مياه الصرف الصحي وبالذات التلوث بالمواد الصلبة غير الذائبة في الماءTotal Dissolved Solids (TDS) وتأثير ثلاث ملوثات أملاح الكبريتات Sulphates (SO4)، الكلورايدات Chlorides (Cl) والفوسفات Phosphates ((PO4 على ذلك. وتم تقديم ذلك بدراسة احصائية وتقييمها بشكل دقيق ورفعها الى الجهات المختصّة ولتحقيق هذا الهدف تم استعمال بحجم عينة (91) موقع تم سحبها وفحصها في مختبرات بلدية محافظة واسط. وتم إجراء التحليل باستعمال برنامج MATLAB-R2015b)).
This study was focused on biotreatment of soil which polluted by petroleum compounds (Diesel) which caused serious environmental problems. One of the most effective and promising ways to treat diesel-contaminated soil is bioremediation. It is a choice that offers the potential to destroy harmful pollutants using biological activity. The capability of mixed bacterial culture was examined to remediate the diesel-contaminated soil in bio piling system. For fast ex-situ treatment of diesel-contaminated soils, the bio pile system was selected. Two pilot scale bio piles (25 kg soil each) were constructed containing soils contaminated with approximately 2140 mg/kg total petroleum hydrocarbons (TPHs). The amended soil:
... Show MoreDue to the deterioration of water quality within the last few years because of the increase of water consumption and the waste water production and disposal into the river The water quality in both surface and ground water resources was negatively affected .The concept of water quality index is used as a tool for water quality classification in Tigris River within Baghdad City .Twenty two parameters of pollution were selected to measure the water quality indices of Tigris river within Baghdad city .Those parameters were measured during (2000-2004)as average monthly values ,three water treatment plants were selected out of the eight water treatment plants that exist along the river.Al Kharkh water treatment plant to reflect the water quality
... Show MoreThe present study deals with the relationship of noise pollution to the mental health of university students, through the researcher field study with the use of descriptive Correlative approach to investigate this relationship. Noise is one of the elements of environmental pollution that people often expose to in their environment. The problem of noise has been exacerbated now because of cultural and technological progress in crowded cities. As a result, the researchers studied noise as an environmental stimulus that affects the mental health of the human being.The researchers, through their current research try to study a very serious problem, which is the problem of noise pollution on the health side of university students as a
... Show MoreBackground: Tap waters play an important role in fulfilling the people needs for drinking and domestic purposes. Contaminate the tap water with different pollutants has become an issue of great concern for 90% of people who are depended on the tap water as the main source of drinking. Pollutants can make their way easily into the delivering pipes which suffer from the leaking resulting in decreasing the quality of water. Objective: Therefore, assess the water quality for drinking purpose by calculating the water quality index is an important tool to ascertain whether the water is suitable for human consumption or not. Methods: In the present work, the water quality of the Al-Salam, western region of Baghdad city, Iraq was investigated for 7
... Show MoreAir pollution is considered one of the major environmental problems that contain many challenges and difficulties facing most countries of the world, including Iraq. The problem has emerged widely with the emergence of the industrial revolution in the world and the tremendous increase in the population and the increase in the number of transportation and its development in addition to excavation, maintenance and work Construction and weather fluctuations, such as dust and sandstorms, pollution resulting from oil refining, extraction, diversion and other processes that cause pollution, and the start of the world using methods that limit the volume of environmental pollution. The most prominent of these methods is the imposition of
... Show MoreA seemingly uncorrelated regression (SUR) model is a special case of multivariate models, in which the error terms in these equations are contemporaneously related. The method estimator (GLS) is efficient because it takes into account the covariance structure of errors, but it is also very sensitive to outliers. The robust SUR estimator can dealing outliers. We propose two robust methods for calculating the estimator, which are (S-Estimations, and FastSUR). We find that it significantly improved the quality of SUR model estimates. In addition, the results gave the FastSUR method superiority over the S method in dealing with outliers contained in the data set, as it has lower (MSE and RMSE) and higher (R-Squared and R-Square Adjus
... Show MoreThis paper derives the EDITRK4 technique, which is an exponentially fitted diagonally implicit RK method for solving ODEs . This approach is intended to integrate exactly initial value problems (IVPs), their solutions consist of linear combinations of the group functions and for exponentially fitting problems, with being the problem’s major frequency utilized to improve the precision of the method. The modified method EDITRK4 is a new three-stage fourth-order exponentially-fitted diagonally implicit approach for solving IVPs with functions that are exponential as solutions. Different forms of -order ODEs must be derived using the modified system, and when the same issue is reduced to a framework of equations that can be sol
... Show MoreThis research investigates the methods of producing Investigative Arabic Television Programs that are able to prove its existence during a short period of time as a form of Television programs on Arab satellite channels growing in number and varied in content. The research aims to present qualitative and quantitative descriptions of the methods used in tackling the topics discussed in the program, and knowing whether they satisfy the conditions and scientific foundations for the research, investigation, analysis, and interpretation. The researcher uses the survey method and uses the tool of content analysis including a set of methodological steps that seek to discover the implied meaning of the research sample represented by the program
... Show MoreThe aim of this paper is to find out the effects of the strategy of productive thinking upon the student’s achievement for the subject of research methodology in the College of Islamic Sciences. Achieving this objective, the researchers set the null hypotheses: (1) No difference is noticed to be statistically significant at the level of significance (0.05) among the student’s mean scores in the experimental group who were taught by the strategy of productive thinking, and the student’s mean scores in the control group who studied by the traditional method in the achievement test. (2) At level of sig. (0.05), there is no statistically significant difference in the mean of scores of the pre-tests and post ones in the achievement test of
... Show MoreChloroquine and Hydroxychloroquine drugs are widely prescribed for malaria disease. Since the end of 2019, humans have been under threat due to a disease called (COVID-19), which was first reported in China. Many methodical approaches have been reported to quantify chloroquine and hydroxychloroquine in blood, urine, plasma, serum, and pharmaceutical dosage form. Some of these techniques are spectrophotometry, liquid chromatography with a mass detector, gas chromatography, and ultra-performance, high-performance liquid chromatography (HPLC), in addition to electrochemical methods. This literature review discusses various analytical methods for the determining hydroxychloroquine and chloroquine.