ظهر التحول نحو العولمة في ضوء التغيرات العالمية السريعة والمتلاحقة والعميقة في آثارها وتوجهاتها المستقبلية وخاصة تلك التي شهدها الربع الاخير من القرن العشرين الماضي .إذ تحول الاقتصاد العالمي بالفعل إلى قرية صغيرة متنافسة الاطراف بفعل الثورة التكنولوجية والمعلوماتية . ولم تتوقف الامور عن هذا الحد إذ ان التطور العالمي الحديث وما سيشهده العالم من سيطرة العولمة الجديدة التي تدعو لحرية التجارة وسهولة تبادل البضائع والسلع والافكار والخبرات وانتقالها بشكل يكاد يتجاوز مفهوم الدولة القومية وحمايتها لمنتجاتها الوطنية وما يلحق ذلك من سياسات مالية وضريبية لتحقيق ذلك .ثؤثر العولمة وما يتبعها من اندماج دولي إلى جانب التقدم التكنولوجي السريع على قدرة الدول في تحصيل الضرائب ، وعلى توزيع الاعباء ، ومن المرجح ايضا" ان يزداد تأثير العولمة بمرور الوقت على ايرادات الضرائب ، فقد حدث تحول بارز من الضرائب النوعية إلى ضرائب المبيعات خلال فترة التسعينات ، إذ بدأ أثر العولمة في الظهور بشكل اكثر حدة مع تحرير أسواق المال وزيادة اندماج الاقتصاديات . ومن أهم الاستنتاجات التي توصل اليها البحث . ان العولمة مع كل ما تحمله من تقدم تقني وفتح الاسواق وتحرير التجارة ... الخ تهدد الدول التي لم تسارع باعادة هيكلية مؤسساتها لانتاج سلع تنافسية تحمي اقتصادها من التبعية . أما التوصيات التي توصل اليها البحث هوالنهوض بالموارد البشرية ودعم النمو في القطاعات كافة الاقتصادية والصناعية والمصارف بالشكل الذي يوائم متطلبات العولمة .
The changes that have occurred in the business environment and scientific and technological progress, as well as the complexity of administrative problems resulting from its practice of various activities, have led to an increase in the responsibilities entrusted to it, and for the purpose of achieving its strategic objectives, which has made the pillars of corporate governance an inevitable matter required by the nature of modern scientific management of the governorate, the success that companies seek is based on the fertile environment and the dialectical relationship between the individual and the company, and to achieve this success there must be a compatible and harmonious audit environment between the internal and external
... Show MoreThe problem of present study is determined by answering the following questions:
1) What is the effect of using the oral open- ended questions on Students' achievement in the third-stage of Arabic department in the college of Education? 2) What is the effect of the oral open-ended questions on developing the creative thinking of students in
... Show MoreAbstract
The study aims to reveal the level of inclusion of citizenship values in the English language textbooks (We Can) series for elementary education in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia. To achieve this objective, the "content analysis" methodology was used. A content analysis card was designed to include (6) main areas of citizenship values, it consisted of (28) sub-indicators of citizenship values that were supposed to be included in the English language textbook series (We Can) for elementary education. The study sample consisted of all the English language textbooks (We Can) series for elementary education, which consisted of (6) textbooks, two for each class. The results of the study indicated that there is a
... Show MoreFinancial compensation contracts related to Hajj
The research discusses two variables are important, orientation marketing and quality of service, and that the purpose of the research is to see whether the telecom companies applied orientation marketing or not and to what extent is keen to apply it to suit the Iraqi environment as it has been applied research in kork Telecom company and Asia Cell Telecom are sectors service job in the business sector in Iraq, The information was obtained through the design of the questionnaire compatible runway Likert, and distribution (92) questionnaire, which (50) for the company Korek Telecom and (42) of the Asia-Cell, research population sample included a number of staff in the departments and units in the two companies, it has been support
... Show MoreBackground: Salmonella spp. are one of the most frequently reported causes of bacterial foodborne outbreak in the world.
Objective: This study has been conducted to detect salmonella as a major public health problem worldwide.
Methods: A total of 12 samples including 8 white meat (chicken) and 4 red meat (beef) samples were collected randomly from each sample; 25gr was separated and treated with 225ml of buffered peptone water, incubated at 37C°and 42C° for 24 hours. Samples were streaked on selective enteric agar.
Result: Totally 4 out of 8 chicken meat and one out of 4 red meat samples were contaminated with Salmonella spp.
Conclusion: These results confirmed the previous findings stating the proper packaging of meat prod
The child realize that the meals time provide golden opportunities to get the attention the child needs. However, many difficulties that may appear about eating food can be avoided, if the family used the right way in dealing with this problem. The study aims, in this case, at searching for the reasons that lies behind the child's obstinacy in eating his food and the attempt to study some variables that is related to the research topic.
The results are summed up as follows:
- The number of the sample children is 3 of both sexes between the ages of 3 to 6 years
The Research is interested in the detailed comparative study of certain selection of
Imam Alsamarqandi in some subjects of washing and touching the Gracious Quran.
The value of this study is that it is related to one aspect of the duties obliged on Muslim
like parity.
The study has tried to collect certain scholars’ opinions of eight doctrines with the
selection of Alsamarqandi to make a comp arson between them and to show how
Alsamarqandi is able to create legal laws from his sources to lead the researchers nto have
knowledge about the syllabi of the famous scientists.
Finally we ask God to bless to what is right and to accept this study and make it part of
our good deeds, Ameen.
The experiment has been carried out in the Syrian National Commission of Biotechnology, during the growing season 2018/2019, to study the effect of abiotic stresses (salinity and osmotic stresses) on the activity of some antioxidant enzymes and biochemical traits in Catharanthus roseus. The experiment has been laid according to (CRD) with three replications. The seeds have been sterilized by NaOCl solution (0.5% v/v), then planted on MS medium. Plantlets have been moved to MS medium enriched with NAA (1 mg.L-1) and BA (2 mg.L-1). The callus has been initiated from leaves using MS medium containing NAA (1 mg L-1) and KIN (2 mg.L-1). After 60 days, callus
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