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Text Encryption Based on DNA Cryptography, RNA, and Amino Acid
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To achieve safe security to transfer data from the sender to receiver, cryptography is one way that is used for such purposes. However, to increase the level of data security, DNA as a new term was introduced to cryptography. The DNA can be easily used to store and transfer the data, and it becomes an effective procedure for such aims and used to implement the computation. A new cryptography system is proposed, consisting of two phases: the encryption phase and the decryption phase. The encryption phase includes six steps, starting by converting plaintext to their equivalent ASCII values and converting them to binary values. After that, the binary values are converted to DNA characters and then converted to their equivalent complementary DNA sequences. These DNA sequences are converted to RNA sequences. Finally, the RNA sequences are converted to the amino acid, where this sequence is considered as ciphertext to be sent to the receiver. The decryption phase also includes six steps, which are the same encryption steps but in reverse order. It starts with converting amino acid to RNA sequences, then converting RNA sequences to DNA sequences and converting them to their equivalent complementary DNA. After that, DNA sequences are converted to binary values and to their equivalent ASCII values. The final step is converting ASCII values to alphabet characters that are considered plaintext. For evaluation purposes, six text files with different sizes have been used as a test material. Performance evaluation is calculated based on encryption time and decryption time. The achieved results are considered as good and fast, where the encryption and decryption times needed for a file with size of 1k are equal to 2.578 ms and 2.625 ms respectively, while the encryption and decryption times for a file with size of 20k are equal to 268.422 ms and 245.469 ms respectively.

Publication Date
Mon Aug 01 2022
Journal Name
Journal Of Molecular Liquids
Study to amino acid-based inhibitors as an effective anti-corrosion material
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The inhibitory behavior of L-Cysteine (Cys) and its derivatives towards iron corrosion through density functional theory (DFT) was investigated. The current research study undertakes a rigorous evaluation of global as well as local reactivity descriptors of the Cys in protonated as well as neutral forms and the changes in reactivity after the combination of Cys into di- and tripeptides. The inhibitory effect of di- and tri-peptides increases since, in the molecular structure, the number of reaction centers increase. We computed the adsorption energies (Eads) and low energy complexes with most stability for the adsorption of small peptides and Cys amino acids onto the surfaces of Fe (1 1 1). We found that the adsorption of tri-peptides onto

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Publication Date
Sat Apr 01 2023
Journal Name
International Journal Of Electrical And Computer Engineering (ijece)
Image encryption algorithm based on the density and 6D logistic map
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One of the most difficult issues in the history of communication technology is the transmission of secure images. On the internet, photos are used and shared by millions of individuals for both private and business reasons. Utilizing encryption methods to change the original image into an unintelligible or scrambled version is one way to achieve safe image transfer over the network. Cryptographic approaches based on chaotic logistic theory provide several new and promising options for developing secure Image encryption methods. The main aim of this paper is to build a secure system for encrypting gray and color images. The proposed system consists of two stages, the first stage is the encryption process, in which the keys are genera

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Publication Date
Tue Aug 01 2023
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
Digital Data Encryption Using a Proposed W-Method Based on AES and DES Algorithms
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This paper proposes a new encryption method. It combines two cipher algorithms, i.e., DES and AES, to generate hybrid keys. This combination strengthens the proposed W-method by generating high randomized keys. Two points can represent the reliability of any encryption technique. Firstly, is the key generation; therefore, our approach merges 64 bits of DES with 64 bits of AES to produce 128 bits as a root key for all remaining keys that are 15. This complexity increases the level of the ciphering process. Moreover, it shifts the operation one bit only to the right. Secondly is the nature of the encryption process. It includes two keys and mixes one round of DES with one round of AES to reduce the performance time. The W-method deals with

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Publication Date
Thu Dec 29 2016
Journal Name
Ibn Al-haitham Journal For Pure And Applied Sciences
Proposal for Exchange Text message Based on Image
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     The messages are ancient method to exchange information between peoples. It had many ways to send it with some security.

    Encryption and steganography was oldest ways to message security, but there are still many problems in key generation, key distribution, suitable cover image and others. In this paper we present proposed algorithm to exchange security message without any encryption, or image as cover to hidden. Our proposed algorithm depends on two copies of the same collection images set (CIS), one in sender side and other in receiver side which always exchange message between them.

      To send any message text the sender converts message to ASCII c

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Publication Date
Tue Jun 01 2021
Journal Name
International Journal Of Agricultural And Statistical Sciences
Effect of phosphorous and amino acid on growth and yield of pea
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Publication Date
Mon Feb 07 2022
Journal Name
Cogent Engineering
A partial image encryption scheme based on DWT and texture segmentation
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Publication Date
Sat Aug 01 2015
Journal Name
International Journal Of Advanced Research In Computer Science And Software Engineering
Partial Encryption for Colored Images Based on Face Detection
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Publication Date
Sun Jan 20 2019
Journal Name
Ibn Al-haitham Journal For Pure And Applied Sciences
Text Classification Based on Weighted Extreme Learning Machine
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The huge amount of documents in the internet led to the rapid need of text classification (TC). TC is used to organize these text documents. In this research paper, a new model is based on Extreme Machine learning (EML) is used. The proposed model consists of many phases including: preprocessing, feature extraction, Multiple Linear Regression (MLR) and ELM. The basic idea of the proposed model is built upon the calculation of feature weights by using MLR. These feature weights with the extracted features introduced as an input to the ELM that produced weighted Extreme Learning Machine (WELM). The results showed   a great competence of the proposed WELM compared to the ELM. 

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Publication Date
Sat Jul 01 2023
Journal Name
Int. J. Advance Soft Compu. Appl,
Arabic and English Texts Encryption Using Proposed Method Based on Coordinates System
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Publication Date
Sat Dec 01 2018
Journal Name
Journal Of Theoretical And Applied Information Technology
Matching Algorithms for Intrusion Detection System based on DNA Encoding
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Pattern matching algorithms are usually used as detecting process in intrusion detection system. The efficiency of these algorithms is affected by the performance of the intrusion detection system which reflects the requirement of a new investigation in this field. Four matching algorithms and a combined of two algorithms, for intrusion detection system based on new DNA encoding, are applied for evaluation of their achievements. These algorithms are Brute-force algorithm, Boyer-Moore algorithm, Horspool algorithm, Knuth-Morris-Pratt algorithm, and the combined of Boyer-Moore algorithm and Knuth–Morris– Pratt algorithm. The performance of the proposed approach is calculated based on the executed time, where these algorithms are applied o

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