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Emotional Blackmail in Breaking Bad Series: A Pragma-Stylistic Study
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Although language research has focused on blackmail in general, less attention has been paid to emotional blackmail. To date, researchers could not locate any literature that examines emotional blackmail from a linguistic standpoint. The current study is intended to fill this gap by scrutinizing emotional blackmail from a pragma-stylistic point of view by examining the style of the characters in selected episodes extracted from the American Breaking Bad series. To carry out the study, an eclectic model comprising kinds of emotional blackmailers by Forward and Frazier (1997), Searles’ speech acts (1979), Grice’s maxims (1975), Brown and Levinson’s politeness (1987), Culpeper’s impoliteness (1996), and Simpson’s stylistic levels (2004) will be used. The study examines how emotional blackmailers reflect themselves through language and how different pragmatic theories contribute to detecting emotional blackmail. The pragma-stylistic analysis reveals that emotional blackmailers use different pragmatic and stylistic elements. Pragmatically, the analysis demonstrates that punishers more frequently utilize commissive speech acts, whereas sufferers more frequently use representative and expressive speech acts. Besides, the punishers’ speech is realized by breaching the quantity and manner maxims whereas the sufferer’s speech is manifested by breaching the quantity and quality maxims. Concerning (im)politeness, the punishing behavior is accomplished by positive politeness, negative impoliteness, bold on-record impoliteness, and positive impoliteness while the suffering behavior is accomplished through positive politeness. Stylistically, the language used to talk about suffering is associated with discomfort and unhappiness. Concerning grammar, the punishing discourse emphasizes threats through fronting strategies. With suffering, negative auxiliaries are used.

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Publication Date
Tue Feb 05 2019
Journal Name
Journal Of The College Of Education For Women
A study of Nutritional and Chemical Content in One Kind Chamomile Tea for Infant and Children
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This study has been performed for knowing the nutritional and chemical content of one kind chamomile tea for infant and children available in the pharmacy. The results have been showed that the percentage of essential compounds which represented with moisture, protein, fat, carbohydrate, ash and calories as 7.09%,0.01%,0.01%,92,81%, 0.08% and 371,37 Kal./100g, respectively of dry weight. Also the results have been showed that the percentage of chamomile plant extract that added to the tea as 5.74%. And the result of chemical test for effective materials in alcoholic extract showed consist Tannis, Glycosides, Flavonoids, Alkialoids,and Resins.

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Publication Date
Mon Jan 01 2018
Journal Name
Journal Of The College Of Languages (jcl)
Grammatical Behaviour and Uses of Negative and Prohibitive Particles in Semitic Languages: A Comparative Semitic Study
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      Grammatical particles are so important in understanding a text and its meaning in linguistic context. This paper  " Grammatical Behavior and Uses of Negative and Prohibitive Particles in Semitic Languages: A Comparative Semitic Study"

      tackles  a very important topic in Semitic languages. Comparative studies in Semitic languages shed light on  phenomena in different languages that are related or have one common origin. No doubt, such studies have their own effects on language study in general especially when studying a specific phenomenon and explaining it by reliance on the one origin, or by investigating the various phases of its historical development.

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Publication Date
Mon Jan 01 2018
Journal Name
Journal Of The College Of Languages (jcl)
The Role of Informativity in Translating Poetry (A Case Study of Emily Dickinson's Slant of Light)
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Informativity, being an essential component of text/discourse, plays a significant role in highlighting the intended meaning and finally contributes to the overall process of rendering a text cross-culturally. It has, however, been overlooked by translators in doing their jobs. In poetic translation, informativity plays a particularly significant role as it sheds light on the ungraspable traits of meaning.

This study tries to explore this aspect in a translation of Emily Dickenson's Slant of Lights to see where the translator fell short in this aspect with attempts to produce an alternative translation taking into consideration the various orders of informativity. For this purpose, a model of informativity is forwarded t

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Publication Date
Sat Jan 20 2024
Journal Name
Ibn Al-haitham Journal For Pure And Applied Sciences
A Comparative Study Between The Levels of Adropin in Iraqi Women with Metabolic Syndrome and Diabetes
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By measuring Adropin, fasting blood glucose (FBG), cholesterol, high-density lipoprotein (HDL), triglycerides (TG), low-density lipoprotein (LDL), and very low-density lipoprotein (VLDL) in the sera of Iraqi patients with MetS and type 2 diabetes mellitus (T2DM), the current study was designed to compare some crucial markers in metabolic syndrome (MetS) sera and diabetic patients (T2DM) with control. Twenty female subjects were divided into three groups: group I=40 with MetS and group II=40 with T2DM, and 40 healthy subjects were employed as a control group. Compared to the control group, Adropin levels in the Mets group and T2DM group decreased significantly (p < 0.05). In contrast, none of the patient groups (MetS and T2DM)

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Publication Date
Mon Jan 01 2018
Journal Name
Al–bahith Al–a'alami
Tendencies of Scientific Research in the Specialized Journalism: the Media Researcher Magazine A sur-vey study
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The study of the tendencies of scientific research in specialized journalism through the three specialized levels, specifically the third level. It is referred to be a monthly, quarterly or annual magazine that follows the publication of the researches for new studies which have come to in every specialization. it is directed to the highly educated and is almost an alternative book. Thus, the subject is specialized and the audience is specialized.

The study aims in both its survey and field section at knowing the type of researches and their classification and the form, gender and the use of foreign sources and their scientific tank and the geographical position in addition to knowing the opinions of researchers and their satisfa

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Publication Date
Wed May 10 2017
Journal Name
Ibn Al-haitham Journal For Pure And Applied Sciences
A study Histological Structure Of The hombencephalon (Cerebellum) In The Pigeon Columba livia gaddi (GmeIin, 1789)
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   A histological study was conducted to examine the structure of rhombencephalon (Cerebellum) in Columba livia gaddi (Gmeiin, 1789).  The result showed that the cerebellum is aportion of the brain lying behind the cerebrum, the surface of the cerebellum contains deep folds.  The cerebellum consists of two regions a cerebellar cortex that is called gray matter composed of three major layers from the outside to the inside, as follows: molecular layer, Purkinje cells layer and granular layer, the second region of cerebellum called medulla. This is the white matter.

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Publication Date
Tue Sep 05 2023
Journal Name
Iraqi Post Graduate Medical Journal.
Immunohistochemical Expression of Carbonic Anhydrase IX and PAX8 in Renal Cell Carcinoma: A Clinicopathological Correlation Study.
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Publication Date
Sun Dec 16 2018
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Alienation in Contemporary Sculpture between the Works of Anthony Caro and Tony Cragg (A Comparative Study)
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  • The subject of this research is the study of the formal alienation of contemporary English sculpture, by comparing the most important sculptors of the new contemporary generation. This research problem is to look for the important factors in the formation of the contemporary sculptural structure of the exotic, and what is the mechanism of formation and output of these forms. The research seeks to explore (Alienation in contemporary sculpture between the works of Anthony Caro and Tony Cragg) in a comparative study. The importance of the research is to identify the concept of alien forms in contemporary British sculpture, especially in the cases of Anthony Caro and Tony Cragg that this research is considered a know

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Publication Date
Mon Oct 28 2019
Journal Name
Periodicals Of Engineering And Natural Sciences (pen)
Kinetic profile of silver and zinc oxide nanoparticles by intraperitoneal injection in mice , a comparative study
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Publication Date
Thu May 18 2023
Journal Name
Journal Of Engineering
A Comparative Study of Single-Constraint Routing in Wireless Mesh Networks Using Different Dynamic Programming Algorithms
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Finding the shortest route in wireless mesh networks is an important aspect. Many techniques are used to solve this problem like dynamic programming, evolutionary algorithms, weighted-sum techniques, and others. In this paper, we use dynamic programming techniques to find the shortest path in wireless mesh networks due to their generality, reduction of complexity and facilitation of numerical computation, simplicity in incorporating constraints, and their onformity to the stochastic nature of some problems. The routing problem is a multi-objective optimization problem with some constraints such as path capacity and end-to-end delay. Single-constraint routing problems and solutions using Dijkstra, Bellman-Ford, and Floyd-Warshall algorith

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