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Emotional Blackmail in Breaking Bad Series: A Pragma-Stylistic Study
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Although language research has focused on blackmail in general, less attention has been paid to emotional blackmail. To date, researchers could not locate any literature that examines emotional blackmail from a linguistic standpoint. The current study is intended to fill this gap by scrutinizing emotional blackmail from a pragma-stylistic point of view by examining the style of the characters in selected episodes extracted from the American Breaking Bad series. To carry out the study, an eclectic model comprising kinds of emotional blackmailers by Forward and Frazier (1997), Searles’ speech acts (1979), Grice’s maxims (1975), Brown and Levinson’s politeness (1987), Culpeper’s impoliteness (1996), and Simpson’s stylistic levels (2004) will be used. The study examines how emotional blackmailers reflect themselves through language and how different pragmatic theories contribute to detecting emotional blackmail. The pragma-stylistic analysis reveals that emotional blackmailers use different pragmatic and stylistic elements. Pragmatically, the analysis demonstrates that punishers more frequently utilize commissive speech acts, whereas sufferers more frequently use representative and expressive speech acts. Besides, the punishers’ speech is realized by breaching the quantity and manner maxims whereas the sufferer’s speech is manifested by breaching the quantity and quality maxims. Concerning (im)politeness, the punishing behavior is accomplished by positive politeness, negative impoliteness, bold on-record impoliteness, and positive impoliteness while the suffering behavior is accomplished through positive politeness. Stylistically, the language used to talk about suffering is associated with discomfort and unhappiness. Concerning grammar, the punishing discourse emphasizes threats through fronting strategies. With suffering, negative auxiliaries are used.

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Publication Date
Sat Feb 24 2024
Journal Name
Journal Of Studies And Researches Of Sport Education
The effect of the use of the Colb model according to the two forms (adaptive, ascending) in learning some of the technical skills of women
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The objective of the study was to identify the effect of the use of the Colb model for the students of the third stage in the College of Physical Education and Sports Sciences, University of Baghdad,As well as to identify the differences between the research groups in the remote tests in learning skills using the model Colb.The researcher used the experimental method and included the sample of the research on the students of the third stage in the College of Physical Education and Sports Science / University of Baghdad by drawing lots, the third division (j) was chosen to represent the experimental group,And the third division (c) to represent the control groupafter the distribution of the sample splitting measure according to the Colb mode

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Publication Date
Fri May 03 2019
Journal Name
Journal Of Physical Education
Effect Special Exercises & Electrical Muscle Stimulation In Maximum Strength Balance by indication Electrical Activity for Muscles on Both Sides of Body For Disabled Weightlifters
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MJ Abbas, AK Hussein, Journal of Physical Education, 2019

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Publication Date
Tue Jan 01 2019
Journal Name
Indian Journal Of Public Health Research & Development
The Effect of Special Exercises for those with (Cognitive Concentration) in the Development of Motor Satisfaction and Learning Some Types of Scoring Basketball for Students
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The importance of the research in the preparation of special exercises to develop some types of basketball scoring as a contribution to help the physical education teacher to find successful educational alternatives. The purpose of the study was to prepare special exercises for the cognitive (cognitive) survey in the development of motor satisfaction and learning some types of Scoring for basketball for students. Learn about the effect of cognitive exercises in cognitive development in students. The survey included students from the first stage of the Faculty of Physical Education and Sports Science \ University of Diyala (159) divided into 6 people. The sample was randomized by (b) and (b) D) and after dispersion by the standard method In

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Publication Date
Mon Jan 01 2018
Journal Name
Jordan Journal Of Biological Sciences
Expression of biotransformation and antioxidant genes in the liver of albino mice after exposure to aflatoxin B1 and an antioxidant sourced from turmeric (Curcuma longa)
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The present investigation aims to determine the effects of aflatoxin B1 (AFB1) on biotransformation and antioxidant genes and the protective effects of curcumin, present in turmeric (Curcuma longa) powder (TMP). Specifically, the study included four groups of albino mice were fed for 30 days on diet Group I: Control, Group II: animals fed on the conventional basal diet supplemented with 0.5% food grade TMP that supplied 74 mg/kg total curcuminoids. Group III contained animals reared on conventional basal diet supplemented with 1.0 ppm AFB1 supplied by ground aflatoxin culture material (760 ppm AFB1). Finally, Group IV comprised of albino mice fed with basal diet supplemented with 1.0 ppm AFB1 and 0.5% TMP that supplied 74 mg/kg of the

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Publication Date
Mon Jan 02 2023
Journal Name
Res Militaris
Rehabilitation program for treatment Tennis Elbow (Lateral Epicondylalgia) suffered by the players of Al-Rafidain Sports Club for Tennis League three players in Diyala province
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Abstract Lateral Epicondylitis (LE) which has been referred to as the Tennis Elbow as well is a lesion affecting common tendinous origins of wrist extensors due to chronic overuse injury that results in damaging common extensor tendons which join forearm extensor muscles to humerus. The aim of the present evidence-based clinical statement is reviewing scientific evidences for efficacy of a variety of the rehabilitation methods, chronic lateral epicondylitis management. It is focused upon treating chronic lateral epicondylitis and the latest developments in physiotherapy area for managing chronic lateral epicondylitis. Due to the fact that primary physical impairments in the LE are decreased is the strength of the grip, fundamentally due to

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Publication Date
Thu Apr 14 2022
Journal Name
Nat. Volatiles & Essent. Oils,
Estimate The Amount of Amino and Fatty Acids in The Liver Tissue of Uromastyx Aegyptius Microlepis During the Periods of Hibernation (December) And Activity (May)
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Amino and fatty acids in the liver tissue of Uromastyx aegyptius microlepis during the periods of hibernation (December) and activity (May) were estimate by a high performance liquid chromatography, liver of a lizard during the activity and hibernation seasons, contained 18 amino acids, which include, 10 essential amino acids and 8 non-essential amino acids, and the liver in the male lizard contained five fatty acids during each season, the concentration rates of all the amino acids during the activity season were higher than their counterparts during the hibernation season, the total concentrations of essential and non-essential amino acids during the activity season were 19434.8 µg/ml, which was greater than the total concentrations leve

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Publication Date
Tue Jul 19 2022
Journal Name
Res Militaris
Urban Geomorphology and Its Impact on Determining the Trends of Urban Expansion in The City of Kut and Its Future Expectations Using Geographic Information Systems
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Geomorphology is concerned with the topographic units that make up the Earth's surface. These take many forms, such as mountains and rivers, and include many dangers such as landslides, landslides and erosion. Many studies appeared in this field to analyze its effects and risks resulting from it, including urban studies, to determine the trends of optimal urban expansion and its geomorphological interactions. The results showed that the city of Kut originated and expanded near the course of the Tigris River and its branches, and it suffers from unbalanced urban expansion, due to the high rate of population growth, and overcrowding in housing units with the growth of urban land uses in it, which prompted the city to extend horizontally and v

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Publication Date
Sat Dec 01 2018
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
(Estimation and Analysis of the Cobb-Duglas Production Function for the Rail Transport Sector in Iraq for the Period 1990-2016 using the ARDL Model)
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Since the railway transport sector is very important in many countries of the world, we have tried through this research to study the production function of this sector and to indicate the level of productivity under which it operates.

It was found through the estimation and analysis of the production function Kub - Duglas that the railway transport sector in Iraq suffers from a decline in the level of productivity, which was reflected in the deterioration of the level of services provided for the transport of passengers and goods. This led to the loss of the sector of importance in supporting the national economy and the reluctance of most passengers an

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Publication Date
Thu Jan 06 2022
Journal Name
Iraqi National Journal Of Nursing Specialties
Effectiveness of an Instructional Program on Patientsꞌ Knowledge about Home Safety While Receiving Anti -Cancer Medications at Al- Karama Teaching Hospital in Al-Kut City
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Objectives: To determine the effectiveness of the instructional program on patients’ knowledge about home safety while receiving anti-cancer treatment at  Al- Karama Teaching Hospital in Al-Kut City.

Methodology:   A quasi-experimental design is conducted through the application of a pre-test and post-test approach for the study and control groups from February 5th, 2020 to April 25th, 2020. A non–probability (purposive) sample of (50) patients treated at the Blood Disease and Oncology Center is selected and divided into two groups. Each group contains (25) patients as control and study groups. An instrument is constructed that is comprised of two parts; t

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Publication Date
Sun Dec 06 2015
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
The effect of aqueous crude extract of ginger on the histology of corpus luteum and the concentration of hormones estrogen and progesterone in pregnant mice
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This study was designed to investigate the effect of aqueous extract of ginger Zingiber officinale Roscoe on the histology of corpus luteum and the concentration of the hormones progesterone and estrogen during the first trimester of pregnancy (0 - 7) days from fertilization. 30 pregnant mice were divided into five experimental groups: control group (administrated with distilled water), and four groups treated at doses (284, 568, 1136,1420 mg / kg), orally administrated , daily with (0.1 ml). Microscopic examination results have shown histopathological changes in corpus luteum included: Pyknosis in some nuclei of granulosa cells, Karyorrhexis, Karyolysis in some granulosa cells, and necrosis in corpus luteum, with additional significant dec

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