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A Pharmacoeconomics Study for Anticoagulants used for Hospitalized COVID-19 Patients in Al-Najaf Al-Ashraf city –Iraq(Conference Paper )#
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Abstract Background: The novel coronavirus 2 (SARS?CoV?2) pandemic is a pulmonary disease, which leads to cardiac, hematologic, and renal complications. Anticoagulants are used for COVID-19 infected patients because the infection increases the risk of thrombosis. The world health organization (WHO), recommend prophylaxis dose of anticoagulants: (Enoxaparin or unfractionated Heparin for hospitalized patients with COVID-19 disease. This has created an urgent need to identify effective medications for COVID-19 prevention and treatment. The value of COVID-19 treatments is affected by cost-effectiveness analysis (CEA) to inform relative value and how to best maximize social welfare through evidence-based pricing decisions. Objective: compare the clinical outcome and the costs of two anticoagulants (heparin and (enoxaparin)) used to treat hospitalized patients with COVID-19 infection. Patients and method: The study was a retrospective review of medical records of adult, non-pregnant, COVID-19 infected hospitalized patients who had baseline and last outcome measurements at Alamal Epidemiology Center, Al-Najaf city from (Augast 2020 to June 2021). The outcome measures included D-dimer, length of stay (LOS), and mortality rate. Only the cost of the medical treatment was considered in the analysis. The pharmacoeconomics analysis was done in three different cost-effectiveness analysis methods. Microsoft Excel spreadsheet and Statistical Package for the Social Sciences software (SPSS), was used to conduct statistical analysis. Kaplan Meier test was used to compare the mortality rate. T-TEST was used to compare the outcomes of the two groups. Results and discussion: two groups were compared, the first group consists of 72 patients who received heparin, and the second group consists of 72 patients who received enoxaparin. COVID-19 infected patients had a higher abnormal average D-dimer (2534.675 ng/dl). No significant differences between both genders with regards to the basal average D-dimer (males= 2649.95 ng/dl, females= 2374.1mg/dl, P-value>0.05). There was a significant difference between patient's ages 60 years and patients <60. (3177.33 ng/dl, 1763.06 ng/dl, P-value <0.05). It seems that, higher D-dimer levels were associated with a higher mortality rate (died=3166.263 ng/dl, survived= 1729.94 ng/dl, P-value <0.05). Heparin was more effective in decreasing D-dimer levels than enoxaparin which inversely increased the D-dimer levels (-24.4 ng/dl/day, +154.701 ng/dl/day, P-value <0.05). Additionally, heparin was more effective in increasing the survival rate compared to enoxaparin (55% vs, 35%, P-value<0.05). Heparin was associated with a longer duration of stay in hospital than enoxaparin but with no significant difference (13.7 days, 12.3 days, P-value >0.05). Concerning the cost, treatment with heparin cost less than enoxaparin (2.08 U.S $, 9.44 U.S $)/per patient/per day. Conclusion: Originator heparin was a more cost-effective anticoagulant therapy compared to originator enoxaparin, it was associated with a lower cost and better effect, treatment with Heparin resulted in positive INB= 11.3, where a positive result means that heparin is more cost-effective than Enoxaparin. All three methods of pharmacoeconomic analysis decide that heparin was more cost-effective than enoxaparin in treating COVID-19 infected patients.

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Publication Date
Fri Apr 23 2021
Journal Name
Al-nahrain Journal Of Science
A Clinical-Statistical Study on COVID-19 Cases in Iraq: A Case Study
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Background: COVID-19 is a disease that started in Wuhan/China in late 2019 and continued through 2020 worldwide. Scientists worldwide continue to research to find vaccines, treatments, and medication for this disease. Studies also conenue to find the pathogenicity and epidemiology mechanisms. Materials and Methods: In this work, we analyzed cases obtained from Alshifaa center in Baghdad/Iraq for 23/2/2020-31/5/2020 with total instances of 797, positive cases of 393, and death cases of 30. Results: Results showed that the highest infection cases were among people aged between 41-45. Also, it was found that males' number of cases was more than females. In contrast, death cases were significantly higher in males than females. It was not

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Publication Date
Fri Aug 26 2022
Journal Name
Journal Of Contemporary Medical Sciences
Measurement of the serum level of Leucine-rich alpha-2-glycoprotein-1 in hospitalized Iraqi COVID-19 Patients
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Objective: The study aimed to assess Leucine-rich alpha-2-glycoprotein-1 biomarker serum level in hospitalized COVID-19 patients. Methods: The case control study from multi-centers in Baghdad included 45 adult patients (19 females and 26 males) with COVID-19, diagnosed with a positive real-time reverse transcription polymerase chain reaction and excluded negative RT-PCR for COVID-19 and comorbidity conditions. Second group, was 43 control (20 females and 23 males). Results: This study found a decrease Leucine-rich alpha-2-glycoprotein-1 biomarker serum level in these patients and a significant difference in D. dimer, neutrophil count, lymphocyte count, and the neutrophil-lymphocyte ratio between the patients and controls at a P valu

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Publication Date
Sun Jun 21 2020
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Pharmaceutical Sciences ( P-issn 1683 - 3597 E-issn 2521 - 3512)
Health-Related Quality of Life among a Sample of Chronic Hepatitis B Patients in AL-Najaf Province /Iraq.
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The effect of physical and mental health on the feelings of personal welfare are known as health-related quality of life. Infection with hepatitis B virus is a major global health problem. Health-related quality of life was emerged as an important consideration in the care of patients with chronic hepatitis B infection. The aim of the current study was to measure health-related quality of life among a sample of chronic hepatitis B patients in AL-Najaf city/Iraq. The current study was cross-sectional study carried out on (104) already diagnosed chronic viral hepatitis B patients who attended the Gastroenterology and Hepatology Center/Al-Sader Medical City/Najaf during November 2018 to May

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Publication Date
Mon Aug 01 2022
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Science
Limestone reserve calculation for engineering purposes for the Nfayil Formation (middle Miocene) in Bahr Al-Najaf Depression, Iraq
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Limestones have considerable commercial importance because they are used as building stones and are widely used for flooring and interior and exterior facings. On the other hand, the reserve calculation reveals the economic effectiveness of the investigation. This study aims to calculate the reserve of the middle Miocene limestone for engineering purposes. The limestone beds of the Nfayil Formation in Central Iraq have been studied over 15 outcrop sections. The Nfayil bed has an average thickness of about 1.64 m, while the overburden has an average of about 0.93 m. The average bulk density of limestone is 2.1 gm/cm3 . Kriging and triangulation method has been adopted and used in the calculation and assessment of reserve. The industrial laye

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Publication Date
Wed Aug 31 2022
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Science
Limestone reserve calculation for engineering purposes for the Nfayil Formation (middle Miocene) in Bahr Al-Najaf Depression, Iraq
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      Limestones have considerable commercial importance because they are used as building stones and are widely used for flooring and interior and exterior facings. On the other hand, the reserve calculation reveals the economic effectiveness of the investigation. This study aims to calculate the reserve of the middle Miocene limestone for engineering purposes. The limestone beds of the Nfayil Formation in Central Iraq have been studied over 15 outcrop sections. The Nfayil bed has an average thickness of about 1.64 m, while the overburden has an average of about 0.93 m. The average bulk density of limestone is 2.1 gm/cm3. Kriging and triangulation method has been adopted and used in the calculation and assessment of rese

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Scopus Crossref
Publication Date
Sun Nov 01 2020
Journal Name
Travel Medicine And Infectious Disease
Incidence of the COVID-19 in Iraq – Implications for travellers
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Publication Date
Thu Nov 29 2018
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Science
Application of the Predictive deconvolution on a seismic line Al-Najaf and Al-Muthanna Governorates in Southern Iraq
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This study deals with the processing  of field seismic data for a seismic line located within the administrative boundaries of Najaf and Muthanna governorates in southern Iraq (7Gn 21) with a length of 54 km. The study was conducted within the Processing Department of the Oil Exploration Company using the Omega  system, which contains a large number of programs that deal with processing, through the use of these programs applied  predictive deconvolution  of both( gap) and (spike). The final section was produced for both types. The gap predictive deconvolution  gave improvement in the shallow reflectors while in deep reflectors it did not give a good improvement, thus giving a good continuity of the reflectors at

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Publication Date
Sat Apr 01 2023
Journal Name
Journal Of Engineering
Water Quality Assessment of Al-Najaf City Potable Water Network
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 Water is an essential aspect of life and important in evolution. Recently the potable water quality topic has received much attention. The study aims to determine drinking water quality in Al-Najaf City by collecting samples throughout Al-Najaf city and comparing the results with the Iraqi guidelines (IQS 417) and World Health Organization (WHO) guidelines, as well as to calculate the WQI. Samples were tested in the laboratory between December 2021 and June 2022. The results showed that multiple parameters exceeded the allowable limits during both testing periods; during winter months, the results of TDS and turbidity exceeded the upper limits in multiple locations. Total hardness values also

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Publication Date
Sat Feb 27 2021
Journal Name
Journal Of Engineering
Assessment of Electromagnetic Pollution in Some Hospitals and Schools in Al-Najaf City
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The tremendous benefits of using cellular phones, which began to increase and unprecedented spread worldwide last decade, were accompanied by harmful effects on the environment due to the increase in electromagnetic radiation (EMR) which be emitted from mobile phone towers. This effect on humans, animals, and plants, which is considered a form of environmental pollution, was sensed by developed countries and Environmental protection organizations. These countries have established restrictions and enacted laws to reduce their negative impact on living beings. The field survey included six major hospitals and 38 schools were distributed over the central neighbourhoods in Al-Najaf city. The results showed that power density (PD) measurement

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Publication Date
Mon Aug 30 2021
Journal Name
Al-kindy College Medical Journal
Clinical Course and Disease`s Outcome Aspects of COVID-19 Pediatric Patients in Ibn Al-Khateeb Isolation Hospital
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Background: Corona virus disease 2019 (COVID-19) is a communicable disease caused by severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2). It was first identified in December 2019 in Wuhan, China, and has since spread globally, leading to an ongoing pandemic.

Aim of study: to review the clinical, lab investigation and imaging techniques, in pediatric age group affected COVID-19 to help medical experts better understand and supply timely diagnosis and treatment.

Subjects and methods: this study is a retrospective descriptive clinical study. The medical records of patients were analyzed. Information’s recorded include demographic data, exposure history, symptoms, signs, laboratory findin

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