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A Pharmacoeconomics Study for Anticoagulants used for Hospitalized COVID-19 Patients in Al-Najaf Al-Ashraf city –Iraq(Conference Paper )#
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Abstract Background: The novel coronavirus 2 (SARS?CoV?2) pandemic is a pulmonary disease, which leads to cardiac, hematologic, and renal complications. Anticoagulants are used for COVID-19 infected patients because the infection increases the risk of thrombosis. The world health organization (WHO), recommend prophylaxis dose of anticoagulants: (Enoxaparin or unfractionated Heparin for hospitalized patients with COVID-19 disease. This has created an urgent need to identify effective medications for COVID-19 prevention and treatment. The value of COVID-19 treatments is affected by cost-effectiveness analysis (CEA) to inform relative value and how to best maximize social welfare through evidence-based pricing decisions. Objective: compare the clinical outcome and the costs of two anticoagulants (heparin and (enoxaparin)) used to treat hospitalized patients with COVID-19 infection. Patients and method: The study was a retrospective review of medical records of adult, non-pregnant, COVID-19 infected hospitalized patients who had baseline and last outcome measurements at Alamal Epidemiology Center, Al-Najaf city from (Augast 2020 to June 2021). The outcome measures included D-dimer, length of stay (LOS), and mortality rate. Only the cost of the medical treatment was considered in the analysis. The pharmacoeconomics analysis was done in three different cost-effectiveness analysis methods. Microsoft Excel spreadsheet and Statistical Package for the Social Sciences software (SPSS), was used to conduct statistical analysis. Kaplan Meier test was used to compare the mortality rate. T-TEST was used to compare the outcomes of the two groups. Results and discussion: two groups were compared, the first group consists of 72 patients who received heparin, and the second group consists of 72 patients who received enoxaparin. COVID-19 infected patients had a higher abnormal average D-dimer (2534.675 ng/dl). No significant differences between both genders with regards to the basal average D-dimer (males= 2649.95 ng/dl, females= 2374.1mg/dl, P-value>0.05). There was a significant difference between patient's ages 60 years and patients <60. (3177.33 ng/dl, 1763.06 ng/dl, P-value <0.05). It seems that, higher D-dimer levels were associated with a higher mortality rate (died=3166.263 ng/dl, survived= 1729.94 ng/dl, P-value <0.05). Heparin was more effective in decreasing D-dimer levels than enoxaparin which inversely increased the D-dimer levels (-24.4 ng/dl/day, +154.701 ng/dl/day, P-value <0.05). Additionally, heparin was more effective in increasing the survival rate compared to enoxaparin (55% vs, 35%, P-value<0.05). Heparin was associated with a longer duration of stay in hospital than enoxaparin but with no significant difference (13.7 days, 12.3 days, P-value >0.05). Concerning the cost, treatment with heparin cost less than enoxaparin (2.08 U.S $, 9.44 U.S $)/per patient/per day. Conclusion: Originator heparin was a more cost-effective anticoagulant therapy compared to originator enoxaparin, it was associated with a lower cost and better effect, treatment with Heparin resulted in positive INB= 11.3, where a positive result means that heparin is more cost-effective than Enoxaparin. All three methods of pharmacoeconomic analysis decide that heparin was more cost-effective than enoxaparin in treating COVID-19 infected patients.

Scopus Crossref
Publication Date
Mon Feb 04 2019
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Physics
Environmental study of groundwater in southwest of Baghdad, Yusufiyah using GIS
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Ground water hydrochemical study in Yusufiyah depends upon (25) wells where major cations and anions were obtained as well as trace elements. The hydrochemical properties include the study of (pH, EC, TDS, and TH). The groundwater of the study area is odorless and colorless except the wells (13 and 16) with a salty taste due to the elevated (TDS) concentration in it, where the wells depth ranges between 7-20 meters. Depth of water in these wells was about 25-35 meters above sea level. Groundwater generally flows from east to west and from north east to south west. The resource of groundwater depends upon surface water. Physical specifications are measured in the water samples included temperature, color, taste, odor, pH, electrical condu

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Crossref (1)
Publication Date
Fri Mar 14 2025
Journal Name
Al–bahith Al–a'alami
Semiotics of Political Caricature in the Palestinian Newspapers An Analytical Study
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This study aims to study the political caricature and its indications in the Palestinian newspapers, to know its subjects, the active characters, the artistic styles, and the symbols the caricaturists use.

The study concluded that there is a variety of subjects that the political caricature handled in the studied newspapers and the degree of interest in every subject. The subjects related to the international subjects came first (% 24.5) and the other subjects came next (% 22.2).

The results showed the caricaturists relied on unnamed symbolic active characters that came first (% 62.3) and named symbolic characters (% 11.1). The positive characteristics of the Palestinian figures were higher than the negative ones, and the

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Publication Date
Sun Jun 06 2010
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
Study of pollution by heavy elements in some parts of Baghdad
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The objective of the present work is to measuring the concentration of heavy elements (Pb, Cd, Zn, As) in Baghdad's soil city and indication to the probable sources of pollution as well as comparing the concentration of heavy elements with local and international ranges. The Sampling and analyzing conducted in the present work included ( 15 ) Samples from Baghdad city ( three samples for each location ).The rates of heavy elements in soil samples were as following:. Pb ( 67.5 ) ppm, Cd ( 4.11 ) ppm , Zn ( 77.9 ) ppm , As ( 4.64 ) ppm. According to the results, we find increasing in the concentrations of the heavy elements ( Pb, Cd, Zn ) in soils and decreasing in ( As ).We conclude that the main reason behind the in

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Crossref (2)
Publication Date
Tue Jun 18 2019
Journal Name
Journal Of Accounting And Financial Studies ( Jafs )
The Effect of Corporate Goverment in Tax Planning: An Empirical Study
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The purpose of this study is discuss the effect of Corporate Governance in the Tax Planning, has been made in a sample of Iraqi Industrial contribution Companies listed in Iraqi Stock Exchange Market (ISE) , for the period from 2008 to 2012.The study used the" Experimental Research Approach" . Also used the (Modified Jones Model, 1995) in order to measure the corporate governance, to measure the extent of the practice of corporate governance in the samples companies. While it use to measure tax planning, the model that used by studies and researches of tax that adopted in discussions of tax reform, by analyzing the financial statements of companies  to reach  a measurement  for  the two variables of the study.  T

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Publication Date
Thu Jan 31 2019
Journal Name
Journal Of The College Of Education For Women
Federated states of monks in the holy Quran (Study and analysis)
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Thank God also taught us that thanks . thank meets the blessings and rewards mazidk glory we have no knowledge except what you have taught you Alim hakim , not counted praise you as yourself praised and pray and to recognize the envoy mercy to the worlds , prophet Mohammed and his family and companions and guided to the day of judgment .
But after :
Aware of the interpretation of the most important science needed by Muslims because God Almighty sent down the Quraan to be a way of the life for Muslims is subject to a healing for what is in the breasts and it slaham and flaham and has spared the nation from crisisThe stats of the monks , like other verses talking about Christians and Jews and what they have invented in the religion o

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Publication Date
Fri Jul 28 2017
Journal Name
Ibn Al-haitham Journal For Pure And Applied Sciences
Study of Some Biochemical Parameters in Iraqi Male Children with Thalassemia
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Thalassemia is a term that refers to a group of genetic disorders characterized by a defect in the synthesis of hemoglobin. It is sometimes called Mediterranean anemia. Many biochemical changes in the blood accompany this disease. In this research, some biochemical parameters were measured in thalassemic patients and compared with healthy control group. These parameters include serum Iron, ferritin, TIBC, hemoglobin, uric acid, albumin, calcium, transferrin, and transferrin saturation percentage.  The results of the research showed that there is a significant increase (P<0.05)  in serum iron and ferritin in thalassemic patients group in comparison with healthy control group. A significant decrease (P<0.05) in serum uric a

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Publication Date
Sat Jul 01 2023
Journal Name
Journal Of Engineering
Study the Effect of using RAP in Warm Mix Asphalt Pavement.
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Sustainability is providing the needs without compromising the ability of the strategical forming to meet their requirements. The production of warm asphalt mixtures using recycled pavements produces economic and environmentally friendly mixtures, which is the most important advantage of this work. This research aims to determine the effect of recycled asphalt concrete (RAP) on the indirect tensile strength of warm asphalt mixtures and Marshall Properties. Models of warm asphalt mixtures using Aggregate from the Al-Nibaay quarry, Asphalt with a degree of penetration (40-50) from the refinery of the cycle, and obtained Recycled asphalt concrete from Salah Al-Din Road, Al-Ameriya area in Baghdad are prepared. Use five rati

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Publication Date
Thu Mar 03 2022
Journal Name
Trends In Sciences
Computational Study of Charge Density Produced in N2: H2 Plasma Actuator
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Numerical simulation of charge density produced in plasma actuators is dependent upon the development of models dealing with electrical properties. The main aim of this work is to investigate the characteristics surface charge density and space charge density of DBD plasma actuator. A simple design of surface dielectric barrier discharge plasma actuator is used in the study. The discharge gas was N2:H2 mixture with applied voltage equal to 1.5 kV. A theoretical plasma model is used to establish the charge density details. Results show that surface charge density increased in value and spread in width alone the exposed electrode as the voltage increased and reached to the amplitude value.

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Publication Date
Wed Jan 01 2020
Journal Name
Journal Of Physics Conference Series
Morphological and histological study of trachea in Iraqi Weasel, Herpestes Javanicus
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Publication Date
Sun Jun 03 2012
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
Study of Some Epidemiological Aspects of Giardiasis in North of Baghdad
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Different factors have been examined to be related with the prevalence of Girdiasis in the north of Baghdad in human beings which were (gender, age , occupation ,family size,faecal status and presence of domestic animals) during the period from the beginning of April 2009 till the end of March 2010. This study revealed that the total rate of infection in human being was 11.66% , and no significant differences (p?0.05) were noticed between male and female as their rates of infection were 52.32% and 47.68% respectively , as well as no significant relation was observed between faecal status and the rate of infection, the percentage of positive cases in diarrheal patients was higher than the non diarrheal patients who were 74.41 and 25.59 respe

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