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A Pharmacoeconomics Study for Anticoagulants used for Hospitalized COVID-19 Patients in Al-Najaf Al-Ashraf city –Iraq(Conference Paper )#
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Abstract Background: The novel coronavirus 2 (SARS?CoV?2) pandemic is a pulmonary disease, which leads to cardiac, hematologic, and renal complications. Anticoagulants are used for COVID-19 infected patients because the infection increases the risk of thrombosis. The world health organization (WHO), recommend prophylaxis dose of anticoagulants: (Enoxaparin or unfractionated Heparin for hospitalized patients with COVID-19 disease. This has created an urgent need to identify effective medications for COVID-19 prevention and treatment. The value of COVID-19 treatments is affected by cost-effectiveness analysis (CEA) to inform relative value and how to best maximize social welfare through evidence-based pricing decisions. Objective: compare the clinical outcome and the costs of two anticoagulants (heparin and (enoxaparin)) used to treat hospitalized patients with COVID-19 infection. Patients and method: The study was a retrospective review of medical records of adult, non-pregnant, COVID-19 infected hospitalized patients who had baseline and last outcome measurements at Alamal Epidemiology Center, Al-Najaf city from (Augast 2020 to June 2021). The outcome measures included D-dimer, length of stay (LOS), and mortality rate. Only the cost of the medical treatment was considered in the analysis. The pharmacoeconomics analysis was done in three different cost-effectiveness analysis methods. Microsoft Excel spreadsheet and Statistical Package for the Social Sciences software (SPSS), was used to conduct statistical analysis. Kaplan Meier test was used to compare the mortality rate. T-TEST was used to compare the outcomes of the two groups. Results and discussion: two groups were compared, the first group consists of 72 patients who received heparin, and the second group consists of 72 patients who received enoxaparin. COVID-19 infected patients had a higher abnormal average D-dimer (2534.675 ng/dl). No significant differences between both genders with regards to the basal average D-dimer (males= 2649.95 ng/dl, females= 2374.1mg/dl, P-value>0.05). There was a significant difference between patient's ages 60 years and patients <60. (3177.33 ng/dl, 1763.06 ng/dl, P-value <0.05). It seems that, higher D-dimer levels were associated with a higher mortality rate (died=3166.263 ng/dl, survived= 1729.94 ng/dl, P-value <0.05). Heparin was more effective in decreasing D-dimer levels than enoxaparin which inversely increased the D-dimer levels (-24.4 ng/dl/day, +154.701 ng/dl/day, P-value <0.05). Additionally, heparin was more effective in increasing the survival rate compared to enoxaparin (55% vs, 35%, P-value<0.05). Heparin was associated with a longer duration of stay in hospital than enoxaparin but with no significant difference (13.7 days, 12.3 days, P-value >0.05). Concerning the cost, treatment with heparin cost less than enoxaparin (2.08 U.S $, 9.44 U.S $)/per patient/per day. Conclusion: Originator heparin was a more cost-effective anticoagulant therapy compared to originator enoxaparin, it was associated with a lower cost and better effect, treatment with Heparin resulted in positive INB= 11.3, where a positive result means that heparin is more cost-effective than Enoxaparin. All three methods of pharmacoeconomic analysis decide that heparin was more cost-effective than enoxaparin in treating COVID-19 infected patients.

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Publication Date
Fri Apr 01 2016
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
Are flection Of Accounting for Contingent Assets, Liabilities and Provision on Faithful Representation Characteristic of Accounting Information
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This research aims to study the reflection of accounting for contingent assets and liabilities and provisions on Faithful Representation characteristic of accounting information, To achieve this goal has been questionnaire design has been distributed to research sample, which consists of (50) li

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Publication Date
Fri Mar 01 2019
Journal Name
Al-khwarizmi Engineering Journal
Fractally Generated Microstrip Bandpass Filter Designs Based on Dual-Mode Square Ring Resonator for Wireless Communication Systems
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A novel fractal design scheme has been introduced in this paper to generate microstrip bandpass filter designs with miniaturized sizes for wireless applications. The presented fractal scheme is based on Minkowski-like prefractal geometry. The space-filling property and self-similarity of this fractal geometry has found to produce reduced size symmetrical structures corresponding to the successive iteration levels. The resulting filter designs are with sizes suitable for use in modern wireless communication systems. The performance of each of the generated bandpass filter structures up to the 2nd iteration has been analyzed using a method of moments (MoM) based software IE3D, which is widely adopted in microwave research and in

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Publication Date
Sun Oct 01 2023
Journal Name
Journal Of Ecological Engineering
Date Palm Fibre Waste Exploitation for the Adsorption of Congo Redis Dye via Batch and Continuous Modes
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The present study utilised date palm fibre (DPF) waste residues to adsorb Congo red (CR) dye from aqueous solutions. The features of the adsorbent, such as its surface shape, pore size, and chemical properties, were assessed with X-ray diffraction (XRD), BET, Fourier-transform infrared (FTIR), X-ray fluorescence (XRF), and field emission scanning electron microscope (FESEM). The current study employed the batch system to investigate the ideal pH to adsorb the CR dye and found that acidic pH decolourised the dye best. Extending the dye-DPF waste mixing period at 25°C reportedly removed more dye. Consequently, the influence of the starting dye and DPF waste quantity on dye removal was explored in this study. At 5 g/L dye concentration, 48% d

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Publication Date
Wed Dec 01 2021
Journal Name
Journal Of Molecular Liquids
The development of new homogenous and heterogeneous catalytic processes for the treatment of low grade palm oil
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Low grade crude palm oil (LGCPO) presents as an attractive option as feedstock for biodiesel production due to its low cost and non-competition with food resources. Typically, LGCPO contains high contents of free fatty acids (FFA), rendering it impossible in direct trans-esterification processes due to the saponification reaction. Esterification is the typical pre-treatment process to reduce the FFA content and to produce fatty acid methyl ester (FAME). The pre-treatment of LGCPO using two different acid catalysts, such as titanium oxysulphate sulphuric acid complex hydrate (TiOSH) and 5-sulfosalicylic acid dihydrate (5-SOCAH) was investigated for the first time in this study. The optimum conditions for the homogenous catalyst (5-SOCAH) wer

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Publication Date
Thu Jun 29 2023
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Chemical And Petroleum Engineering
Emulsion Liquid Membrane for Pesticides Removal from Aqueous Solution: Emulsion Stability, Extraction Efficiency and Mass Transfer Studies
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The current study investigated the stability and the extraction efficiency of emulsion liquid membrane (ELM) for Abamectin pesticide removal from aqueous solution. The stability was investigated in terms of droplet emulsion size distribution and emulsion breakage percent. The proposed ELM included a mixture of corn oil and kerosene (1:1) as a diluent, Span 80 (sorbitan monooleate) as a surfactant and hydrochloric acid (HCl) as a stripping agent without utilizing a carrier agent. Parameters such as homogenizer speed, surfactant concentration, emulsification time and internal to organic volume ratio (I/O) were evaluated. Results show that the lower droplet size of 0.9 µm and higher stable emulsion in terms of breakage percent of 1.12 % we

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Publication Date
Wed Jul 01 2015
Journal Name
Magnetic Resonance Imaging
Alpha shape theory for 3D visualization and volumetric measurement of brain tumor progression using magnetic resonance images
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Alpha shape theory for 3D visualization and volumetric measurement of brain tumor progression using magnetic resonance images

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Publication Date
Thu Jan 30 2014
Journal Name
Al-kindy College Medical Journal
Relationship between Very Low Birth Weight Neonates and increased Neonatal mortality for age 0 to 7 days
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B aa cc kk gg r oo uu nn dd : Very low birth weight (VLBW) neonates constitute approximately 4–7 percent of all live births and their mortality is very high. O bb j ee cc t i vv ee: to find out if there is a relationship between Very Low Birth Weight Neonates and increased neonatal mortality for age 0 to 7 days. M ee t hh oo dd ss A retrospective study of VLBW neonates admitted to NICU at Ibn Al- Baladi Pediatrics and Maternity hospital over one year (2012)were studied, study period was from April till August 2013. Exclusion criteria were: (1) neonates weighing less than 700 g and with gestational age less than 24 weeks (abortion) (2) death in the delivery room (3) neonates weighing more than 1500 g. (4) Postnatal age more than 7 days.

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Publication Date
Thu Jun 30 2022
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
Estimation of Time of Survival Rate by Using Clayton Function for the Exponential Distribution with Practical Application
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Each phenomenon contains several variables. Studying these variables, we find mathematical formula to get the joint distribution and the copula that are a useful and good tool to find the amount of correlation, where the survival function was used to measure the relationship of age with the level of cretonne in the remaining blood of the person. The Spss program was also used to extract the influencing variables from a group of variables using factor analysis and then using the Clayton copula function that is used to find the shared binary distributions using multivariate distributions, where the bivariate distribution was calculated, and then the survival function value was calculated for a sample size (50) drawn from Yarmouk Ho

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Publication Date
Tue Jun 30 2015
Journal Name
Al-khwarizmi Engineering Journal
The Influence of the Magnetic Abrasive Finishing System for Cylindrical Surfaces on the Surface Roughness and MRR
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Magnetic abrasive finishing (MAF) is one of the advanced finishing processes, which produces a high level of surface quality and is primarily controlled by a magnetic field. This paper study the effect of the magnetic abrasive finishing system on the material removal rate (MRR) and surface roughness (Ra) in terms of magnetic abrasive finishing system for eight of input parameters, and three levels according to Taguchi array (L27) and using the regression model to analysis the output (results). These parameters are the (Poles geometry angle, Gap between the two magnetic poles, Grain size powder, Doze of the ferromagnetic abrasive powder, DC current, Workpiece velocity, Magnetic poles velocity, and Finishi

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Publication Date
Wed Dec 20 2023
Journal Name
Journal Of Ovonic Research
Manufacture spectral responsivity of n-Fe2O3/p-Si heterojunction with effect Cl doping for high sensitive devices
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Visible-light photodetectors constructed Fe2O3 were manufactured effectively concluded chemical precipitation technique, films deposited on glass substrate and Si wafer below diverse dopant (0,2,4,6)% of Cl, enhancement in intensity with X-ray diffraction analysis was showed through favored orientation along the (110) plane, the optical measurement presented direct allowed with reduced band gap energies thru variation doping ratio , current–voltage characteristics Fe2O3 /p-Si heterojunction revealed respectable correcting performance in dark, amplified by way of intensity of incident light, moreover good photodetector properties with enhancement in responsivity occurred at wavelength between 400 nm and 470 nm.

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