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Performance Estimation and System Modeling for Refractive Index Structure Constant Cn2

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Publication Date
Sun Nov 01 2020
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Laser
The Effect of the Concentration of Colloidal Silver Nanoparticles on Optical Limiting Reliability

The effect of the concentration of the colloidal nanomaterial on their optical limiting behavior is reported in this paper. The colloids of sliver nanoparticles in deionized water were chemically prepared for the two concentrations (31 ppm and 11ppm). Two cw lasers (473 nm Blue DPSS laser and 532 nm Nd:YAG laser) are used to compare the optical limiting performance for the samples. UV–visible spectrophotometer, transmission electron microscope (TEM) and Fourier Transformation Infrared Spectrometer (FTIR) were used to obtain the characteristics of the sample. The nonlinear refractive index was calculated to be in the order of 10-9 cm2/W. The results demonstrate that the observed limiting response is significant for 532nm. In addition, t

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Publication Date
Mon Oct 01 2012
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Physics
Optical properties of TiO2 thin films prepared by reactive d.c. magnetron sputtering

TiO2 thin films were deposited by reactive d.c magnetron sputtering method on a glass substrate with various ratio of gas flow (Oxygen /Argon) (50/50, 100/50 and 150/50) at substrate temperature 573K. It can be observe that the optical energy gap of TiO2 thin films dependent on the ratio of gas flow (oxygen/argon), it varies between (3.45eV-3.57eV) also it is seen that the optical constants (α, n, K, εr and εi ) has been varied with the change of the ratio of gas flow (Oxygen /Argon).

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Publication Date
Sun Feb 03 2019
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Physics
The effect of annealing temperatures on the optical parameters of NiO0.99Cu0.01 thin films

NiO0.99Cu0.01 films have been deposited using thermal evaporation
technique on glass substrates under vacuum 10-5mbar. The thickness
of the films was 220nm. The as -deposited films were annealed to
different annealing temperatures (373, 423, and 473) K under
vacuum 10-3mbar for 1 h. The structural properties of the films were
examined using X-ray diffraction (XRD). The results show that no
clear diffraction peaks in the range 2θ= (20-50)o for the as deposited
films. On the other hand, by annealing the films to 423K in vacuum
for 1 h, a weak reflection peak attributable to cubic NiO was
detected. On heating the films at 473K for 1 h, this peak was
observed to be stronger. The most intense peak is at 2θ = 37

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Publication Date
Thu Mar 09 2017
Journal Name
Ibn Al-haitham Journal For Pure And Applied Sciences
Effect Gamma Radiation of CdTe Thin Films Deposited by Thermal Evaporation

       The effect of 0.66 µeV gamma radiation on the structural and optical properties of the CdTe thin films prepared by thermal evaporation at thickness 350nm, The samples were irradiated with time (50 h and 79h) at room temperature. The absorption spectra for all the samples were recorded using UV-VIS spectrometer in order to calculate the energy gap, refractive index and others parameter . The optical energy gap was found decrease from (1.9 to 1.67) eV. 

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Publication Date
Sat Jan 05 2019
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Physics
Annealing effect on the optical properties of organic semiconductor Alq3: C60 blend thin films

The effect of heat treatment using different annealing temperatures on optical properties of bulk heterojunction blend (BHJ) Alq3: C60 thin films which are fabricated by the spin coating technique were investigated in this study. The films have been coated on a glass substrate with speed of 2000 rpm for one min and treated with different annealing temperature (373, 423 and 473) K under vacuum. The optical properties and the chemical bonds structure of blends as-deposited and heat treated have been studied by UV-Vis spectroscopic and Fourier Transform-Infra Red (FTIR) measurements respectively. The results of UV visible show that the optical energy gap decreasing with increasing the annealing temperature for the ratio (100:1) while decrea

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Publication Date
Sun Mar 06 2011
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
Studying of the optical properties of poly (vinyl alcohol) films using Aluminum sulphate as additive by measuring allowed direct transition energy gap

The change in the optical band gap and optical activation energy have been investigated for pure Poly (vinyl alcohol)and Poly (vinyl alcohol) doped with Aluminum sulphate to proper films from their optical absorption spectra. The absorption spectra were measured in the wave range from (200-700) nm at temperature range (25-140) 0C. The optical band gap (Eg) for allowed direct transition decrease with increase the concentration of Aluminum sulphate. The optical activation energy for allowed direct transition band gap was evaluated using Urbach- edges method. It was found that ?E increases with increasing the concentration of Al2 (SO4)3 and decreases when temperature increases.

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Publication Date
Tue Jan 01 2013
Journal Name
Photonics & Lasers In Medicine
The assessment of pathological changes in cerebral blood flow in hypertensive rats with stress-induced intracranial hemorrhage using Doppler OCT: Particularities of arterial and venous alterations/Die Beurteilung von pathologischen Veränderungen der Hirndurchblutung bei hypertensiven Ratten mit Stress-induzierten intrakraniellen Blutungen mittels Doppler-OCT: Besonderheiten von arteriellen und venösen Veränderungen
Abstract<p>Hemorrhagic insult is a major source of morbidity and mortality in both adults and newborn babies in the developed countries. The mechanisms underlying the non-traumatic rupture of cerebral vessels are not fully clear, but there is strong evidence that stress, which is associated with an increase in arterial blood pressure, plays a crucial role in the development of acute intracranial hemorrhage (ICH), and alterations in cerebral blood flow (CBF) may contribute to the pathogenesis of ICH. The problem is that there are no effective diagnostic methods that allow for a prognosis of risk to be made for the development of ICH. Therefore, quantitative assessment of CBF may significantly advance the underst</p> ... Show More
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Publication Date
Thu Sep 01 2011
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
The impact of political thinking on the decision maker in analyzing the strategic environment of the state (applied study in the Iraqi Ministry of Finance)

The Political Thinking Regarded as an important element for the formulation of the stat, weather in its formation, the structure of it s entity, its political system and it s governmental instruments .The political thinking can not act without determined strategy, So they intend to work hard to formulate a railed strategy that make them able to determine its  directions to general issues.

   The Study aimed to solve the problem through the following question:

1- What are the levels of Political Thinking and Strategic Analysis in the financial ministry?

2- What are the relation ship between the dimensions of Political  T

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Publication Date
Sat Apr 01 2023
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
Detour Polynomials of Generalized Vertex Identified of Graphs

The Detour distance is one of the most common distance types used in chemistry and computer networks today. Therefore, in this paper, the detour polynomials and detour indices of vertices identified of n-graphs which are connected to themselves and separated from each other with respect to the vertices for n≥3 will be obtained. Also, polynomials detour and detour indices will be found for another graphs which have important applications in Chemistry.


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Scopus (2)
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Publication Date
Mon Jan 01 2024
Journal Name
2nd International Conference For Engineering Sciences And Information Technology (esit 2022): Esit2022 Conference Proceedings
Spectroscopic study of dielectric barrier discharge argon plasma at different gas flow rates

Dielectric barrier discharges (DBD) can be described as the presence of contact with the discharge of one or more insulating layers located between two cylindrical or flat electrodes connected to an AC/pulse dc power supply. In this work, the properties of the plasma generated by dielectric barrier discharge (DBD) system without and with a glass insulator were studied. The plasma was generated at a constant voltage of 4 kV and fixed distance between the electrodes of 5 mm, and with a variable flow rate of argon gas (0.5, 1, 1.5, 2 and 2.5) L/min. The emission spectra of the DBD plasmas at different flow rates of argon gas have been recorded. Boltzmann plot method was used to calculate the plasma electron temperature (Te), and Stark broadeni

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