يهدف البحث التعرف على مستوى الوعي بتقنيات إعادة التدوير غير الميكانيكية التي يجري تطويرها حاليًا في قطاع "إعادة التدوير الكيميائي" الجديد لدى طلبة كلية التربية للعلوم الصرفة -ابن الهيثم. تكونت عينة البحث من (198) طالبا وطالبة من قسم الكيمياء للعام الدراسي (2021-2022) من أصل(250) أي (79%) من مجتمع البحث لدراسة الفصول الصباحية و(50) طالباً وطالبة من أصل (73) أي (68٪) من مجتمع البحث لدراسة الفصول المسائية لطلبة المرحلة الرابعة.وتم اعداد أداتي البحث الاولى مقياس للوعي بعمليات التدوير الكيميائي باستخدام (29) فقرة تم التحقق من الصدق الظاهري بموافقة المحكمين بنسبة(80%)،بالأعتماد على معادلة (ألفاكرونباخ) وبلغ معامل الثبات(84%)،أما الأداة الثانية هي عبارة عن أختبار للتفكير العلمي،وأظهرت النتائج أن مستوى الوعي في المجال الوجداني أعلى من المجال المهاري ثم يليه المجال المعرفي. و عُولِجت البيانات احصائياً بوساطة البرنامج الاحصائي spss-version 21. خلصت الباحثة إلى أن مستوى الوعي لدى طلبة الدراسة الصباحية بلغ (79.8٪) ومستوى الوعي لدى طلبة الدراسة المسائية بلغ (20.2٪). من التوصيات بضرورة الاهتمام بالمحتوى التعليمي في مرحلة الإعداد الأكاديمي من خلال مقررات مادة الكيمياء الصناعية وأقامة ندوات ومحاضرات للطلبة تشير الى ضرورة متابعة أهم التطورات الحديثة في مجال إعادة التدوير الكيميائي والحراري الكيميائي للبوليمرات من نفايات المعدات الكهربائية والإلكترونية.
كان النبي (r) العابد المتحنّث، ورجل السياسة الذي شيّد أمة من الفتات المتناثر، ورجلَ حربٍ يضع الخطط ويقود الجيوش، وأباً حنوناً عطوفاً، وزوجاً تحققت فيه المودة والرحمة والسكن، وصديقاً رحيماً، وقريباً كريماً، وجاراً تشغله هموم جيرانه، وحاكماً تملأ نفسه مشاعر محكوميهِ، يعودُهم ويزورُهم ويُعينُهم، ويمنحهم من مودته وعطفه ما يجعلهم يفتدونه بأنفسهم، ومع هذا كله فهو قائم على أعظم دعوةٍ شهدت
... Show Moreالحمد لله رب العالمين، حمداً يوافي نِعَمَهُ ويُكافئُ مزيدَه، والصلاةُ والسلامُ على سيدِ الأنامِ وإمام المرسَلين، سيدِنا محمدٍ الصادق الأمين. نسأل الله تعالى أن يعلّمَنا ما ينفعُنا وينفعَنا بما علّمَنا، وأن يُعيننا متعلمين ومعلمين على التأدب بأدب القرآن الكريم.
أما بعد، فالعلم هبة الله، وهبة الله لا تُعطى إلا لمن يُعطي من نفسه وقتاً وجهداً وصبراً، لذا قيل: (إنَّ العِلْمَ لا يُعطيكَ بَعضَه
... Show MoreEach of the languages possesses a set of phenomena that researchers in its sciences should stop at to explain the secrets of this language, including the phenomenon of idiomatic expression. Perhaps this phenomenon may constitute an obstacle to non-native speakers of the language or even the native speakers themselves. The Arabic language is full of these expressions, Which needs us to dedicate its own studies to it so that we can collect it in a dictionary that includes and collects it with explanation and interpretation of its semantics
Divine laws are policies that Allah runs his servants, people are different in the accord-ing to the difference of periods .Each period has its kind of conduct and furtune of kindness and their own interest . As every nation has a kind of conduct to be applicable to them even if it will be decay in the rights of the others . For this meaning it would be permitted to meet two prophets in the same period according to the difference of their interest.
The prophecy of Mohamad has been demonstrated and his message was famous according to his miracles and decisive signs. And people from other religions tried to deny his message . As the Christians tried to deny his message by making nobody believe his signs and miracles .
And as the Jews
Allah the Almighty has honored many of his slaves in the high houses for their efforts in building the scientific edifice of this nation, by demonstrating what is needed from the legal provisions for all the relations between them, and the actions that they emanate from. The tasks of the abbreviations and Almstsot, and deposited in the mabahith after various investigations and precious precious matters and showed all the human needs in his life and what is expected to happen, even on the rarest possibilities, and their efforts that left the nation on the cases of Goliath. , And Ask They are in Dar dignity with the best creatures and make us a share of those good things, and Odamna to obey Him and His pleasure until death, and forgive us
... Show MoreThe specialist researcher fined the relations between economic ideas with economic facts in his theory which called humanity building it is appeared clearly ( in Ibn Khalduons’ Muqaddimah) in a clothe of economic social phenomenon's as a systematical analysis in all fifty chapters of al Muqaddimah ,therefore this paper deal with Ibn Khalduon economic thoughts as important says which describe the society building in its economic subjective and examine the relationship between The dissert and the city within economic says which are cover the social analysis ,and determinate the analysis objects which clearly in this dualism model ,between the state and economic bas
... Show MoreWe have chosen the subject of the research (the letters at Ibn Jinnie in the lexicon of the tongue of the Arabs) in order to know the opinion of Ibn Jinnie in this range of words and compare them with the opinions of scientists who preceded him to know the personality of this linguistic world.
This research shows Ibn Battuta's approach in his book Ibn Battuta's Journey that is called "Tuhfet Al-Anzar fi Ghera'ib Al-Amsar wa Eaja'ib-Al-Asfar", which explore the urban aspects of shops, markets, palaces, houses, mosques, monasteries and other antiquities within its pages, whether in terms of the site or in terms of studying it and the plans that explained the basis for the art and architecture of these cities, the intellectual dimensions in their civilizational history are clarified
In this research tri metal oxides were fabricated by simple chemical spray pyrolysis technique from (Sn(NO3)2.20 H2O, Zn(NO3)2.6 H2O, Cd(NO3)2.4 H2O) salts at concentration 0.1M with mixing weight ratio 50:50 were fabricated on silicon substrate n-type (111). (with & without the presence of grooves by the following diemensions (20μm width, 7.5μm depth) with thickness was about ( 0.1 ±0.05 µm) using water soluble as precursors at a substrate temperature 550 ºC±5, with spray distance (15 cm) and their gas sensing properties toward H2S gas at different concentrations (10,50,100,500 ppmv) in air were investigated at room te
... Show MoreIn the midst of the public narrative film , we discussed the issue of dealing with the current narrative more specialized which its future dimension form shift and twist on the level of construction narrative film in some of its diverse and renewable trends in its two ways theoretical and practical and non-give important implications for the modes of operation of the renewable narrative structures and the fact that the cinema is an arts which always open to ideas in neighboring fields and this come naturally as a result of the continuing intellectual and knowledge sharing between cinema and other science . our current research has already begun to address the issue in a stream of consciousness narrative structure film based on all that t
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