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A computational study on the potential application of Ca12O12 cluster for sensing of fungicide molecule
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Density functional theory calculations are employed to investigate the impact of edifenphos molecule on the reactivity and electronic sensitivity of pure calcium oxide (CaO) nanocluster. The strong adsorption of edifenphos molecule on CaO nanocluster occurs by the sulfur head of the adsorbate, and the amount of the energy of this adsorption is around − 84.40 kcal/mol. The adsorption of edifenphos molecules results in a decrease in the values of Eg of CaO from 4.67 to 3.56 eV, as well as an increase in the electrical conductance. Moreover, the work function of CaO nanocluster is significantly affected, which changes the current of the field emission electron. Eventually, the recovery time is calculated around 99 ms at ambient temperature for the desorption process of edifenphos from CaO nanocluster surface. Based on the obtained results, CaO nanocluster could be considered a suitable sensor for edifenphos molecule.

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Publication Date
Fri Jan 01 2016
Journal Name
International Journal Of Nanoelectronics And Materials
Wake potential of swift ions in copper target
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We investigate the interaction of proton with a solid target, describing the wake effects by taking fitted parameters with experimental values of energy loss function ELF for copper using the dielectric function of random phase approximation (RPA). The results exhibited a damped oscillatory behavior in the longitudinal direction behind the projectile. In addition, the wake potential becomes asymmetric around the z-axis with proton velocity values higher than Fermi velocity, as well as it depends on the position of projectile in cylindrical coordinates.

Publication Date
Fri Sep 15 2023
Journal Name
Four Women: The E. Cassirer’s Theory and Its Analytical Potential for Understanding Iraqi Symbolic Painting by J. Saleem
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Based on the theoretical ideas of E. Cassirer, a methodology is developed and an analysis of the painting work by J. Saleem, a representative of modern Iraqi painting, is carried out. While comparing the artistic programme of J. Saleem and the views of E. Cassirer, the methodological potential of the theory of the symbol for the art criticism analysis of the regional painting is clarified. Comparative analysis with the inclusion of the works of B. Buffet, B. Turetsky, J. Miro helps to see the multiple meanings of the same cultural symbol in thematically similar works of different years, created in different socio-cultural circumstances. The article shows that for regions with a shorter history (France, Russia, Spain, etc.), which have lo

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Publication Date
Sun Dec 09 2018
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
Conjugated Polymer (MEH-PPV:MWCNTs) Organic Nanocomposite for Photodetector Application
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Fabrication of a photodetector consists of the conjugated polymer "MEH-PPV"- poly (2-methoxy-5-(2'-ethylhexyloxy)-1,4-phenlenevinylene) and MEH-PPV:MWCNT nanocomposite thin film. The volume ratio investigated was 0.75:0.25. MEH-PPV was dissolved in chloroform solvent and doped with MWCNTs. The spin coating method was used to achieve a facile and low cost photodetector. The absorption spectrum decreases by adding the CNTs. The PL spectrum detected recombination curve results by doping the polymer with CNTs, and AFM measurement showed an increase of roughness average from (0.168 to 2.43nm) of "MEH-PPV" and "MEH-PPV:CNTs", respectively. The doping ratio 0.25, which has a higher photoresponsivity, was evaluated at 1.70 A/W and 2.14 A/W of th

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Publication Date
Mon Jul 01 2019
Journal Name
Materials Research Express
SiC composite based selective electromagnetic propagation for GHz application
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Publication Date
Sat Apr 01 2017
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
Application the generalized estimating equation Method (GEE) to estimate of conditional logistic regression model for repeated measurements
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Conditional logistic regression is often used to study the relationship between event outcomes and specific prognostic factors in order to application of logistic regression and utilizing its predictive capabilities into environmental studies. This research seeks to demonstrate a novel approach of implementing conditional logistic regression in environmental research through inference methods predicated on longitudinal data. Thus, statistical analysis of longitudinal data requires methods that can properly take into account the interdependence within-subjects for the response measurements. If this correlation ignored then inferences such as statistical tests and confidence intervals can be invalid largely.

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Publication Date
Wed Jan 01 2020
Journal Name
Desalination And Water Treatment
Stabilization of phenol trapped by agricultural waste: a study of the influence of ambient temperature on the adsorbed phenol
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Stabilization of phenol trapped by agricultural waste: a study of the influence of ambient temperature on the adsorbed phenol

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Publication Date
Thu Sep 30 2021
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
The Role of Throughput Accounting in Maximizing Profits: Application Search in the General Company for Textile Industry / Cotton Factory
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        Throughput accounting is concerned with a throughput measurement process to determine the efficiency of the company, to know the problems and obstacles it suffers from, to determine their causes and ways to address them.The research problem is represented by the following question: does the application of a throughput accounting lead to maximizing the company's profits? The aim of the research is to demonstrate the importance of throughput accounting, which is one of the tools of management accounting in providing an efficient information system that provides the company’s management with the information it needs to improve its production processes, increase a throughput, and thus maxi

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Publication Date
Mon Apr 04 2022
Journal Name
Journal Of Educational And Psychological Researches
Towards a proposed conception of the role of the professional practice specialist for social work In the field of social care for corona patients (A field study at the Iraqi Ministry of Social Affairs)
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This study aimed to identidy the role of a professional social worker practice specialist in the field of social care for Corona patients, in light of some demographic variables such as (gender, marital status, economic status,), through a field study at the Iraqi Ministry of Social Affairs. A random sample of (50) social workers in the Iraqi Ministry of Social Affairs in various places affiliated with the ministry was chosen. a questionnaire developed by the researcher about the role of the social worker in the field of social care for Corona patients was administered to the study sample to collect the needed data. The results showed that there is a positive statistically significant correlation relationship at the level (0.01) between

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Publication Date
Tue Dec 01 2015
Journal Name
Journal Of Engineering
Improved Automatic Registration Adjustment of Multi-source Remote Sensing Datasets
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Registration techniques are still considered challenging tasks to remote sensing users, especially after enormous increase in the volume of remotely sensed data being acquired by an ever-growing number of earth observation sensors. This surge in use mandates the development of accurate and robust registration procedures that can handle these data with varying geometric and radiometric properties. This paper aims to develop the traditional registration scenarios to reduce discrepancies between registered datasets in two dimensions (2D) space for remote sensing images. This is achieved by designing a computer program written in Visual Basic language following two main stages: The first stage is a traditional registration p

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Publication Date
Tue Dec 01 2015
Journal Name
Journal Of Engineering
Improved Automatic Registration Adjustment of Multi-source Remote Sensing Datasets
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Registration techniques are still considered challenging tasks to remote sensing users, especially after enormous increase in the volume of remotely sensed data being acquired by an ever-growing number of earth observation sensors. This surge in use mandates the development of accurate and robust registration procedures that can handle these data with varying geometric and radiometric properties. This paper aims to develop the traditional registration scenarios to reduce discrepancies between registered datasets in two dimensions (2D) space for remote sensing images. This is achieved by designing a computer program written in Visual Basic language following two main stages: The first stage is a traditional registration process by de

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