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A computational study on the potential application of Ca12O12 cluster for sensing of fungicide molecule

Density functional theory calculations are employed to investigate the impact of edifenphos molecule on the reactivity and electronic sensitivity of pure calcium oxide (CaO) nanocluster. The strong adsorption of edifenphos molecule on CaO nanocluster occurs by the sulfur head of the adsorbate, and the amount of the energy of this adsorption is around − 84.40 kcal/mol. The adsorption of edifenphos molecules results in a decrease in the values of Eg of CaO from 4.67 to 3.56 eV, as well as an increase in the electrical conductance. Moreover, the work function of CaO nanocluster is significantly affected, which changes the current of the field emission electron. Eventually, the recovery time is calculated around 99 ms at ambient temperature for the desorption process of edifenphos from CaO nanocluster surface. Based on the obtained results, CaO nanocluster could be considered a suitable sensor for edifenphos molecule.

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Publication Date
Mon Jul 01 2024
Journal Name
Journal Of The Faculty Of Medicine Baghdad
Serum CXCL 9 as a Potential Biomarker for Patients with Ulcerative Colitis

Background: Ulcerative colitis (UC) is an inflammatory bowel disease restricted to the large intestine, characterized by superficial ulceration. It is a progressive and chronic disease requiring long-term treatment. Although its etiology remains unknown, it is suggested that environmental factors influence genetically susceptible individuals, leading to the onset of the disease. (C-X-C) ligand 9 is a chemokine that belongs to the CXC chemokine family, it plays a role in the differentiation of immune cells such as cytotoxic lymphocytes, natural killer T cells, and macrophages. Its interaction with its corresponding receptor CXCR3 which is expressed by a variety of cells such as effector T cells, CD8+ cytotoxic T cells, and macrophage

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Publication Date
Tue Dec 01 2009
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Physics
Oscillator Strength and Quantum Efficiency of Fluoranthene Molecule

The fluorescence and absorption spectra of Fluoranthene dissolved in
cyclohexane and ethanol were studied and analyzed. The effect of the
concentration of this molecule and the polarity of the solvents on the spectral
shifts and on relative intensity has been investigated. A computational program
was written in order to convert the spectra from grapher to data. Some
photophysical parameters such as oscillator strength and quantum efficiency have
been calculated. Fluorescence quantum efficiency of Fluoranthene was measured
relative to Quinine Sulfate (QS) in 1N H2SO4. The obtained values were (0.5) in
cyclohexane and (0.45) in ethanol

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Publication Date
Mon Feb 18 2019
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Physics
Relative intensity distribution in the rotational structure for B1Σ+- A1Π and B1Σ+- X1Σ+ electronic systems of BeO molecule

Theoretical spectroscopic study of  Beryllium Oxide has been carried out, Boltzmann distribution of P, Q and R branches in the range of (0<J<13) at temperature 4200K for (0-0) band for electronic transitions B1Σ+-A1Π and B1Σ-X1Σ. The Boltzmann distribution of these branches has a maximum values at equal J approximately while the values of relative population are different. For the B1Σ+- X1Σ+ transition the branch's lines extend towards lower wavenumber. This is because (Bv'-Bv") value is negative, i.e  Bv'< Bv" For B1Σ+-A1Π

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Publication Date
Sun Jun 20 2021
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
A Comprehensive Review on Medical Image Steganography Based on LSB Technique and Potential Challenges

The rapid development of telemedicine services and the requirements for exchanging medical information between physicians, consultants, and health institutions have made the protection of patients’ information an important priority for any future e-health system. The protection of medical information, including the cover (i.e. medical image), has a specificity that slightly differs from the requirements for protecting other information. It is necessary to preserve the cover greatly due to its importance on the reception side as medical staff use this information to provide a diagnosis to save a patient's life. If the cover is tampered with, this leads to failure in achieving the goal of telemedicine. Therefore, this work provides an in

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Publication Date
Sat Sep 30 2023
Journal Name
Journal Of Accounting And Financial Studies ( Jafs )
Cyber security technology and the reflection of its application on the quality of financial reports: An exploratory study of a sample of internal and external auditors


                 This research aims to define the roles of auditors by clarifying the concept and risks of cyber security in protecting information and financial data in economic units. Najaf, Babylon and Karbala, then the results were analyzed and the results were presented and analyzed to show that adopting cyber security improves the quality of reports Finance through what it achieves in displaying information with credibility and transparency, in a way that suits the needs of users, and cyber security has a role in managing economic resources more effectively to obtain benefits that would have been lost in the event of an

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Publication Date
Fri Jan 01 2016
Journal Name
Journal Of Engineering
Enhanced Chain-Cluster Based Mixed Routing Algorithm for Wireless Sensor Networks

Energy efficiency is a significant aspect in designing robust routing protocols for wireless sensor networks (WSNs). A reliable routing protocol has to be energy efficient and adaptive to the network size. To achieve high energy conservation and data aggregation, there are two major techniques, clusters and chains. In clustering technique, sensor networks are often divided into non-overlapping subsets called clusters. In chain technique, sensor nodes will be connected with the closest two neighbors, starting with the farthest node from the base station till the closest node to the base station. Each technique has its own advantages and disadvantages which motivate some researchers to come up with a hybrid routing algorit

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Publication Date
Sat Jan 01 2022
Journal Name
Proceeding Of The 1st International Conference On Advanced Research In Pure And Applied Science (icarpas2021): Third Annual Conference Of Al-muthanna University/college Of Science
Theoretical study and calculation of electronic current flow at platinum metal contact with TFP molecule systems

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Publication Date
Sun Nov 01 2020
Journal Name
Journal Of Physics: Conference Series
The Preparing and Characterization of Nanocomposite (PTh/SWCNT) for NO2 Gas Sensing

We prepared polythiophene (PTH) with single wall carbon nanotube (SWCNT) nanocomposite thin films for Nitrogen dioxide (NO2) gas sensing applications. Thin films were synthesized via electrochemical polymerization method onto (Indium tin oxide) ITO coated glass substrate of thiophene monomer with magnesium perchlorate and different concentration from SWCNT (0.012 and 0.016) % in the presence130mL of Acetonitrile used. X-ray diffraction (XRD), Field Emission Scanning Electron microscopy (FE-SEM), Atomic Force Microscope (AFM) and Fourier Transform Infrared Spectroscopy (FT-IR) were used to characterized these nanocomposite thin films. The response of these nanocomposite for NO2 gas was evaluated via monitoring the change

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Publication Date
Tue Dec 28 2021
Journal Name
The Iraqi Journal Of Veterinary Medicine
Evaluating Expression of the STAG1 Gene as a Potential Breast Cancer Biomarker

STAG proteins, which are part of the cohesin complex and encoded by the STAG genes, are known as Irr1/Scc3 in yeast and as SA/STAG/stromalin in mammals. There are more variants as there are alternate splice sites, maybe three open reading frames (ORFs) code for three main proteins, including: SA1 (STAG1), SA2 (STAG2) and SA3 (STAG3). The cohesin protein complex has various essential roles in eukaryotic cell biology. This study compared the expression of the STAG1 gene in four different breast cancer cell lines, including: MCF-7, T-47D, MDA-MB-468, and MDA-MB-231 and normal breast tissue. RNA was extracted from these cell lines and mRNA was converted to cDNA, and then expression of the STAG1 gene was quantified by three sets of specific prim

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Publication Date
Tue Nov 05 2013
Journal Name
Wit Transaction On Ecology And The Environments, Wit, Press No. 11
Remote sensing of water quality index for irrigation usability of the Euphrates River

irrigation use at many stations along the Euphrates River inside the Iraqi lands and to try to correlate the results with the satellite image analyses for the purpose of making a colored model for the Euphrates that can be used to predict the quality classifications of the river for irrigation use at any point along the river. The Bhargava method was used to calculate the water quality index for irrigation use at sixteen stations along the river from its entrance to the Iraqi land at Al-Qaim in Anbar governorate to its union with the Tigris River at Qurna in Basrah governorate. Coordinates of the sixteen stations of the Euphrates River were projected at the mosaic of Iraq satellite image which was taken from LANDSAT satellite for bands 1, 2

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