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Influence of foliar sprays with Copper and Zinc on the resistance of citrus rootstocks to gumosis caused by Phytophthora citropthora. ‏

Publication Date
Mon Mar 01 2021
Journal Name
Journal Of Physics: Conference Series
High pollutant levels of produced water around Al-Ahdab oil field in Wasit governorate (Iraq)
Abstract<p>Exploration activities of the oil and gas industry generate loads of formation water called produced water (PW) up to thousands of tons each day. Depending on the geographic area, formation depth, oil production techniques, and age of oil supply wells, PW from different oil fields contain different chemical compositions. Currently, PW is also known as industrial waste water containing heavy metals that are toxic to humans and the environment, requiring special processing so that they can be disposed of in the environment. To determine the heavy metals content in PW from the Al-Ahdab oil field (AOF), the Ministry of Science and Technology/Agricultural Research Department determined som</p> ... Show More
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Publication Date
Wed Apr 01 2020
Journal Name
Malaysian Journal Of Biochemistry And Molecular Biology
Mutations in ergosterol 11 gene of fluconazol resistant candida albicans isolated from different clinical samples

Fluconazole was used to test the susceptibility of Candida albicans isolated from different clinical samples, and to detect mutations in ERG11 gene, and their relationship to fluconazole resistance. Forty-eight isolates of Candida albicans were tested for susceptibility using the disc diffusion method (M-44). ERG11 genes of six isolates were amplified (four resistant, two susceptible) and sequenced. The sequenced genes were analyzed to detect the mutations. Out of 48 isolates of Candida albicans, 4 (8%) were resistant to fluconazole. Sixteen-point mutations were detected included 13 silent mutations, and three missense mutations. The mutations of A945C (E266D) and G1609A (V488I) were found only in susceptible Candida albicans isolates, whil

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Publication Date
Fri Jul 01 2022
Journal Name
Journal Of Oral And Maxillofacial Surgery, Medicine, And Pathology
Rhinocerebral mucormycosis: An Iraqi experience of 16 consecutive cases followed up for up ten years

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Publication Date
Thu May 23 2019
Journal Name
The International Journal Of Artificial Organs
Real-time classification of shoulder girdle motions for multifunctional prosthetic hand control: A preliminary study

In every country in the world, there are a number of amputees who have been exposed to some accidents that led to the loss of their upper limbs. The aim of this study is to suggest a system for real-time classification of five classes of shoulder girdle motions for high-level upper limb amputees using a pattern recognition system. In the suggested system, the wavelet transform was utilized for feature extraction, and the extreme learning machine was used as a classifier. The system was tested on four intact-limbed subjects and one amputee, with eight channels involving five electromyography channels and three-axis accelerometer sensor. The study shows that the suggested pattern recognition system has the ability to classify the sho

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Publication Date
Mon Apr 24 2023
Journal Name
Materials Research Innovations
Surface modification of poly(methyl methacrylate)-sulphadiazine complexes as self photostabilizer against Ultraviolet (UV) Irradiation

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Publication Date
Tue Jan 31 2023
Journal Name
Iraqi Geological Journal
Geological Model for Jeribe/Euphrates Formation, Tertiary Reservoir in Qaiyarah Oil Field, North of Iraq

Visualization of subsurface geology is mainly considered as the framework of the required structure to provide distribution of petrophysical properties. The geological model helps to understand the behavior of the fluid flow in the porous media that is affected by heterogeneity of the reservoir and helps in calculating the initial oil in place as well as selecting accurate new well location. In this study, a geological model is built for Qaiyarah field, tertiary reservoir, relying on well data from 48 wells, including the location of wells, formation tops and contour map. The structural model is constructed for the tertiary reservoir, which is an asymmetrical anticline consisting of two domes separated by a saddle. It is found that

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Publication Date
Wed Dec 25 2019
Journal Name
Journal Of Engineering
Corrosion Rate Optimization of Mild-Steel under Different Cooling Tower Working Parameters Using Taguchi Design

This study investigates the implementation of Taguchi design in the estimation of minimum corrosion rate of mild-steel in cooling tower that uses saline solution of different concentration. The experiments were set on the basis of Taguchi’s L16 orthogonal array. The runs were carried out under different condition such as inlet concentration of saline solution, temperature, and flowrate. The Signal-to- Noise ratio and ANOVA analysis were used to define the impact of cooling tower working conditions on the corrosion rate. A regression had been modelled and optimized to identify the optimum level for the working parameters that had been founded to be 13%NaCl, 35ᴼC, and 1 l/min. Also a confirmation run to establish the p

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Crossref (3)
Publication Date
Tue Apr 02 2024
Journal Name
Journal Of Engineering
Revolutionizing Depth Sensing: A Review Study of Apple LiDAR Sensor for as-built Scanning Applications

Incorporating the LiDAR sensor in the most recent Apple devices represents a substantial development in 3D mapping technology. Meanwhile, Apple's Lidar is still a new sensor. Therefore, this article reviews the potential uses of the Apple Lidar sensor in various fields, including engineering and construction, focusing on indoor and outdoor as-built 3D mapping and cultural heritage conservation. The affordable cost and shorter observation times compared to traditional surveying and other remote sensing techniques make the Apple Lidar an attractive choice among scholars and professionals. This article highlights the need for continued research on the Apple LiDAR sensor technology while discussing its specifications and limitations. A

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Publication Date
Wed Dec 01 2010
Journal Name
Al-khwarizmi Engineering Journal
Improvement of Surface Roughness Quality for Stainless Steel 420 Plate Using Magnetic Abrasive Finishing Method

     An experimental study was carried out to improve the surface roughness quality of the stainless steel 420 using magnetic abrasive finishing method (MAF). Four independent operation parameters were studied (working gap, coil current, feed rate, and table stroke), and their effects on the MAF process were introduced. A rotating coil electromagnet was designed and implemented to use with plane surfaces. The magnetic abrasive powder used was formed from 33%Fe and 67% Quartz of (250µm mesh size). The lubricant type SAE 20W was used as a binder for the powder contents. Taguchi method was used for designing the experiments and the optimal values of the selected parameters were found. An empirical equation representing the r

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Publication Date
Sat Feb 09 2019
Journal Name
Journal Of The College Of Education For Women
Optical Design of Laser Zoom Beam Expander at near & far Ranges for Tracked Atmospheric Target

In this research, beam expander, BEX, is explained and designed for illuminating the
remote flying target. The BEX is optically designed to be suited for Nd:YAG laser of given
specifications. The BEX is modified to be zoom one to meet the conditions of preventing the
receiving unit; i.e the photodetector, from getting saturated at near and far laser tracking.
Decollimation could be achieved by automatic motor, which controls zoom lens of the BEX
according to the required expansion ratio of beam expander

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