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Chemo-sensory loss and FUT2 gene in COVID-19 infected Iraqi dentists
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Aim: To find any association between specific ABO blood groups and FUT2 secretory status and COVID-19 in a sample of Iraqi dentists. Materials and Methods: For each participant, a questionnaire including demography, COVID-19 status, blood grouping, and RH factor, with chemo-sensitive symptoms was recorded. The saliva samples were collected and DNA was extracted from leukocytes. Sequencing of molecular detection of the FUT2 gene by real-time PCR and the data was done, whilst drawing the phylogenetic tree. Results: Out of 133, most of the dentists were female 61%, most were just under 35 years of age. The most participants in this study were predominantly with blood group O (40%), followed by B, A, and AB, with (90%) of them were RH+. All blood grouping and RH factor were high significantly associated with COVID-19 infection and its frequency (p<0.001). A significant association between smell dysfunction and infected blood group A and RH+ (p =0.044, 0.038) while taste dysfunction was negatively and significantly correlated with AB group (r=-0.73; p=0.008). The FUT2 secretor showed a significant association with COVID-19 infection and frequency. The majority of COVID-19-infected participants experienced a significant loss of both smell and taste with fast recovery within 2 weeks. Conclusions: The COVID-19 infection susceptibility and reinfection are associated with FUT2 secretory status and greatly associated to olfactory and gustatory sense loss.

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Publication Date
Wed Feb 01 2023
Journal Name
International Journal Of Electrical And Computer Engineering (ijece)
Classification of COVID-19 from CT chest images using Convolutional Wavelet Neural Network
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<p>Analyzing X-rays and computed tomography-scan (CT scan) images using a convolutional neural network (CNN) method is a very interesting subject, especially after coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) pandemic. In this paper, a study is made on 423 patients’ CT scan images from Al-Kadhimiya (Madenat Al Emammain Al Kadhmain) hospital in Baghdad, Iraq, to diagnose if they have COVID or not using CNN. The total data being tested has 15000 CT-scan images chosen in a specific way to give a correct diagnosis. The activation function used in this research is the wavelet function, which differs from CNN activation functions. The convolutional wavelet neural network (CWNN) model proposed in this paper is compared with regular convol

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Publication Date
Fri Feb 10 2023
Journal Name
Dentistry Journal
The Role of Social Media in Communication and Learning at the Time of COVID-19 Lockdown—An Online Survey
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This study aimed to assess orthodontic postgraduate students’ use of social media during the COVID-19 lockdown. Ninety-four postgraduate students (67 master’s students and 27 doctoral students) were enrolled in the study and asked to fill in an online questionnaire by answering questions regarding their use of social media during the COVID-19 lockdown. The frequency distributions and percentages were calculated using SPSS software. The results showed that 99% of the students used social media. The most frequently used type of social media was Facebook, 94%, followed by YouTube, 78%, and Instagram, 65%, while Twitter and Linkedin were used less, and no one used Blogger. About 63% of the students used elements of social media to l

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Publication Date
Sat Oct 01 2022
Journal Name
Journal Of Medicine And Life
The effect of COVID-19 on emergencies and pain among orthodontic patients attending a teaching hospital
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This study aimed to evaluate the effect of the COVID-19 outbreak on emergencies and pain among orthodontic patients attending a teaching hospital. The study was conducted among orthodontic patients receiving active orthodontic treatment or in a retention period at the College of Dentistry, University of Baghdad, Iraq. Their participation was voluntary, and they filled out an Arabic-translated questionnaire. The survey included general information, orthodontic problems, and a numerical rating scale for pain assessment. We used descriptive and inferential statistics (frequencies and intersecting frequencies), chi-square test and linear regression. Out of 75 orthodontic patients, only 54 (15 males and 39 females) were included in the s

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Publication Date
Fri Mar 04 2022
Journal Name
Environmental Science And Pollution Research
Geographically weighted regression model for physical, social, and economic factors affecting the COVID-19 pandemic spreading
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Abstract<p>This study aims to analyze the spatial distribution of the epidemic spread and the role of the physical, social, and economic characteristics in this spreading. A geographically weighted regression (GWR) model was built within a GIS environment using infection data monitored by the Iraqi Ministry of Health records for 10 months from March to December 2020. The factors adopted in this model are the size of urban interaction areas and human gatherings, movement level and accessibility, and the volume of public services and facilities that attract people. The results show that it would be possible to deal with each administrative unit in proportion to its circumstances in light of the factors that appe</p> ... Show More
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Publication Date
Mon Feb 13 2023
Journal Name
Journal Of Educational And Psychological Researches
The Repercussions of the Corona Pandemic (Covid 19) and its Impact on the Educational and Psychological Function of the Omani Family:
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This study aims to identify the repercussions of the Corona pandemic (Covid 19) and its impact on the educational and psychological functions of the Omani family from the point of view of a number of fathers and mothers. Drive for a group of fathers and mothers, some of whom work in the government sector and others are mothers enrolled in graduate studies programs at the university, their ages range between (30-50 years) totally (28) mothers and fathers: 22 mothers and 6 fathers. The results showed that the repercussions of the transformation of e-learning, home quarantine, social distancing, and the challenges associated with them were among the most frequent responses that posed a real challenge to the

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Publication Date
Thu Sep 15 2022
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The philosophy of physical and sensory communication in the dramatic show
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Modern critical theories revealed polemical views about the reality of the existence of communication - as a necessity for building a deliberative discourse - in the theater or not. To the theory of communication with all the conditions it imposes on thinking, interaction, and emancipation of selves in different contexts.
Therefore, the current research included four chapters, the first chapter dealt with the research problem, which was represented in (the philosophy of sensory and physical communication in theatrical performance), and the first chapter included the importance of the research, its goal and its limits, and ended with defining the terminology, and the second chapter included (theoretical framework) the first topic (ph

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Publication Date
Tue Mar 30 2021
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Science
A Stochastic Differential Equations Model for the Spread of Coronavirus COVID-19): The Case of Iraq
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In this paper, we model the spread of coronavirus (COVID -19) by introducing stochasticity into the deterministic differential equation susceptible  -infected-recovered (SIR model). The stochastic SIR dynamics are expressed using Itô's formula. We then prove that this stochastic SIR has a unique global positive solution I(t).The main aim of this article is to study the spread of coronavirus COVID-19 in Iraq from 13/8/2020 to 13/9/2020. Our results provide a new insight into this issue, showing that the introduction of stochastic noise into the  deterministic model for the spread of COVID-19 can cause the disease to die out, in scenarios where deterministic models predict disease persistence. These results were also clearly ill

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Publication Date
Thu Jul 01 2021
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Science
Implementation of Machine Learning Techniques for the Classification of Lung X-Ray Images Used to Detect COVID-19 in Humans
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COVID-19 (Coronavirus disease-2019), commonly called Coronavirus or CoV, is a dangerous disease caused by the SARS-CoV-2 virus. It is one of the most widespread zoonotic diseases around the world, which started from one of the wet markets in Wuhan city. Its symptoms are similar to those of the common flu, including cough, fever, muscle pain, shortness of breath, and fatigue. This article suggests implementing machine learning techniques (Random Forest, Logistic Regression, Naïve Bayes, Support Vector Machine) by Python to classify a series of chest X-ray images that include viral pneumonia, COVID-19, and healthy (Not infected) cases in humans. The study includes more than 1400 images that are collected from the Kaggle platform. The expe

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Publication Date
Fri Apr 30 2021
Journal Name
Al-kindy College Medical Journal
Assessment of the Awareness of COVID-19 among the Students Enrolled in Different Medical Universities of Pakistan: A Cross Sectional Survey
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Background: The study was designed for the assessment of the knowledge of medical students regarding pandemics. In the current designed study, the level of awareness was checked and the majority of students were found aware of SARS-CoV and SARS-Cov2 (Covid-19).

Objective: To assess the awareness of SARS-CoV and SARS-Cov2 (Covid-19) among medical students of Pakistan.

Subjects and Methods: A cross-sectional survey was carried out in different universities of Pakistan from May to August 2020. A self-constructed questionnaire by Pursuing the clinical and community administration of COVID-19 given by the National Health Commission of the People's Republic of China was used am

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Publication Date
Wed Aug 30 2023
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
Impact of COVID-19 Vaccine on Hearing Status of Young Ages (Medical College Students as a Sample)
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Many studies dealt with the consequences of  SARS CoV-2  (which cause COVID-19 infection) on the nervous system especially sensory nerves where the virus causes loss of taste and smell as it’s known, and may affect auditory nerves and be the expected cause of some hearing problems. A case-control analytic study was performed on a connivance sample of society of university students from a medical faculty. Each participant filled out a questionnaire contains demographic data and general, auditory and respiratory health condition, in addition to vaccination status. In the other side, the audio- examinations were performed on the study sample including Pure Tone Audiometry (PTA) and tympanometry. Two statistical methods; chi-square and t

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