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Neurophysiological Characterization of a Non-Human Primate Model of Traumatic Spinal Cord Injury Utilizing Fine-Wire EMG Electrodes
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This study aims to characterize traumatic spinal cord injury (TSCI) neurophysiologically using an intramuscular fine-wire electromyography (EMG) electrode pair. EMG data were collected from an agonist-antagonist pair of tail muscles of Macaca fasicularis, pre- and post-lesion, and for a treatment and control group. The EMG signals were decomposed into multi-resolution subsets using wavelet transforms (WT), then the relative power (RP) was calculated for each individual reconstructed EMG sub-band. Linear mixed models were developed to test three hypotheses: (i) asymmetrical volitional activity of left and right side tail muscles (ii) the effect of the experimental TSCI on the frequency content of the EMG signal, (iii) and the effect of an experimental treatment. The results from the electrode pair data suggested that there is asymmetry in the EMG response of the left and right side muscles (p-value < 0.001). This is consistent with the construct of limb dominance. The results also suggest that the lesion resulted in clear changes in the EMG frequency distribution in the post-lesion period with a significant increment in the low-frequency sub-bands (D4, D6, and A6) of the left and right side, also a significant reduction in the high-frequency sub-bands (D1 and D2) of the right side (p-value < 0.001). The preliminary results suggest that using the RP of the EMG data, the fine-wire intramuscular EMG electrode pair are a suitable method of monitoring and measuring treatment effects of experimental treatments for spinal cord injury (SCI).

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Publication Date
Wed Jul 01 2020
Journal Name
Proceedings Of The Institution Of Mechanical Engineers, Part H: Journal Of Engineering In Medicine
Comparison study of classification methods of intramuscular electromyography data for non-human primate model of traumatic spinal cord injury
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Traumatic spinal cord injury is a serious neurological disorder. Patients experience a plethora of symptoms that can be attributed to the nerve fiber tracts that are compromised. This includes limb weakness, sensory impairment, and truncal instability, as well as a variety of autonomic abnormalities. This article will discuss how machine learning classification can be used to characterize the initial impairment and subsequent recovery of electromyography signals in an non-human primate model of traumatic spinal cord injury. The ultimate objective is to identify potential treatments for traumatic spinal cord injury. This work focuses specifically on finding a suitable classifier that differentiates between two distinct experimental

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Publication Date
Thu Feb 01 2018
Journal Name
Comparative Medicine
Model of traumatic spinal cord injury for evaluating pharmacologic treatments in cynomolgus macaques (Macaca fasicularis)
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Here we present the results of experiments involving cynomolgus macaques, in which a model of traumatic spinal cord injury (TSCI) was created by using a balloon catheter inserted into the epidural space. Prior to the creation of the lesion, we inserted an EMG recording device to facilitate measurement of tail movement and muscle activity before and after TSCI. This model is unique in that the impairment is limited to the tail: the subjects do not experience limb weakness, bladder impairment, or bowel dysfunction. In addition, 4 of the 6 subjects received a combination treatment comprising thyrotropin releasing hormone, selenium, and vitamin E after induction of experimental TSCI. The subjects tolerated the implantation of the recording devi

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Publication Date
Thu Nov 03 2022
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A Novel Application of Deep Learning (Convolutional Neural Network) for Traumatic Spinal Cord Injury Classification Using Automatically Learned Features of EMG Signal
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In this study, a traumatic spinal cord injury (TSCI) classification system is proposed using a convolutional neural network (CNN) technique with automatically learned features from electromyography (EMG) signals for a non-human primate (NHP) model. A comparison between the proposed classification system and a classical classification method (k-nearest neighbors, kNN) is also presented. Developing such an NHP model with a suitable assessment tool (i.e., classifier) is a crucial step in detecting the effect of TSCI using EMG, which is expected to be essential in the evaluation of the efficacy of new TSCI treatments. Intramuscular EMG data were collected from an agonist/antagonist tail muscle pair for the pre- and post-spinal cord lesi

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Publication Date
Fri Nov 11 2022
Journal Name
Surgical Neurology International
Brown-Sequard syndrome associated with a spinal cord injury caused by a retained screwdriver: A case report and literature review
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Nonmissile penetrating spine injury (NMPSI) represents a small percent of spinal cord injuries (SCIs), estimated at 0.8% in Western countries. Regarding the causes, an NMPSI injury caused by a screwdriver is rare. This study reports a case of a retained double-headed screwdriver in a 37-year-old man who sustained a stab injury to the back of the neck, leaving the patient with a C4 Brown-Sequard syndrome (BSS). We discuss the intricacies of the surgical management of such cases with a literature review.


PubMed database was searched by the following combined formula of medical subjects headings,

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Publication Date
Sun Dec 30 2012
Journal Name
Al-kindy College Medical Journal
Evaluation of Management of Closed Spinal Injury
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Objectives: to evaluate the role of conservative, decompression, spine fixation in management of closed spinal injury.
Methods: The study was conducted at Specialized Surgical hospital and Al-Kadhemayia Teaching Hospital, in the period between July 2003 and July 2005.The study included 61 patients categorized Into many groups according level of vertebral injury (cervical, cervicodorsal, dorsal, dorsolumbar, Lumbar and lumbosacral), type of injury (compressed fracture, burst fracture and fracture dislocation) And according the severity into three groups as G1( complete motor paralysis and sensory loss ) G2 ( complete motor paralysis and incomplete sensory loss) and G3 ( incomplete motor paralysis And incomplete sensory loss ).The metho

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Publication Date
Thu Jul 01 2021
Journal Name
Indian Journal Of Forensic Medicine & Toxicology
Embryonic Development of Spinal Cord in White Choeked Bulbul (Pycnonotus leucotis)
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The study concerned the embryonic development of spinal cord of white choeked bulbul Pycnonotus leucotis. The spinal cord at the age 40 hour’s incubation from the neural tube and its tissue wall is composed of two layers, the ependymal layer and mantle layer. The spinal cord differentiation is completed at the age 7 day’s incubation, its, were we notice that the central canal is clear and cavity lined with neurons and we note the arrangement of gray matter in the form of the letter H and its inside and it is characterized by dorsal and ventral horns and the gray matter substance and note the formation of dorsal medium spetum and ventral medium fissure.

Publication Date
Sat Aug 25 2018
Journal Name
Pak. J. Biotechnol
Histological structure of Spinal Cord in Quail Coturnix coturnix (Linnaeus,1758)
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The study is done in the period between (February 20 and October 20) by using ten adult quail Coturnix coturnix (Linnaeus, 1758). The sections are preparing by paraffin method then stain in Harris haematoxylin-eosin. The histological aspects of spinal cord in quail (Coturnix coturnix) the white matter is in the outer part, while the gray matter is arranged in from of X represents its internal part, the dorsal region is called the dorsal horns while the ventral region is called the ventral horns and the central canal cavity, the spinal cord areas appeared as follows: The medial column, column of von Lenhossek, lateral column, dorsal magnocellular column and marginal paragriseal, columns are also called Hoffmann’s nuclei.

Publication Date
Fri Aug 26 2022
Journal Name
Surgical Neurology International
Excellent recovery after nonmissile penetrating traumatic brain injury in a child: A case report
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Nonmissile penetrating traumatic brain injuries (pTBIs) are low-velocity injuries which can be caused by a variety of inflicting tools and represent a rare entity in children. Poor outcome has been attributed with an initial admission Glasgow Coma Scale (GCS) of <5, asymmetrical pupil size, and specific initial computed tomography scan findings including brainstem injury.

Case Description:

We report a case of an 11-year-old boy who presented to our ER with a GCS of 6 after being assaulted on his head by a 30 cm length metallic tent hook penetrating his forehead reaching down to the central skull bas

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Publication Date
Fri Jan 11 2019
Journal Name
Brain Sciences
Sleep Disorders Following Mild and Moderate Traumatic Brain Injury
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(1) Background: Sleeping disorders are frequently reported following traumatic brain injury (TBI). Different forms of sleeping disorders have been reported, such as sleepiness, insomnia, changes in sleeping latency, and others. (2) Methods: A case-control study with 62 patients who were victims of mild or moderate TBI with previous admissions to Iraqi tertiary neurosurgical centers were enrolled as the first group, and 158 patients with no history of trauma were considered as the control. All were 18 years of age or older, and the severity of the trauma and sleep disorders was assessed. The Pittsburgh sleep quality index was used to assess sleep disorders with average need for sleep per day and average sleep latency were assessed in

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Publication Date
Wed Jan 01 2020
Journal Name
Biochemical & Cellular Archives
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The frog has a highly developed nervous system. It consists of a brain, a spinal cord and nerves. The brain is the only center for the control of all vital activities as it receives impulses from different parts of the body through sensory nerves and issues orders through motor fibers to different parts of the body for appropriate action. The Aims of studyis general morphological structural of the brain and spinal cord in the Iraqi frog Rana ridibunda ridibunda. The brains of twenty of frogs belonging to class Amphibia were studied using conventional techniques of dissecting microscopy. All samples were sacrificed and anesthetized and then they were removed completely from the neurocranium, cranial, sensory nerves and the meninges and trans

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